Part 3

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A week later...

{Cheryl's POV}

An obnoxious buzz filled my ears, awakening me from my sleep. Opening my eyes, I saw that it was Toni calling me. Her and I have become super close over this past week.

'Hey TT, why are you calling at this ti-,' I was cut off halfway through by a very frantic voice, it definitely wasn't my TT.

'Cheryl, it's Sweet Pea, Toni has been in an accident and is being taken to hospital by ambulance, how soon can you get here?'

My hearing became fuzzy and purple dots appeared in front of me. For a split second, it felt as though the world was collapsing around me.

'On my way,' I told him, my voice barely reaching a whisper.

Stumbling out of bed, I threw a red jumper on over my pyjama top and decided that my shorts would be warm enough. Racing down to put my shoes on, my mind began jumping to hundreds of possibilities, each one worse than the last.

'Toni?' I called, once at the hospital, not even bothering to speak to the receptionist. I guessed that it was around 5am, as the sun was just starting to rise.

'In here Cheryl,' I heard Sweet Pea say, so I ran into the first room on the left hand side of the corridor, where his voice was coming from.

My blood went cold when I saw Toni's body laying deadly still in a hospital bed, attached to an IV.

'What happened,' I screamed, tears running down my face.

'She was working at the Wyrm when a Gholie came in and stabbed her leg, she punched him but he managed to get away,' Sweet Pea explained.

'Is she going to be okay?' I asked, so scared of the answer.

'Yeah, she got her wound stitched up and is having a blood transfusion because she lost a lot of blood, the doctor also thinks she'll need an X-ray on her right hand as it's swollen,' he told me as I let out the breath that I hadn't realised I was holding.

I reached for the hand that wasn't swollen, wrapping my fingers around it gently, giving it a slight squeeze.

Stirring, Toni opened her eyes, a confused look on her face. 'W-where am I?' She stuttered. My heart sank to my stomach as I saw how drowsy she was, I hated seeing her hurt.

'You got in a fight with a Gholie,' I explained, as a flicker of recognition passed over her face, her memories coming back.

'Hello Miss Topaz, my name is Dr Broomfield, I'm here to check you over,' a tall man said, I guessed that he was in his mid forties.

Watching him like a hawk, I saw him look into Toni's eyes with a light and ask her simple questions, like what day it was and where she had been before she was hurt.

'You've lost a lot of blood, so you may feel dizzy and lethargic, that's completely normal, try to get some rest and you should be able to be discharged today if all goes according to plan,' he continued to say, I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

'Thank you,' Toni said to him in a weak voice.

Once he left the room, and Sweet Pea had gone to grab us all breakfast, I sat down on the small wooden chair next to her bed, we were alone.

She was the only patient in this small room, it had pale yellow walls with nothing in it but the bed and one chair on either side of the it.

'Toni, do you know why you were attacked?' I asked as patiently as possible, I wanted to know exactly what had happened but I didn't want to push her too far.

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