Part 8

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{Toni's POV}

Once Cheryl was asleep, I laid next to her under the light purple sheets of my bed. My eyes searched her face, stopping when they reached her gorgeous, soft lips. She is beautiful. Eventually, I fell asleep.

3:15am the clock read. Being a very light sleeper, I woke up when the girl next to me began to stir. I turned over to face her.

Sat up with her knees tucked into her chest, she was sobbing into her hands.

'It's okay, I'm here,' I told her, sitting up and wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

'I've let him down,' she blurted, 'he doesn't want me to be with you,' sobbing harder, I tried to catch onto what she was talking about.

'Who, Cheryl? Who doesn't want you to be with me?' I asked gently, wondering how far to push her.

'JJ, he visited me when I was at the Sister's, he told me that I had done a bad thing for wanting to be with you,' she revealed between sobs. My heart broke in two.

'Maybe it was the drugs that they were giving to you, making you think that you were seeing your brother in order to make you believe that being with a girl is wrong,' I suggested as I rubbed small circles on the redhead's shoulder, desperately trying to comfort her.

'No, it was Jason,' she insisted, gasping for air between each sob, 'I keep having dreams about him, he's disappointed in me.'

'Cheryl, Jason is dead, if you're happy being with me you shouldn't let anyone else's views get in the way, you're perfect to me,' I told her, meaning it.

'TT?' She asked.

'What is it baby?' I replied.

'I want to be with you,' she confessed, reaching for my hand. Her tears began to subside.

'I want to be with you too,' I admitted, looking into her big, brown eyes.

'Toni Topaz, will you be my girlfriend?' She asked, my heart jumping into my mouth.

'I would love to,' I answered, pulling her into a tighter hug.


{Cheryl's POV}

I woke up and realised that Toni wasn't next to me. As I was about to panic, I heard a loud crash from the kitchen.

Looking at the alarm clock, I was surprised when I saw that it was 10:30am, I don't usually sleep in that late.

'Oh hey, did I wake you?' My girlfriend asked me as I left the bedroom.

'No, I woke up just before you caused your mini earthquake,' I joked, shooting her a smile.

'Sit down and shut up, I'm making you pancakes,' she told me, I went and took a seat on the black leather couch.

'Did I dream what happened between us last night?' I asked her, turning around to face her.

'If you did, I had the same dream,' Toni grinned, making the butterflies do laps in my stomach.

'Here, pancakes with strawberries and cream for my girl,' she told me, handing the plate to me.

'Thanks, you're the best,' I reminded her, taking a bite from my breakfast. 'Why don't you have any cream?' I asked, noticing the other girl's plain pancakes.

'I prefer to have lighter food for breakfast,' she responded, 'how are you feeling today?'

'So much better than yesterday, I can feel the drugs wearing off, it's like my head is clearing,' I explained.

After eating and cleaning up from breakfast, I decided that I should change out of my Sister's uniform.

'Could I borrow some clothes please?' I asked, 'It would just be until I-,'

'Stop, you can borrow them for however long you want, whatever is mine is your's,' she assured, wandering over to me from the front room, wrapping me in a warm hug.

'Thank you TT,' I mumbled into her brown and pink hair.

Taking my hand into hers, she led me to the closet. She offered me a few different outfits, I chose the one with the most red in.

The top was a black oversized sweater with red stripes down each arm and the pants were plain black leggings.

'I'll leave you here to change,' she told me before planting a quick kiss on my lips.

I took the red cardigan from my arms and my eyes landed on the huge dark bruises around my wrists from where I'd been picked up and pulled from place to place. I had similar ones on my thighs from restraints, but these had begun to fade as I gave up fighting after the first week, so they were healing.

'I'm done,' I said, leaving the bedroom and going to sit next to Toni on the sofa.

'Do you want to go for a walk in a little while?' She asked me as I sat down next to her.

After nodding my head in reply, I curled up to her, my head on her legs.


{Toni's POV}

We watched The Jungle Book together for a while, I was stroking her hair and she was holding my other hand under her face.

When it came to an end, the redhead sat up and reached her arms above her head, stretching.

'Let's go for a walk then, TT,' Cheryl announced happily.

We left my trailer hand in hand and headed deeper into the South Side.

'So how are you feeling?' I asked her. We were walking down a run down street.

'I'm feeling hungry, do you want to pick up some food from that shop?' She suggested, pointing towards the old Market Star convenience store across the road.

I nodded, so we walked across the street and into the store.

I hadn't been there for a while, I grew up coming quite often but once my mother died, I didn't bother shopping properly, I just grab random bites to eat as and when I can.

'I think I'll just get this,' Cheryl said, picking up a cheese and onion sandwich. 'What are you going to have?' She asked, glancing across at me.

'Oh, I'm not that hungry,' I told her truthfully, 'I don't usually have that big of a breakfast so I'm still full.'

'Okay, suit yourself,' she remarked.


{Cheryl's POV}

When we finished up at the shop, we headed towards the little park across the road and sat on a bench so that I could eat my lunch.

'You're beautiful baby,' Toni told me as I took a bite of my sandwich. She reached for my spare hand. 'And I'm so proud of you.'

'Where's this coming from?' I asked, gazing into her eyes.

'Nowhere, you're just the best, that's all,' she said happily.


Author's Notes:

I know this is so short, I got out of the habit of writing everyday for about a week and now I'm struggling to get back into the story :/.

I'll try to update in a few days but no promises.

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