Unrequited Love

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       Gilbert walked a very excited Ruby Gillis home that Tuesday afternoon. Josie had asked him at lunch, before he could tell her to leave and being the kind person he was he couldn't say no especially with Ruby watching. They were friends after all. He walked with Anne all the time. But that's different. Annes more than----No she isn't......I wish she was.
         Their walk was quiet. Gilbert knew Ruby still liked him. He had already let her down. He didn't want to hurt her again.
         When they reached the Gillis house. Gilbert said goodbye politely. Ruby nodded and headed to her door. "Hey I-I we both know Josie set this up to make Anne jealous. I know you like he. What's taken you so long to tell her?"
       Gilbert didn't think we had ever heard Ruby talk that much in one conversation. He wasn't excepting her to say that. "Well I just don't think she likes me back", he answered a bit sad.
       Ruby laughed. "She stares at you almost more than you do to her. Just ask her."
       "Thanks Ruby. Does this mean we can be friends?"
       "Yeah", she smiled but quickly frowned. She then went on to explain what Josie told her about the note she had left in Annes book.
        Gilbert said goodbye to Ruby and sprinted to Green Gables.


Marilla had just started making dinner when she heard several knocks on the front door. She put down the knife she was using for the potatoes and opened the door. "Good evening Gilbert"
"Good evening Ms.Cuthbert. Is-Is Anne here", he asked out of breath.
"No I actually don't know where she is. I'm sorry uh I could tell her you stopped by", she offered.
He wanted to stay and wait for her. He needed to tell her soon. He's waited so long to finally have the courage to tell her. What if he chickened out tomorrow. But he looked at the sky and knew he had to go home to help Bash. He sighed. Then slowly nodded and said his goodbyes to Marilla.


Gilbert woke up before dawn and in just a half an hour was fully ready for the day. Only one thing was on his mind. Anne. Anne. Anne. He told a sleepy Mary what he was planning on doing.
"About time", she answered smirking.
He ran to Green Gables like he had done the day before. Hoping to catch Anne. When he got there he found out she had already left. He was frustrated. Now what? He headed to school.


Anne had left extra early that morning to meet up with Diana. It was so early that Anne was invited to breakfast with the Barrys. Mr.Barry talked about what they were doing in the town hall. While Mrs.Barry mentioned how some dress patterns were getting more costly each day. Minnie May was yelled at for playing with her food. Anne understood Dianas problem with talking to her parents. They weren't the type to listen to children. The two girls didn't talk at all during breakfast and when Anne tried to add a comment to the discussion she was quietly shushed. When they left, Mrs. Barry told Diana to come home right after school.
    When they arrived at school, they noticed how late they were. Anne opened the door and the two put down their stuff in the hallway and quietly walked to their seats. The room was quiet which wasn't the best situation. "Sorry Miss Stacy it was my fault we were late. I made Dia---, Anne started
          "No it was my fault", Diana interrupted. Now everyone was looking at the two. They both looked at the ground. Diana was worried about her parents finding out. They would say it was improper and forbid her to talk to Anne again.
         "Its alright girls, we are starting independent reading first so open your readers to page 53 please", Miss Stacy answered. The girls felt that a weight was lifted. As Anne searched for her book she saw a paper in her desk. Go to the shed for answers. The shed. Gilbert. But this isn't his handwriting. She didn't look at him. Anne crumpled the paper and began reading. She had a hard time focusing.
          At lunch Anne and Diana met privately with Miss Stacy to teach Diana the material they would start learning for Queens. Since Diana would have less time than the others they started two months earlier. Anne enjoyed being there. She felt lucky to have a teacher that cared about her passions in life and wanted to help. Gilbert wanted to talk to Anne all day but she was always with Diana and than at lunch she was nowhere to be seen.
         The rest of the day was boring for Anne, she  started to reread Jane Eyre, since she finished her other book. She thought about the letter as well. She hadn't decided whether or not to go. She didn't know that Gilbert got the same note.


          Gilbert walked home with Ruby. He actually had asked her. He told her about the letter he found and Ruby agreed that it might have been from Anne. He didn't know if he wanted to go because she was ignoring him. He figured she need space. Ruby ended up being the one who encouraged him to go.
          Once Ruby ran off home, Gilbert headed to the shed. What would he say to Anne? What did she have to say? Did he do something wrong? His head was spinning as he sat and waited for Anne to arrive.
        He heard footsteps and was surprised to see Josie Pye standing a few feet away. "Gilbert it seems you got my note".
Her note? So the note wasn't from Anne. "Your note? How do you even know about this place?", he asked, referring to the shed behind him. He squinted his eyes and saw Billy Andrews watching from the distance. "What are you guys doing here?"
       "We wanted to know about you and Ruby"

         Anne heard as she walked near the shed. She saw a tall figure by a tree. Billy? Why is he here?
bark bark
        "Look it's the orphan dog", Billy said walking over to her. Anne froze. Not again. What was he going to do now? She could have run. She was often told she was a fast runner, but she was paralyzed with fear. As he got closer she finally did decide to run. No one was there so she stepped inside and locked the door. Gilbert must have put a lock in it. Billy slammed his fist in the door on the other side.
        "Let me in dog", he screamed at her.
         She looked around for something that could maybe help her. Gilbert's bag. Why is it here? Maybe he's nearby. Please be near. She started crying.
       She heard a loud noise and heard Billy struggling with something outside. Gilbert. Before she could let a sigh of relive out, she saw the smoke.

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