Part 10

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Trigger warning:
This chapter involves mentions of mental illness including anxiety, depression and eating disorders.
If you feel that this may in any way harm you or your recovery, please do not read.

{Cheryl's POV}

'Hey babe,' I said to Toni, who was already awake and on her phone next to me.

'Good morning, beautiful,' she replied, putting her phone down and smiling at me.

After our nap yesterday, we just got dinner and watched a movie with the others, before we all went to our individual rooms.

'What time is it?' I asked her, the sun was blaring through the window so I figured it was fairly late.

'9:30,' she told me.

We decided to get up and go downstairs, still in our pyjamas, to see who else was awake.

Walking into the living room, Archie, Jughead and Veronica greeted us. They were all sat on the couches on their phone. Betty was still in bed.

'I'll get breakfast started,' I offered, knowing that I was the only decent cook out of all 6 of us. 'Are pancakes okay?' I asked.

Everyone nodded except Toni.

'I'm not feeling like food, I'll pass,' she told me, sitting next to Veronica on the far couch.

I whipped up a quick pancake batter and, with Jughead's help, managed to prepare 5 plates of pancakes and fruit. Just as I was handing them out, Betty came downstairs.

'Damn girl, do you have a 6th sense to detect when food is near?' Archie asked her, making everyone giggle.

'I think you'll find that that's Jughead,' she joked, hugging her boyfriend.

We all ate our food and then went up to our rooms to get changed to go down to a nearby beach.

I wore a red two piece bathing suit and put a loose white dress on the top. I slid on my white sandals, buckling them up at the ankle.

'Wow, you look gorgeous,' Toni said, as I walked out of the en-suite.

'You do too,' I told her, taking in the look of her light pink tube top and her denim shorts.

We headed downstairs and once everyone was ready, we got in the car.


{Toni's POV}

When we arrived at the beach, Cheryl stepped out of the car and held her hand out to me.

'Why thank you,' I told her in a posh British accent as I climbed out of the car.

The beach was stunning. With water clear as the sky and the softest sand, it was like heaven.

'This is amazing,' I said to Cheryl as we walked ahead of the others on the sand.

'Just like you,' she replied, casting a smile at me.

We all sat on our towels on the sand, with a huge beach umbrella covering all of the towels. Of course, Cheryl and I were under it on one big red towel.

'Come here TT,' she grinned, pulling me closer into a kiss.

It was gentle yet passionate, our lips moving as one.

'Stop it you two,' Betty called from her towel, bursting our bubble.

We pulled away from each other, turning to look at her.

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