The Growing Storm

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When the bell rang Anne was disappointed, Gilbert was about to say something and it look like it was important. Gilbert walked with Anne inside the building. As they walked back they talked about what Mary and her had planned for the afternoon. When she spotted Diana, she said a quick goodbye to Gilbert and walked over to her.
"How bad?, Anne asked. Diana didn't say anything as they both went to sit down.
"That Josie Pye is as wicked as they make them", is all that Diana said. The rest of the day was uneventful. Except for the whispering that was heard coming from behind Anne and Diana. Gilbert could tell it bothered Anne but she kept a brave face.
When the day was over, Anne walked over to Gilbert. He was happy to see her but before he could say something he was interrupted by a sob coming from across the classroom. Everyone that was still around was now looking at Ruby.
"There there Ruby, don't let the ugly orphan upset you", Josie said outloud to Ruby. Anne was hurt by those words. It reminded her of the girls at the orphanage. She was loved now but it still hurt. She was more upset that Ruby hated her. She thought they were friends. Gilbert saw that Anne was affected by Josie Pyes words. He wanted to get her out of there, so he thought fast. He grabbed her arm and they walked out of the building.
"Don't listen to her Anne-girl", Gilbert spoke once they were away from the school. He looked up at her with concern and saw that's he was shaking. Being the gentleman he is, he took her basket and books from her grasp. Maybe she wants to go home. "Anne do you want to go home, Mary will understand", he asked her. Anne shook her head. They continued to walk in silence.
"Gilbert could you not bring up what happened today to Mary and Bash?", Anne asked when they had reached his house. He promised not too and Anne gave him a smile of appreciation.
Anne was in a much better mood when she started her lesson with Mary. She forgot about what had happened earlier that day. She had such a fun time that when she saw the sun go down, she got sad. Mary noticed this and asked if she would like to say for dinner. She politely declined explaining how Marilla would get worried if she wasn't home soon. Instead Mary asked her if she would come by on Saturday. That cheered Anne up about leaving.
Anne gathered her stuff and said her goodbyes to Mary. Like her first visit, Gilbert and Bash were busy working on the Apple field. So she couldn't say goodbye to Gilbert. Mary waved her goodbye at the front door as she walked away. To bad Gilbert wasn't there. I wanted to thank him for earlier. He was very kind today. I hope I didn't scare him off with my temper. Urggg my temper always ruins things for me. Why... why.
As Anne was thinking to herself, she didn't realize a figure in the distance running towards her.
"Anne", the voice in the distance called. Anne recognized the voice instantly. She stopped and turned around to face Gilbert.
"Oh Gil you didn't have to—-
"I wanted to..... make... sure you were....ok", he interrupted out of breath.
"Yeah I'm okay... now, umm thank you for earlier", she said confused. Why am I nervous.
Why am I just staring at her, say something. Gilbert thought to himself.
"Since your already here... I guess... it makes sense for you... to umm... walk", Anne stated. They both smiled at each other and continued walking. As time went on they were less awkward together. They laughed with each other until they reached Green Gables. They stopped at the gate, staring at each other. One of the horse made a loud sound and snapped the two out of the trance.
         "Thank you for being an extraordinary friend today and everyday since I met you Gil, I appreciate it", Anne said smiling.
        "Anything for you carrots", he teased back. When Anne gave him a look, he quickly said "Anne-girl" instead.
        Marilla was calling Anne from the front porch, so Anne said goodbye to Gilbert and started unlocking the gate. "Wait", she called out to Gilbert, before she could talk herself out of it, she ran up to the tall brunette and hugged him. He was shocked at first but quickly hugged her back. She pulled away first, smiling before running in the direction of Green Gables.
      Gilbert watched her run off, he noticed Marilla Cuthbert staring at him and waved at her before heading back home. He spent the whole walk back thinking of the red haired girl.


         "Anne", Marilla said in a curious voice. Anne was now sitting with Matthew and Marilla at the table. She had gotten home about an hour ago and couldn't stop thinking about Gilbert. "Are you okay? Something seems to be bothering you."
        "Oh... Don't worry about me Marilla, I'm fine. I was just thinking about my cooking lessons with Mary", Anne lied. "She's an inspiration. I hope I can cook as well as her someday...... And you".
       "So nothings been going on at school?", Anne shook her head. "Because Mrs.Lynde came over all told me that there's a rumour going on that you and Gilbert Blythe are courting", she said that last part a bit loudly.
       Anne froze. She didn't know how to explain the rumours we're false without being yelled at for gossiping. "No, we are just friends", Anne stated. She didn't like saying those words, when she did indeed like him. "Josie Pye started the rumour", she began. She then went on to explain everything that had been happening at school. She left out some of her conversations with Gilbert. She didn't want to explain even more. The Cuthberts understood more about the actually situation. Marilla interrupted Anne half way through to apologize for her quick thinking. By the end of her ranting, Anne was tired so she excused herself and got ready for bed. She was about to lay down on bed when she noticed a paper sticking out of her book. She grabbed it and walked over to her window to read it. It said:
          "Walk to school tomorrow?" Don't worry, Diana already knows. Sweet Dreams"- G.B.
         Anne went to sleep that night with a smile on her face.

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