Chapter 14 ~ Elegance & Envy

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Draco's POV

It was the evening of the Yule Ball. A week earlier, Father had sent me a set of new dress robes and a letter asking me whom I was going with. I told him that I had asked Parkinson, leaving out everything about Veronica for the time being. He seemed pleased by my answer and wished me a Merry Christmas. I really did want to go with Veronica. If only I had known she was dateless... Pansy keeps asking what she should wear, and quite frankly, I don't give a damn. She could wear a Quidditch outfit and I would care less. I just wanted this bloody night to get over with.

In the dorms, Blaise and I changed into our formal attire, "Why do I have to do this?" I grumbled as I wrapped a white bow tie around my neck. "I told you that you should've asked her out sooner." Blaise replied, his fingers making quick work of fixing his shirt collar as he spoke. "Don't remind me," I hissed, more annoyed with myself than him.

After I finished readying myself, I went out to the common room to wait for Pansy. Blaise met his date almost immediately and left to go convene with some of the other students in the hallway. Pansy appeared from the girls' dorms and smiled at me. I took in her lackluster appearance and gave a short nod at her in greeting. I wrinkled my nose in disdain as she called out to me with that wretched nickname "Drakey", but nonetheless, I held out my arm for Pansy to take. Once she had grasped it, I escorted her from the dungeons and up to the bottom of the Grand Staircase, where we stood and waited in silence for the ball to begin.

Sometime later, I heard gasps arise around us and saw people looking up towards the top of the stairs. I followed their gazes and caught sight of Veronica at the top, smiling. She always looked beautiful, but tonight she was practically ethereal. Her hair hung in long loose curls that were pulled away from her face, and she wore a beautiful blue dress that almost touched the floor. I smiled as she descended the stairs gracefully, looking like a true princess in the glow of the candlelight.

Veronica glanced up at me briefly, but she looked away just as quickly. I frowned, wondering why, and reluctantly turned back to Pansy. "I can't believe that Mudblood is getting so much attention!" My date snarled and looked up at me expectantly, as though I should agree with her. "First Granger, and now Dovefeather!" There was hatred and jealousy in her nasally voice. I shrugged and looked back to Veronica, unable to stop staring at her. She stepped off the last stair and headed toward the corner of the room a few yards away. I looked at my watch. Fifteen minutes until the ball, I thought. "Excuse me. I'm going to go get some air." I told Pansy.

She and Blaise gazed at me suspiciously. "I'll come with you," Pansy offered. "I'm fine on my own, thanks." I snapped, pulling my arm out of her grip. Blaise smirked, catching on to the situation, and I started walking in the same direction that Veronica was. "She's heading for the balcony, eh?" I whispered when I realized where she was going. I hastened my walk and followed her.

The sounds of the mob soon died away and turned into the peaceful clarity of a winter night. Veronica continued toward the edge of the balcony and stood there, staring at the Black Lake and the stars reflecting on it. Her shoulders sagged and she exhaled quietly. I strode forward and reclined against the railing beside her. "Come out here to get away from all the snogging too, eh?" I prodded, only half joking. "Yeah," She said softly. I paused, "Veronica, you look...brilliant." I complimented her. She looked at me briefly. "Thank you. You don't look bad yourself," She replied.

I stared at the Gryffindor girl for another moment and swallowed thickly before starting to lean closer to her. "Veronica-" I began. "Veronica! There you are! Oh my gosh, you look gorgeous. What are you doing here?" A voice rang out into the air. Perfect timing, Granger. I sighed and turned my head. Granger and Viktor Krum were heading over to Veronica and I. "Who-" Granger recognized me the moment after she spoke. "Malfoy?" She asked. "Granger." I acknowledged her in return. "Herminy, who are tees people?" Krum asked. "Oh right. Viktor, this is my best friend Veronica Dovefeather and our...classmate Draco Malfoy. Veronica, Malfoy, this is Viktor Krum." Granger introduced us to the famous Quidditch player. Krum shook my hand and then took Veronica's fingers in his own and kissed the top of her knuckles. While I knew it was simply a customary greeting of formality, I could not help the rush of annoyance that ran through my body at the sight.

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