Chapter 19- Training camp again

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Ushijima, Goshiki, Semi, Tendou, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kyotani, Kindaichi, Kenma, Yaku, Lev, Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akasshi all left that night so they could go with their teams. All was left was you and your team and you let them all have this down rooms now. You woke up at 4 and you quickly took a shower and after you were done you put on a pair of black sweat pants and a white tank top. You the packed your bag with your essentials, volleyball uniform, volleyball shoes, Knee and elbow pads, hair brush, tooth brush and tooth paste, pajamas, flats, sneakers, 4 pairs of shorts, spandex and tanktop, 4 pairs of joggers, 8 pairs of shirts, phone chargers, headphones, house key, some candy. After you finished packing you grabbed a smaller bag and packed Max's stuff. His essentials, Volleyball uniform and shoes, candy, coloring books, markers, pens, crayons, 4 pairs of shorts and 4 pairs are joggers, sneakers, 8 pairs of shirts, pajamas, toothbrush and tooth paste. You woke max up at 4:20 and you gave him a bath and changed him into another pair of pajamas. After that you slipped your flats on as you put your phone in your pocket connected to your headphones. You put the headphone in Max's ears and played calming music and then you put your bag on and hold his bag in your other arm. You pick max up as he was falling asleep and you grabbed his small blanket and wrapped him in it before walking downstairs. You were met with everyone looking tired or excited. (You know who it is) you all walked out the house and you locked the door and you all walked down the street towards the train station. Asahi carries Max's bag for you as you carried Max and had your bag on your back. You checked your phone and saw it was 4:40 and you all quickly got on the train and it left the platform. After a 5 minute ride and 10 minute walk you all arrived at the school with 5 minutes left. You quickly got on the bus along with everyone else as it was there waiting. You sat in the very back next to the window with Yachi next to you and everyone all put their bags in the compartment above them. After you finished you sat down with Max in your arms still asleep and you looked out the window watching as the buildings go by. After about 10 minutes everyone was asleep and Ukai was driving the bus and he smiled at the quietness.

~time skip 5 hours~

You woke up to Yachi shaking you and you looked up and saw everyone else awake and talking.

"We're almost there about 5 minutes" Yachi says and you nod

You look down and see Max still asleep making you smile and you looked out the window for the remaining 5 minutes. The bus finally stopped and everyone grabbed their bags and got off the bus. Asahi grabbed his and yours as Dadchi took Max's bag for you making you smile. You carried Max off the bus and you saw a huge building infront of you all. You saw the other busses behind your bus and they just parked and let everyone off. You stood close to Asahi as it was cold up in the mountains and you groaned feeling the cold. You hugged Asahi getting under his volleyball jacket and hugging him as Kiyoko already had Max. Asahi chuckled at you but took your hands off and gave you his extra hoodie in his bag. You thanked him and put the black hoodie over your volleyball jacket. You felt instantly warm and you all quickly walked into the gym to warm up. When you stepped into the gym you were instantly into a hug by someone. You looked up and saw black and yellow hair and saw Kenma looking down at you with a smile. (Your like 6 inches shorter then Kenma) you patted his head and smiled back and he let you go as you both walked in more. You sat on the bench and laid down facing away from everyone as they were talking on the court. All of a sudden you heard an annoying whine.

"BUT IWA-CHANNN" Oikawa whines trying to get out of Iwaizumi's grip
"Shut up!" Iwaizumi yells hitting him
"Why is he whining?" Dadchi asks
"I wanna go see Chibi-Chan but iwa-Chan won't let me" Oikawa yells and gets another hit to the head
"Lily is.....where is she?" Sugamama questions
"She's over there laying on the bench" Kiyoko says as they all look over and see you laying on the bench with a huge black hoodie on you
"Who's hoodie is that? I've never seen her wear that" Hinita says
"Oh I gave it to her she was cold so I let her borrow it" Asahi says walking over
"Yeah it is pretty cold up here" Sugamama says as they nod
"Alright everyone listen up. Today we will relax since it was a five hour drive and then tomorrow we will start practicing." Ukai says and everyone nods
"Now go find your rooms and unpack and relax" Ukai says as everyone grabs their bags and walked out the door heading down the halls to their rooms.

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