Forbidden to Fraternize

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         "Ruby, Josie how do you do?", Diana asked politely, using her elegant manners she was raised to use. In her head she wanted to do nothing else but tell them off. Before she could say something she would regret, Anne spoke.
          "Excuse us, we need to get home before dark", she told them. She grabbed Diana's hand and they started to walk past them when Anne felt a hand slap her hard on her left cheek. Stunned. She looked up expecting to see Josie standing over but it was Ruby who conducted the hit.
          "Gilbert's mine", she spoke " I called dibs on him". Anne could tell she wanted to say more but Josie pulled her back.
            " I'm sure he doesn't even like you. He's just pitying you", Josie finally spoke. "He wants to be a Doctor, right? He was probably just talking to Anne to see what illness she had. Well Anne, tell us did he fi——-
          "Josie that's enough", Diana shouted at her. Anne put her hand on her friends arm to calm her down.
          "Ruby", Anne looked at the emotional girl. "Gilbert's allowed to make his own decisions. You can't just tell people to not be his friend because you like him. That's not how that works. Trust me I'm fully aware that you have "dibs" on him. Your just assuming things. I'm allowed to be his friend and he's allowed to be mine".
          Anne held her head up high and walked away from the two girls. She heard Diana walking behind her. Diana made sure they were far away from Ruby and Josie before she ran up to Anne and hugged her. "I'm so proud of you, Anne you really stood up to..... Anne are you okay?" She asked concerned. Anne was crying. "Oh Anne, what's wrong?"
           "I don't.... I shouldn't have yelled at Ruby", she stopped walking. Diana hugged her as she continued to talk. "Everyone's going to hate me, they'll call me mean nasty things and the whole town will hear about what just happened. Oh Diana this is so unbearable".
          "Anne", Diana said in a surprising tone. "What you did was right. If they start a rumor, which would make them look like fools, I'll make sure to stop them".
         Anne stopped crying and hugged her friend even tighter. She was grateful to have Diana. When Anne eventually calmed down, the girls continued walking.
          "I'm sure Gilbert would laugh at what just happened", Diana said making Anne laugh.


        When the two friends reached the cross roads, they said their goodbyes and headed their opposite ways. As Diana was walking, she came up with yet another one of her brilliant plans.
The next morning Diana woke extra early so she could conduct her plan. She told Mr. and Mrs. Barry that she had a school project which had her going to school earlier than usual. Her parents believed her lie and Diana quickly ran to her destination. After several minutes of sprinting she arrived at the Blythe house. She was going to talk with Gilbert.
She knocked on the door and Gilbert appeared on the other side.
"Hello Gilbert, I was wondering if you would likely to walk with me to school?"
" Sure", he answered. He said goodbye to Bash and Mary and the two started walking. Gilbert knew there was nothing to be worried about but he was nervous. "So is there something you wanted to ask me?"
"Yes actually, I know you like Anne", she said suddenly. Before he could answer she spoke again. "She doesn't know but I didn't come here today about that..... yesterday Anne and I were cornered by Josie and Ruby on our walk home, I won't tell you want she said for I think Anne will probably tell you but I think it's time you had a talk with Ruby before this whole situation gets out of hand for not just you but with Anne as well".
Gilbert slowly nodded his head. "I will.... I'll talk to her today". He felt really bad, he knew he had to speak to Ruby but he definitely had to try to talk to Anne.... Anne, she probably hates him. "Diana, does she hate me now?"
"Of course not, she stood up for you yesterday. She told Ruby that being friends with you wasn't Ruby or anyone else's choice, she was really brave about the whole thing", she said reassuring him. She left out the part where Anne cried. Not wanting to embarrass her.
The two walked the rest of the way talking about their younger years. Diana and Gilbert have been friends for awhile, way before Anne came. When they reached the clearing they realized they were really early.
" She likes you as well", Diana whispered. "Don't tell her I told you that". In the distance they saw a few of their classmates. "Be gentle with her", she said running inside. Gilbert didn't have to ask to know Diana was talking about Ruby. But all he could think about is what she had said before that. Anne likes me. He smiled to himself and started to head inside. He had to start thinking of what he was going to say to Ruby. He didn't want to hurt the girls feelings but it made him angry that she goes around telling people to not talk to him. And the calling dibs was so immature in his eyes. Speaking of eyes, as he pulled out his books at his desk he could feel eyes on him. He turned around to find his classmates watching Anne walk up to him.
"Morning Gil!", she greeted "I found your notes in my book from yesterday, I forgot to give them back to you". Her hands brushed up against his as she handed him the inked paper. Anne pulled away first. After a few seconds of staring at each other Gilbert became aware of the several sets of eyes staring at them and cleared his throat looking around the room. Most looked away, embarrassed that they were caught, while Josie Pye held her ground. Gilbert looked away returning his attention to Anne.
"I heard about yesterday", he said to her softly. "How are you?"
"I'm okay, I just told her your allowed to make your own decisions. Anyway I should get back to my desk, Mary wanted to do another lesson today so I guess we'll walk together", she said hopefully.
"Yeah that's sounds nice, Anne girl", he said back. He didn't know what came over him with the new nickname but he really like it. Anne looked confused at first but then nodded her head smiling. She walked back to her desk. Gilbert watched her leave and he couldn't help but notice that she seemed happier than before. He smiled knowing that he had made her happy.

Thank you to everyone that's been reading this story so far. In the next few chapters you'll realize the meaning behind the title of this book. Hope you liked this chapter!!!!!!!!

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