A Nature Symphony

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          Miss Stacy decided to have class outdoors that day. She explains to her pupils that they would write a story about what they see later on. She tells them they will have to have a partner to split up in different parts of the woods and to not get lost of course.
         " Oh..... I've decided to let you children chose your partners", she added at the end of her speech. "Don't make me regret it", She says looking at Billy and the Paul's.
            The classroom starts to get loud as everyone looks for a partner. Anne turns to Diana. "Oh Di isn't this wonderful. We get to spend the whole day outside in nature. This is the best day ever." 
           "Anne, would you mind if I go ask Tillie to be my partner, she's all alone since Jane's home sick?", she acted hesitant. Diana had a plan.
          "Of course Diana... go I'll find someone don't worry"
           " We'll talk later when we walk home"
            Anne nodded as her friend walked over to Tillie. She watched Diana ask Tillie. As Anne turned to look around the room she saw Josie and Ruby staring daggers at her. Great this should be an interesting day. How was she going to find a partner. Gilbert. Their friends now. Anne looked to her right to see Gilbert Blythe alone at his desk. He didn't have a partner either. She smiled as she walked over to him.
            "Carrots", Gilbert said without looking up at her. He watched the whole display between her and Diana and knew she ask him to be partners eventually, so he waited for her.
           "I told you not to call me that slate face", she teased. 
         " But I liked Gil"
          " I guess", he smiled at her.
          They walked outside, waiting for Miss Stacy to give them further instructions. While they waited they talked about what they would right about later.
           "Since it's a story I need a main character. I'll probably name her Cornelia, I've always loved that name", She told The smiling boy next to her.
            "I don't know what I'd name my characters. Maybe John", he said thinking.
           "Like your father?", Anne asked. Gilbert nodded his head. He smiled sadly at her. "Sorry I didn't mean to bring him up".
           " No it's fine"
            Before Anne could think of something else to talk about, Miss Stacy came out assigning each group to different directions of the woods. She assigned Anne and Gilbert to a part of the woods they both were very familiar with.
          For a while they walked in silence or stopped to write down what they saw. After a while Gilbert broke the awkward silence between them. "I'm sorry about earlier, it's just weird not having him around and it's even weirder being in Avonlea with out him".
        "Gilbert don't apologize, I should be the one saying sorry. I didn't realize how hard it must be for you. I should have thought about... or just... just ignored what yo—
          " No I'm glad you brought it up. I actually feel better that I said that out loud". He half smiled and walk past her nudging her arm jokingly. "This is my favorite part of the woods".
            "Mine too", Anne answered happily thinking about that day they had met. "To bad there's no dragons around."
              "Yeah to bad"
            They stood there in the place they first met, staring intensely at each other. They could have stayed like that all day. Unfortunately Moody's voice a few years away broke their trance.
          They laughed the last few minutes off and began exploring again. While this happened Gilbert observed Anne when she laughed and when Gilbert would look for something to write about, Anne would watch him as he concentrated. They both were enjoying each other's company. After a while they brought up the whole Ruby situation. Gilbert was nervous about Anne's thoughts about it. He didn't want her to lose her friends because of him. He told her this and she started laughing.
           "Gil, she'll get over it. She can't just choose who you can be friends with. If it goes on I'll talk to her myself"
           Gilbert was glad to hear this. They smiled at each other. At the end of the day, Anne said her goodbyes to Gilbert and found Diana waiting for her at the door.
          "How was walk?", Diana chuckled.
          " Your not funny", she smiled back at her dear friend. "How was Ruby today?" Diana just smiled.                                            That bad?", Anne asked. "So your friends with Gilbert now", Diana said changing the subject.
               "Yes", she said smiling.
                "Good", Diana said happily. She was happy for her friend. And that her plan had worked out. Now she just had to figure out how to get Anne to admit her feelings toward Gilbert. Unfortunately, half way into their walk home, Anne and Diana found themselves standing face to face with two unpleasant girls.

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