Chapter 15 ~ The Third Step

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It took some time, but I finally came upon Veronica sitting at a table by herself once more. "Veronica, come back to the ball." I said, causing her to turn around. She looked less than amused. "Draco, I'm not in the mood for Pansy's tricks tonight. I just wanted to have fun, but once again she's tried to ruin it." She sighed, shaking her head from side to side. Damn Parkinson... I quickly stepped around the chair she was sitting in to stand directly in front of her. "Just one more dance? Parkinson should not bother us anymore tonight. I've already made it clear to her that I would much rather be your date tonight instead of hers, if you would have me, that is..." I practically pleaded with the Gryffindor girl. Her eyes widened, clearly not expecting me to be so persistent, and she finally gave in to my request. "Of course I will have you, Draco." She whispered, accepting the hand I held out to her.

The music started to slow down again and more muggle songs played. I lead Veronica over to the center of the ballroom. "May I?" I asked politely, taking her hand in mine and placing my other on her waist. She nodded, smiled, and rested her own hand on my shoulder. We started to move back and forth and to the side, waltzing in sync with each other for the first time. She was an amazing dancer, each movement and step delicate and filled with grace. I twirled her calmly, occasionally pulling her back into my arms and cradling her there. The feeling of her soft hand in my own, the smell of her hair as it brushed against my face, combined with our close proximity of course, caused my heart to race as if I had just finished playing a game of Quidditch.

The volume began to increase as the music neared a break in the lyrics. "Veronica, I want to try something." I murmured, indirectly asking her permission to do so. "Okay." She replied, eyebrows raised in interest. Carefully I let go of her hand in order to bring both of mine to her waist. "What are you-?" Veronica began, but stopped as I lifted her into the air and spun around. She braced herself with her hands on my shoulders, the tension in her body slowly easing as I set her back down. "Wow!" She breathed, staring at me with bewilderment. I realized that they must not dance like this very often in the muggle world.

Grinning, I waited for another rise in the music and repeated my previous actions. When I lifted her for the second time, she was completely ready and confident, laughing the entire time. Once she was back on her feet, we danced a bit more, both of us clearly enjoying the moment together. Just before the song ended, I brought her close to me once again and dipped her with one hand bracing her neck and the other pressed against the small of her back. Our eyes locked and we froze in that position. The world itself seemed to dissipate, and it was suddenly just us and the music that was playing overhead.

Another slow guitar ballad started to echo throughout the Great Hall as I pulled her back upright. Instead of the formal dancing typical of occasions such as these, with spins and correct posture, we just swayed to the soft melody. Veronica hesitantly stepped closer and leaned against me, her arms draping around my neck as she rested her cheek against my heart. I let my own arms stay wrapped around her waist and I laid my chin on top of her head. I felt like I could stay like that with her forever. "Veronica?" I broke the silence. "Hmm?" She replied wordlessly. "I know we've never been the best of friends, and I know that I was truly terrible to you in the past. But-" Veronica interrupted me before I could finish. "I can't forget everything, Draco, but I have already forgiven you." She murmured, though I could hear a smile in her voice, which reassured me that she was not angry. I nodded, relieved. "Good...because I have a confession to make." I admitted quietly.

My statement caused Veronica to pull her head away from me so that she could look up into my eyes. "What is it?" I smirked back at her to cover up what I was truly thinking. Better to just get it over with. I leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "Veronica, you are the one I wanted to come here with all along...because I fancy you. I have for some time now, and, I would very much like to be your boyfriend..." I confessed. I leaned back and searched her face for a positive or negative reaction. Instead, I found only surprise etched into her features. "Really? Are you sure you wouldn't rather go out with Parkinson or Greengrass again? After all, they are purebloods." She asked, starting to look a bit nervous. "I'm quite positive that I'd rather not." I told her. "Okay...but why me?" "Because, you're unlike any girl I've ever met." I replied seriously. "What about our blood? Your father would kill you if we were seen going out." She pointed out.

I could sense that her questioning came from a place of insecurity, one that I was almost certainly responsible for creating. I cursed myself for putting her through such hell. "Personally, I don't care anymore. Blood status is a meaningless standard my father has held prejudice against his whole life. That doesn't mean I need to do so as well. So what if you're a mud- " I stopped mid-sentence, wincing. Veronica's eyes betrayed hurt at the unintentional slip of the tongue. "I don't care that you're a muggleborn." I corrected myself immediately.

She looked into my eyes again, sapphire irises analyzing my face for any sign of deception. I couldn't blame her. Even I had to acknowledge this conversation almost sounded like a terrible joke, and I was blowing it. "You really mean all of that?" She whispered timidly. I nodded, trying to reassure her. "Would I have said it if I didn't?" I returned. "No, you're right..." She paused, taking a deep, shaky breath. "Then yes, Draco, I will be your girlfriend." Veronica agreed, her teeth exposing themselves in a pretty white smile. "Brilliant," I replied, spinning her again and pulling her back into me. Step three: Complete

My new girlfriend rested against me, her arms wrapped tightly around my shoulders. "You know, I wanted to be here with you too." She confessed quietly, her embarrassment prevalent in the tone of her voice and the pink hue in her cheeks. I smirked again, unable to help my amusement. She was so adorable when she was blushing. "Quit it!" She laughed, shaking her head at me. "What?" I chuckled. "That smirk! God, I swear you know girls fall for that!" She answered. "You mean this one?" I asked innocently, the corner of my mouth lifting once more. "Ah! Yes!" She laughed, burying her face in my shoulder while giggles vibrated through her body.

We were one of the last couples to actually leave the dance floor. Some others were saying goodnight and heading their separate ways while I escorted Veronica over to the stairwell. "Goodnight, Miss Dovefeather." I told her, taking her hand and bowing. For once I was thankful that my parents taught me formal customs. "Goodnight, Mr. Malfoy." Veronica curtsied elegantly in return. We beamed at each other once more and I saw her eyes sparkling with lingering excitement in the candlelight. Pansy was standing a little ways away, glaring at the two of us. I stepped forward and lightly kissed Veronica on the cheek, causing her breath to audibly hitch. She blushed even darker and gave me another shy grin, before turning around and walking up the stairs. I watched her all the way to the top until she disappeared into the portrait hole to her common room.

Pansy stormed over and stood next to me, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. "How dare you come here with me and end the night with that snobby Mudblood! She's nothing but the dirt we walk on! People like them are no better than the house elves! And what would your father think?" She spat poisonously. I turned on her, hate building up inside of my very being. "Don't you dare speak to me about how 'low' she is compared to us! Get this through your thick skull, Parkinson, I will never be interested in you!" I hissed. "This is coming from that little Mudblood isn't it? Drakey, you're letting her ruin us!" She pouted like a toddler, even sticking out her bottom lip. Rolling my eyes at her childish antics, I started to walk away but she tugged on my arm in an effort to hold me in place. "There was never an us, Parkinson." I sneered, watching her eyes water as she finally released me. Finally I turned away, heading to the stairs leading to the dungeons.

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