Chapter 20- Down Mountain shopping

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(So I added Tanaka since i didn't want Kiyoko by herself)

All 9 of you walked down the mountain and it took 20 minutes much to your dismay. You all then walked into the supermarket and you all split up with lists. You and Goshiki, Kaori and Bokuto, Kuroo and Yukie, Yachi and Tendou and Kiyoko was with Tanaka. You had a list with you as you were to pick up the meats as you both walked down the meat section. You grabbed multiple steaks, pork, and chicken ask Goshiki helped pushed the cart. You both then walked down the snack aisle and you both looked at eachother and smiled. You grabbed a couple milk breads and some jelly breads as Goshiki grabbed some chips and crackers. You put them all in the cart before walking out the aisle and you saw Yachi and Tendou. Yachi was freaking out as Tendou was just staring off into space making you sigh as you both walk over to them. Yachi saw you and ran towards you getting Tendou's attention as he smiled at you.

"Yachi What happened you both are supposed to get vegetables why are you both in the freezer part?" You ask as Yachi hugged you
"I got lost and he won't talk" Yachi says as you sigh
"Yachi give me the list we will come with you" you say as she hands you her list
"Alright then let's go" you say walking towards to vegetables with Goshiki pushing both yours cart while Tendou pushed their and Yachi walked next to you.

You arrived at the vegetables and you looked at the list and looked around. You grabbed the vegetables that were on the list as Yachi looked at you amazed as you found all of them. You added them to Tendou's and yachis cart then you smiled and handed Yachi the list back.

"That was amazing" Yachi says and you smile
"It's just shopping Yachi it's not that amazing" you say giggling
"Like I said a awesome house wife" Kuroo says smirking with Yukie next to him sighing
"Why is it you and Kiyoko got the good ones I was stuck with this weirdo" Yukie says as you laugh
"How about this I'll do the shopping from now on and you guys cook and I'll also clean" you suggest and they nod
"Your gonna assist us though" Kiyoko and Kaori say at the same time coming over with Tanaka fun Bokuto behind them
"Who will assist you when you bring the food back?" Yachi asks
"I'll manage or I'll ask Kai to send a car" you say as they nod
"You should atleast have someone come with there are many creepy people like them 4 men" Kiyoko says as you tense up
"4 men? What?" Yachi asks and you sigh and rub your neck
"When I was walking downtown the mountain to just walk around 4 men were coming up so I ran back and then I uh got into a fight with 2 of them and they ran" you mumble out as they stare wide eyes at you
"Is they why you had a bruise on your cheek that morning!?" Yukie shouts
"Yeah I guess" you say
"I'll go with you" Goshiki says smiling as you nod
"Alright let's go pay and go I can already hear Max crying" you say quickly walking away
"She's like a mother" They all say smiling as they follow you

You reached the line as Goshiki was loading the stuff on the conveyor belt as the guys was scanning them and staring at you. You were getting your credit card as he kept staring at you and Goshiki noticed and glares at him. He finished scanning everything and then you swiped your card as he stared at you weirdly. You saw the others getting theirs done scanned and you walked over and swiped your card on all theirs. The boys grabbed all the heavy bags as the girls grabbed the lighter bags. You all walked out and headed back up the mountain it took 30 minutes. Once you all reached the top you were all tired and your hands hurts. You made the boys just lay the bags on the counter as the managers and you put them away. You grabbed the snacks and chips and put them in a cabinet for later when you or anyone wants a snack. You smiled when you saw the doors bust open and you heard tiny door steps. You bent down and held your arms open as Max ran into yours arms and hugged you tightly. You picked him up and kissed his head as you walked out the kitchen and towards the gym. You walked in and instantly you turned around as a ball was spiked towards you and it hit your back. You winced but looked down at Max and see him smiling at you as you smile back. You turn back around to be met with Oikawa in your face. On instinct you punched him in the face making him fall backwards and Iwaizumi busted out laughing along with Matsukawa and Hanamaki. You just stared down at him and you kicked in a little as he wasn't moving. You walked over him and towards the 3 laughing boys as Iwaizumi smiled and walked towards you. Matsukawa and Hanamaki looked at him in disbelief as Iwaizumi hugged you close and smiled more.

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