A Big Day Ahead

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          The next day, nothing exciting happened for Anne. Gilbert had come by Green Gables so the two could walk together. Miss Stacy had started talking about the Queens entrance exam that most of the class would take the following year. The talk of the future made the children of Avonlea forget about the rumors.
           Diana however was not as excited as everyone else. She wasn't going to Queens. So she was the only one who noticed Gilbert stealing glances at Anne throughout the day.
        The school day had ended and Diana listened to Anne talk excitedly about Queens. Anne stopped after a while when she noticed Diana's silence. However her friend just brushed the subject off and decided to bring up something else.
      "You sure seemed to have someone's eye today", she smirked.
      "Whatever do you mean Di?"
       "Wh.... no... he wasn't...... he doesn't...."
       "Ok", Diana said.
       "Di, he doesn't like me. No one could——
       "Gilbert does", Diana said without thinking. She put her hand over her mouth and look at Anne who only gave her a confused look. Diana let out a nervous breath. She had promised Gilbert she wouldn't say anything, she was just sick of hearing Anne talk badly about herself.
      Anne walked on and Diana thought she had brushed it off. They said goodbye where the path changed. What Diana didn't know was that Anne was thinking about what she said.


         "Anne", Mary greeted the red haired girl. It was Saturday and Anne was staying at the Blythe house all day to help Mary cook. She noticed Bash and Gilbert weren't around and came to the conclusion that they were already out on the fields.
        Mary was teaching Anne to make tea desserts. As they worked, Mary asked Anne questions about school and Green Gables. Somehow the conversation turned to Anne's past. She wasn't sad while she talked about it. Mary understood Anne. She had had a past similar and like Anne had a positive outlook on life that got her through those tough times.
       Mary has just finished preparing breakfast for the boys, when Bash has entered.
         "Why hello lady's", Bash greeted. He hugged his wife and left to eat his lunch. Gilbert didn't enter until a few minutes later. He had freshened up for Anne. He didn't want to look bad in front of her. So he had taken a few extra minutes to clean up.
          Anne did not notice this, but Mary did. Knowing how the boy normally acted after the first half of the day. Mary smiled to herself.
          "Gilbert, you get a lot of work done out there?", Mary teased him. Gilbert nodded, catching on real quick. Anne was oblivious to what was going on. Gilbert also noticed this and decided to finally talk to her. They sat down at the table and talked about Queens while Mary stood in the corner listening to them. She noticed Bash was heading back in so she quickly walked out of the room and asked him something.

           "I'm terrible at Geometry"
           "I'm bad at Algebra"
           Anne was surprised at Gilbert's flaw. He saw this and smiled. "Looks like we're both bad at math"
           Anne started laughing and soon after Gilbert joined in. They didn't know why they were laughing so much. It wasn't like them being bad at math was a funny thing. But they both were happy they had found another thing they had in common.
          They were still laughing when Mary came back in. "Gilbert do you think you could look at the old shed today. I want to know if it's to damaged or if it could be fixed up"
          "Yes I'll look at it right after I finish the rest of the chores", he said willingly.
          "No need too I'll do your chores Blythe", Bash said from the other room.
          "Anne would you like to go as well. I think we're about done here. You two have been working really hard. Go enjoy the sun, but do go check the shed", Mary said. The two teenagers nodded their heads and a few minutes later were on their way to the shed.
         As they walked, Gilbert would watch Anne when she wasn't looking. He liked hearing her talk about her passions and the excitement that came with it. He wanted to tell her how he felt, but was nervous with what could go wrong. Diana did tell him, Anne had the same feelings but what If she was wrong. He would admit his feelings and she would get all awkward with him again and then their friendship would be ruined. All he really knew was that he didn't want that. His friendship with Anne meant a whole lot to him. For the first time, he was excited to go to school, excited to learn.
          "Gilbert, are you okay?"
           "Yeah just thinking about which direction the shed is", he lied. Anne asked him about it, so he started explaining to her the shed was build by his grandfather for his grandmother. It was the original house but as time went on his grandfather built the Blythe house and they moved into it. But they never forgot about that old shed. Gilbert's grandmother would visit it up until her death.
        Anne thought the story was romantic and went on and on about Pride and Prejudice and the story a romantic plot. She totally got caught up in rambling that she didn't realize they had arrived until Gilbert stopped.
         "Wow I haven't been here in years", Gilbert stated. He walked up to the shed which was a little bigger than an outhouse and went inside. He held the door open for Anne. "I can't imagine my grandparents living here, it's so small".
         Anne thought it was a perfect space with so much scope for the imagination. The two stayed there for awhile, looking at the few rotted out boxes that remained in the makeshift home. The two teenagers both loved the space.
When Anne had gone home, Gilbert told Mary that the shed could be fixed up. The next few weeks Gilbert would go to the shed and repair some of the rotting wood or just sit and read his grandmothers old diary. Sometimes Anne would come along and they would repair it together, then work on homework. The process was slow but the shed was almost done and without even realizing it, the tiny shed had become Anne and Gilberts favorite place. The two were becoming the best of friends. Sometimes Gilbert would worry Anne would stop talking to him one day but that fear went away when Anne called him a Kindred Spirit one day. The friendship didn't go unnoticed in Avonlea. The two teens didn't realize they were being watched.


Who do you thinks watching them?

Thank you for continuing to read this book. I'm still getting used to this so I apologize if somethings not historically right. I've actually read Anne with an E fanfiction for two years now and only thought to write it now. I'm also not on a type of schedule I just write a chapter everyday and post it randomly. This stories almost done believe it or not. The next chapter should be intense.

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