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           Throughout the morning Anne couldn't help but think about her conversation with Gilbert. How he had called her Anne girl. She actually liked the nickname.
Right now the pupils of Miss Stacy were working on their nature story's. Since Anne had finished hers the night before she decided to read Pride and Prejudice. She was right at the end and couldn't stop thinking about it. She was so invested in her book, she didn't hear the bell ring telling everyone it was time for lunch.
Diana saw Anne totally invested in the book. "Anne are you ready for lunch?", she said laughing. "Are do you want to be alone with Mr.Darcy". Diana started laughing at her own joke. A few of their classmates turned to their direction wondering what was happening.
"Diana Barry your causing a scene", Anne whisper-yelled at her.
"Admit it my joke was funny", she smiled. Anne closed her book and started organizing her books. Ohh I'm going to regret saying this aren't I "It was pretty clever", she admitted. Diana and Anne started to head outside. They planned on sitting by the lake where they kept their milk today since they were still receiving evil eyes from the other girls. They sat down and began picking at their baskets. Since there was no one in hearing distance of them, Diana decided to talk about Gilbert and see how Anne would react.
"Anne..... I'm going to ask you a question. Just hear em out on this, and promise to answer earnestly and don't be vexed", she began to say. Anne promised and she continued in a whisper. "Do you like Gilbert Blythe?"
Anne was hesitant to share her feelings to Diana. It wasn't that she didn't trust her. Anne was scared to talk about her feelings out loud because it would make it real. What if he didn't like her like she liked him. Maybe she'd feel better about it if she told Diana.
"Yes", she whispered at the ground. Diana didn't say anything so Anne looked up. Diana was looking at something further away from where they were. Anne focused her eyes and saw Gilbert talking to Ruby. What is he talking to her about? Maybe he's telling her he doesn't have like her back. But that's not like Gilbert. He's to nice to do that sort of thing. Maybe he likes her back. Maybe the rumors about us pushed him to admit his true feelings to Ruby. Anne was right, Gilbert was expressing his true feelings but it was different from what Anne thought.


Gilbert heard Diana laughing with Anne about something. He assumed she was teasing her friend about the book she was reading. Although he wanted to talk to Anne during their lunch break, he knew he had to take care of something else. So with one last glance at Anne, he walked out of the building and started to look for Ruby Gillis. After a few minutes of wondering he found her sitting with Josie and Tillie on the behind the schoolhouse. As he walked closer, all three girls looked up at him and Gilbert began feeling nervous. He just hoped she wouldn't cry.
"Can I speak to you Ruby", he asked standing in front of the girls now.
She nodded and started to get up. Along with her Josie followed suit. "Just Ruby ", he snapped. He had managed to get more information out of Diana earlier and heard all about Josie Pyes comment towards Anne. It took all his energy not to say something at the girl right there and then. He didn't because Anne and handled it herself.
"Ruby", he began saying when they were out of earshot of the others. "I'm sor...... I don't want..... what I'm trying to say is that I know you have a crush on me and I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way and I don't appreciate you telling our other classmates to say away from me because you called dibs. I... I am truly sorry. I hope we can be friends".
Ruby looked at the ground the whole time. She didn't have to look up, Gilbert knew she was crying. Gilbert felt bad for Ruby. He wanted to make her feel better about it all. But didn't know how.
"It's already forgotten Ruby, you don't have to be embar——-
"Embarrassed", she shouted "How could you choose Anne over me. She's an orphan, she'll always be. She'll never be a lady like me. She's trash. Why would yo—-
"If you ask me the real trash is you. Oh wait you know what it's Josie. Ruby your better than this. And if I remember correctly your Anne's friend or was her friend because a friend doesn't say stuff like that". He walked away from her but stopped in his tracks to face her again. "And if you forgot, I'm an orphan too".
He decided to go inside and wait for class to resume. He noticed Anne and Diana sitting by the lake. They were both watching him but he kept his eyes on Anne, she smiled at him. He realized she must have seen his talk with Ruby. Diana waved him over. He decides to go over to them.
"Good afternoon Gilbert", Diana said cheerfully. He came to the realization that Diana wouldn't bring it up.
"Hello", he said nervously. He noticed Anne was staring at him. He looked at her and she turned quickly to look back at Diana. He knew that Anne was curious about his talk with Ruby. So he decided to clear the air. "I just talked to Ruby" he had both of their attention now. "I told her I didn't like her that way and then told her I didn't appreciate the dibs on me thing. I feel terrible".
"You had to do what you had to do Gilbert. She'll get over it", Diana said to him. Anne has told him the same thing the day before. Anne kept quiet not saying anything. Of course he noticed but so did Diana.
"I'll go check on her. See if there's anything I can smooth over", she said more to Anne than Gilbert. Anne nodded and Diana started walking off. She gave Gilbert a thumbs up before turning in the direction of the girls.
"Are you okay Anne girl", he asked. She again nodded her head looking at the ground. They sat in silence for a while before She spoke.
"So you don't like Ruby?"
Gilbert was surprised by her question. "No, I never have". When he said this she finally looked at him and gave him a sad smile. "I lik—- He was interrupted by the school bell.

Hoped you liked this chapter. After this chapter Anne and Gilbert's relationship should develop quicker. I also used the titles of each chapter from the scoring from the show. Right now the titles are the only thing that match with the chapters but idk maybe the actual scoring does. Again thank you for reading!!!!!!

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