Part 2

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{Cheryl's POV}

'Cheryl, hey,' I heard someone behind me saying, just as I was leaving the restroom. Turning around, I saw Kevin trying to catch up to me.

'Hey Kev, everything okay?' I inquired, I do quite like Kevin.

'There's a movie being shown tonight, I was going to go with Betty but her and Jughead are going together and I don't want to be a third wheel, do you want to go with me?' He asked, pleading with his bottom lip.

'Sure, only for you Keller,' I replied, heading towards the main entrance of the school to go home.

The golden hour sun blared in my eyes, and the school was practically deserted except for those who did extracurricular activities. I saw one of my Vixens pulling out of the car park in her black Mercedes, having left practice slightly before me and my inner circle.

My eyes roamed the surroundings, settling on a certain motorbike. Due to its pink details on the side, I came to the conclusion that it must be Toni's. I hate to admit it, but I have become more fond of the pink haired Serpent recently, although we are not quite friends, we get along better than we did in the beginning.

Getting into my cherry red Chevrolet Impala, I wound the windows down and blasted High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco, enjoying the journey home.


{Toni's POV}

After arriving at the movie theatre with Fangs, we wandered over to the ticket booth and both paid for our own tickets, and he bought a small tub of popcorn.

Fangs had spotted Kevin from across the theatre and decided to go and say hi to him, he has had the biggest crush on the Sheriff's son for so long now. Out of no where, Cheryl strutted her way over, her tightly fitting black jumper being covered by her bulky red blazer, and her black pencil skirt finishing off the look perfectly. I felt very underdressed in my jean jacket.

Despite me getting to know the other girl more recently, she still took my breath away. With the boys talking, I decided that this would a great opportunity to speak to the other girl.

'Let me guess, some cherry cola for Cheryl Bombshell?' I began, referring to her twitter handle.

'Oh my god, what do you want?' She asked, placing her drink down, 'and why do you keep stalking me?' She continued, with her usual Cheryl Blossom tone.

'I'm not, I came to see this movie with Fangs and he bailed on me,' I explained, gesturing to the two boys who were happily chatting on their way to where the movie was being shown, completely forgetting about me and Cheryl.

'Are you okay?' I asked, just after she glanced down at the floor (something that she never does when she is her confident self).

'I'm alone at the movies and I'm trying to stay away from my mother who has turned our house into her sexual playpen,' she told me, catching me completely off guard. 'So no, I'm not,' she clarified, looking ashamed. I think I'd already gathered that.

'Well, I was going to go take a seat alone.. unless you want some company? But, no pressure,' I offered tentatively, knowing that she shouldn't be pushed too far.

Her plump red lips tightened, showing just a hint of a smile. Cherry cola in hand, we headed into the movie screening.


{Cheryl's POV}

After the movie, Toni and I decided to go to Pop's as we were both beginning to enjoy each other's company, and I didn't exactly want to go home.

Pulling into a space outside the diner, I hopped out of my car and waited for Toni to arrive. Although she is a Serpent, she is one of the most caring people that I've ever known, not that I've known many kind people. The way that she can tell when something is wrong is remarkable, and is something that no one other than Jay Jay has been able to do.

Hearing the roaring of a motorbike getting louder, I caught a glimpse of her from behind a tree, despite the lack of light due to the time of day.

Once she arrived, she turned off the engine and swung her right leg over the back of the bike. Her black skinny jeans allowed just enough room in order to do it, and her ass looked amazing. Looking up at me, I think she may have seen me checking her out, and if she didn't, the blush on my face must have been a huge giveaway. Either way, she didn't say a word.

Discovering that Pop's was pretty full with people who'd been at the movie, we sat down at the counter, as it was the only part of the diner that wasn't occupied.

'Can I get you anything else girls?' Pops asked, after bringing us a cherry and a chocolate milkshake without even asking. We both shook our head and I thanked him. I love how Pop just knows this town so well, he knows what we are going to order before we do.

Shaking me from my thoughts, Toni broke the silence that was building up around us.

'You've mastered the art of silent tears, but I saw you crying during that movie,' she told me, which came as a surprise, no one had ever noticed me crying before.

'I don't cry at movies, real life is tragic enough,' I replied with a sad smile, attempting to stop the conversation from going any further, scared to admit the truth. But she didn't believe it, I saw her look right through me, seeing me for who I truly am. 'But when Simon's mom said he used to be such a carefree kid growing up,' I continued, realising that she wasn't believing my bullshit anymore, 'and then at a certain point he stopped being that happy kid because he was hiding a secret,' my voice broke on those last few words that hit so close to home, as I attempted to hold back the tears, maintaining the control, but it was no use, not anymore.

'Cheryl..' the soft, gentle voice beside me trailed off, but I wasn't finished.

'Everyone thinks that I'm this loveless monster, but it isn't true,' I told her, giving up on holding the tears in any longer, practically choking on my words, 'I loved someone, who loved me, and my mother destroyed it,' I sobbed, scared to say what I knew was inevitably about to come out of my mouth.

'You mean your brother Jason? I heard how close you guys were,' Toni responded understandingly, making the lump in my throat double in size. I just shook my head no.

'Not Jay Jay,' I told her before inhaling deeply, terrified to admit my feelings out loud, knowing that once I did, there would be no taking it back 'her name was.. Heather,' I glanced sideways, trying to gauge her reaction. She just held my eye contact, but not in a threatening way, a concerned glaze settling over her brown orbs. 'She was my best friend in junior high,' I went on to explain, 'she used to sleep over every weekend, until one night my mother caught us in the same bed. She said I was..deviant,' I told her, genuinely trusting the other girl with things that I'd never even told Jay Jay.

'Cheryl, I am so sorry,' she began, looking into my eyes, really meaning that rather than just pitying me like so many others would, 'but you have to know that your mother's wrong. You're not loveless, you're not deviant, okay?' She asked in a strong voice, I was keeping my eyes away from her's, ashamed of what I'd just admitted, she grabbed my hand, I dared to look back at her, 'you're..sensational'. The way that she said it, so kindly, so sincerely, forced me to believe her.

We sat there for a while, her hand resting on mine, taking in each other's words. A feeling of pure contentment filled me, and for the first time since my brother's death, I genuinely felt whole, even if just for the short amount of time that we were together in the diner for. In that moment, I felt complete.

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