Part 7

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It's Friday, two weeks since Cheryl was taken to the Sisters and Toni has finally figured out that she's there. Toni, Veronica and Kevin are going to rescue her.

{Toni's POV}

Running towards the tunnel, Kevin came to a stop.

'According to my intel, the tunnel that leads from the main residency comes out here,' he told Veronica and I, my heart beating louder than ever before.

'Alright, that's our way in then,' Veronica stated, beginning to get flustered, 'Kevin, you stay here, if we're not back in 15 minutes, call your dad,' she instructed, fear written all over her face. It was clear that this was the first time she'd done anything like this.

Taking the metal crowbar, I forced the entrance to the tunnel open with my non- broken hand.

We were immediately met by a long ladder heading downwards, it was covered in cobwebs but I didn't care, I just wanted to get my baby home.

At the end of the ladder, we were underneath the Sisters, it was cold and abandoned, but looked as though it had been used for something a long time ago.

'Okay, once we get to the main building, what do we do then?' Veronica asked me, she clearly trusted that I knew how to do something like this.

'We search every damn room until we find her,' I instructed through gritted teeth, not showing a hint of the fear that I was feeling, what these people were doing made me so angry.

After nodding in reply, Veronica led the way through the tunnel.

Eventually, we reached a room. Empty.

'Okay, let's split up,' I announced, turning to face the Latina, 'we'll cover twice the ground.'

'Okay,' she breathed, clearly terrified, 'be careful.'

She turned left from the corridor that we were on, I carried on straight.

It felt as though I'd looked in hundreds of rooms, but each one was empty.

I began to lose hope. What if she wasn't here? What if we were wrong?

'Cheryl?' I called, hoping for any sign of the girl.

Opening another door, I burst in to see people watching a film through a projector.

'Cheryl, are you in here?' I shouted, standing in front of the screen, shielding my eyes from the light of the projector with my bandaged hand.

Scanning the room, my eyes landed on a familiar redhead. She stood up.

'Toni,' she called, my heart dropped to my stomach, she's okay, she's actually okay.

'We came to rescue you,' I told her, unaware of the other kids staring at us.

'You did?' She asked, confused. She's the cutest.

As she began to walk towards me, I opened my arms. She came right into them, wrapping her arms around me. I grabbed onto her so hard, as if she would disappear into thin air if I dared to let her go.

Burying her head into my shoulder, I felt her body convulse as she cried into me.

I pulled her back and we stood holding each other in our arms. Looking into her huge brown eyes, it was clear that she had been hurt.

I glanced at her lips. They were pink and plump. Then back up to her eyes, I noticed that she was also looking at my lips.

Guiding her face towards mine, our lips interlocked perfectly, moving as if they were made to fit together.

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