chapter 14: sports festival 2

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e and shiozaki went out separate ways as we made our way to our classrooms first because our sensei's will give us a quick run down of how the sports festival will be and what are the sub events it will contain. I'm sure that they will be hard considering the amount of students joining the fight for that instant sweet, sweet gratification of the pro heroes.

So all of the students will do their all, even my class, and I'm sure as heck that I'll give my all to this event. Uncle Sasuke and Madara are going to watch too, so I can't afford to lose this opportunity.

I will overcome my boundaries and ascend to a new limit and standards I will set myself to become stronger.

I will be strong for the sake of my loved ones. And they will never have to quiver from intimate death ever again.

Also to mention that every other class sections have given my class the lustful eye of hate and anger because of what kacchan did...

*Flashback no jutsu tebayo*

After the USJ fight the class were back after 2 days of break and security monitoring all throughout the campus to make sure the villains won't take another peak inside. Izuku who was the the class star was sitting behind kacchan, who was sleeping like he doesn't give a shit, was carefully checking if anyone was absent. Right before he could say it was nothing aizawa entered the room covered in bandages and acted too like he doesn't give a shit.

"Ok good morning class... Hope you all had a restful two day break. And I hope you're ready to hear this VERY important news I'm about to give to you all. So better listen carefully or else you'll lose this chance." Aizawa boomed through the room, making sure bakugou was awake.

"As you may have noticed that the school calendar has an event coming nearer into the present time, and I don't wanna give bad luck to anyone of my students but this event is your ONLY chance to get a look at a pro hero agency." Aizawa said as all of the students, except a selective few, started murmuring to each other and to themselves.

'no way! A one way ticket to the pro's!'

'this will be a wonderful experience!'

'i get to prank all the girls to wear sexy costumes on the festival!'

'ill show off my manliness to the world and hopefully appeal to fourth kind!'

'i wanna be like my brother, ingenium.'

'i get to blow everyone off the face of the earth!!!!!'

Everyone was excited... All but izuku who was paralyzed internally, filled with so many emotions right now.

He kept sweating and thinking while he stared at the front of the board acting like he was hypnotized or something.

'this is it...' he thought out loud on his mind.

'its time for me to show what I can do!' he said mentally as he wiped off the sweat from his forehead. He had been waiting for this moment to come every since he was visited by all might in the hopes to appeal to him and take him under his wing whilst being the best candidate for being the symbol of peace.

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