Chapter 3 ~ Romantic Revelation

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Draco POV

After Defense Against the Dark Arts class and that bloody lesson, and then the run-in with Veronica Dovefeather, I headed to my dorm to think things over. I mean, I used to think that Mudbloods were lower than the dirt beneath my family's feet. Father always made them out to be horrid beings that shouldn't be allowed in our world. It was how he had been raised, and how he had intended upon raising me. Pureblood wasn't just a status to my family. It was a lifestyle, it made us what we were, it reaffirmed the fact that we were the descendents of ancient magical families.

But I don't know what to believe. There are a few muggleborns in Slytherin House that aren't so bad; in fact, many of them were just as intelligent and powerful as the rest of us half-bloods or purebloods. Surely the same could be said of the other houses. It's pathetic of me really. I've never been so confused about how I should feel. But looking at Dovefeather again, she's beautiful. She's even prettier than any of the pureblooded witches I have ever met, and Merlin knows I have been acquainted with many due to my upbringing.

And that is not even considering how brilliant and talented Veronica is. Though I hated to admit it, she was just as knowledgeable in witchcraft as anyone else, perhaps even rivaling some of the professors. But she was too humble to acknowledge that. She was well respected by the majority of our schoolmates, well-mannered but proud, and extremely protective of the people she cared about.

However, you should never let Veronica's kindness fool you into believing that she is weak. Like the mascot of her respective house, the golden lion, she has a sharp tongue and fierce temper, and is never one to back down from a challenge. I had learned that the hard way. Still, all of these qualities were things I had grown to admire about her. Since the end of last year, I've caught myself thinking about the Gryffindor girl almost constantly and staring at her without even intending to.

Several emotions and thoughts were racing through my mind and I started to get a headache when I attempted to sort them. I knew what all of this meant, even though I had only ever had one girlfriend. Pansy Parkinson. I had dated her for a couple months last year. I had mainly asked her out based on encouragement from my father, and I quickly realized I did not have any romantic feelings toward her. Veronica though? She made me feel something entirely new and strange. But it was a good feeling, something I was not quite used to. But I can't like Dovefeather! What would everyone think? Especially Father. He would murder me if I developed feelings for a Mudblood! I'd be disowned, cast out of the family, exiled. Blood status means everything to them. It always has...

While I dealt with this internal conflict, my best mate Blaise Zabini entered our shared dorm. "Hey, mate!" He called out to me, looking over my form with intrigue. I knew he could tell something was off. The whole bloody school had probably noticed by now. "Hey." I answered bleakly, still lost in my subconscious. "What's up?" Blaise asked, interrupting my internal dialogue again. "Nothing," I replied without looking at him. Blaise crossed his arms over his chest and moved around the room so that he could sit on his own bed.

Nearly five minutes went by, then Blaise began to smile widely at me, finally causing me to look at him. "What?" I sighed, confused as to why he was suddenly so pleased. "Well, I just realized how mental Pansy must be right now," He fell out laughing as he answered, clutching his trembling stomach. "Why?" I huffed, completely unamused by his outburst. "Do you even realize how many times you looked over at that girl on the train the other day and during the past few mealtimes in the Great Hall?" Puzzled by his question, I recalled the past few days, skimming through the hours in my head. "What girl?" I asked dumbly, knowing full well which girl he was talking about. Blaise looked at me like I was daft. "The one who was sitting with Granger. Blue eyes, pale skin, brunette? Dovefeather, right?" I remained quiet because yes, in fact, I had been staring at her again.

I swallowed hard, nodding. I needed to talk to someone about the chaos inside my head, and Blaise was the only person I trusted anymore. "Veronica Dovefeather, a Mudblood, and in my opinion...the most brilliant girl at this bloody school. Honestly, I don't think I care who her parents are anymore. I wish we could be friends, but I'm almost positive she hates me." I admitted. Blaise's jaw fell, and only then did I realize what I said. " like her?" He asked.

For what was probably the first time in my life, I didn't know what to say. I was still shocked at what I had allowed to come from my mouth. "You fancy her, don't you? That's why you pick on her more than anyone, even Granger." He grinned like a child, staring at me knowingly. I gave him a curt nod in reply. "Blaise, I am asking you, man to man, please don't tell anyone." Blaise smirked wider, "Well, I don't know, I have Draco Malfoy himself asking please for once..." He shrugged his shoulders. "Shut up, you bloody git!" I threw a heavy pillow at my best mate, hitting him right in the face. The look of amazement that formed his expression was hilarious and I found myself laughing for the first time in what felt like ages.

When we both had settled once more, Blaise caught his breath and then managed to ask, "How did you figure out that you like her?" I shook my head, brushing my hair out of my face. "I'm not sure...I just know that whenever we argue, she makes me feel something I never have before. She intrigues me. I want to learn more about her. And everything I do know about her just convinces me of how breathtaking she really is." I added, smirking to myself. Blaise nodded, "Don't worry mate, my lips are sealed. But you should talk to her. Maybe even ask her out...who cares what everyone thinks? It's your life and you can do what you want. Don't let the old ways of our parents stop you..." He advised. I closed my eyes, thinking about what in the wizarding world I should do about my predicament.

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