Chapter 6 ~ Ferret Fiasco

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Draco POV

It has been about two weeks since the day Veronica told Pansy off. It was quite comical really, watching Pansy being put back in her place. Hearing Parkinson continuously degrade Veronica was infuriating, and ultimately I had to say something. Still, I was happy to see that while I had already told Parkinson to keep quiet, Veronica was cunning enough to make sure Pansy knew just what she would get herself into if she continued to show the Gryffindor girl disrespect. 

Now, the first Triwizard event is about to take place. I'm still unsure how Potter got his name in the cup, but personally, I don't really care. I just want Krum to win. After all, it's not every day a famous seeker from Bulgaria comes to Hogwarts and takes part in a competition we are hosting. Even Diggory would be a preferable winner over Potter though.

A few afternoons before the first event, I sat up in a tree over the courtyard and observed students walking back and forth across the courtyard. Veronica and Granger were speaking to one another a couple yards away, deep in conversation. Granger noticed my presence rather quickly, but when she looked up she gave me quite an odd look, as if she was appraising me. Veronica glanced around, following her friend's gaze. Once her eyes fell on me, she offered a small wave and then returned to her discussion. Goyle, who was standing below me, also noticed Granger and Veronica. "Get a move on, Mudbloods!" He shouted. Veronica looked over at him and rolled her eyes, but pointedly stayed where she was. I chuckled, impressed by her unwillingness to yield.

Moments later, I heard some people arguing a short distance away. Turning my attention to the noise, I saw it was Weasley and Potter. "So the two best mates are bickering for once, eh?" Blaise noted, pointing at the pair with his chin. He had climbed up the tree and perched on a branch slightly higher than mine. I smirked back at him and watched as Potter unknowingly stormed towards us.

Unable to resist such a perfect opportunity, I called out to my rival. "Why so tense Potter? My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in this tournament," I yelled. I jumped down from my place in the tree and then continued my taunt. "He disagrees...he thinks you won't last five!" I chuckled as the Boy Who Lived stomped over to me. "I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy. He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic," Potter retorted, having the audacity to shove me. When he turned his back to me, I pulled out my wand. "Pathetic!? I'll show you-" I mumbled, preparing to hex him in retaliation.

Just as I started speaking, I was interrupted by someone else yelling, "...Sonny!!!" and then a bolt of magic hit me. I yelped in surprise and the next thing I knew I was loads shorter. As I attempted to figure out what had been done to me, I found that I could actually see my nose, although it wasn't really my nose. It was long and pointed, covered with white fur, and when I looked down I saw that my hands had turned into small paws with five clawed toes.
A ferret. I had been transfigured into a bloody weasel! "I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned," Professor Moody barked, limping over to me. He started to wave his wand and I was thrown into the air, swinging in every direction imaginable. "You stinking, cowardly, scummy..." The former auror rambled, continuing to flip me around. Nausea filled my stomach and I felt as though I would vomit if I wasn't transfigured back into myself as soon as possible.

Students were beginning to cluster around and watch as I was humiliated. I caught a glimpse of Veronica looking on, her eyes wide in alarm and a hand pressed over her mouth. Professor McGonagall appeared at that moment, bringing with her a surprising sense of relief. Surely she would not condone such treatment. "Professor Moody! What ...what are you doing!?" She asked. "Teaching." Moody mumbled back matter of factly. Potter was grinning stupidly in the front of the crowd. "Is that that a student!?" McGonagall inquired in horror as she stared at me. "Technically it's a ferret." Moody reported as he flung me toward Crabbe and dropped me into his trousers.

I fell to the bottom, feeling even more sick than I did before. That was not a journey I ever wanted to take in the entirety of my life. The need to disinfect my eyes was overwhelming. When I regained my balance, I shakily scrambled out and onto the ground.
Finally another spell hit me and I returned to my human form. Disgraced, I stood upright and turned around. I glared at the former auror. "My father will hear about this!" I spat at him angrily. Moody lumbered towards me, shouting, "Is that a threat? Is that a threat?" Startled, I ran around the tree that I had been sitting in just a few short moments prior and kept going, sprinting as far and fast as my feet would allow me to. "I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair, boy!" He yelled after me. Still fleeing, I glanced back over my shoulder at Veronica. She seemed to be the only one that wasn't laughing at the incident.

Once I recovered from the embarrassing event of being transformed into an albino ferret, I fixed my appearance and sulked all the way to my next class, Herbology. Stepping into the greenhouse, I immediately heard lads snickering and girls giggling. Stalking past everyone, I sat in the back of the crowd. "Great, another class with Gryffindors..." I mumbled sarcastically under my breath. I watched as Veronica walked in behind Longbottom and paused to look around. I glanced away, too chagrined to meet her eyes, and pulled out my parchment as Professor Sprout entered the classroom, annoyingly cheerful as always.
Class settled down as the lesson began, though many of my peers kept whispering and sneaking peeks at me. I'm sure many of them thought I had gotten what I deserved. Doing my best to disregard their judgement, I took what notes I needed to, refusing to speak a word to anyone.

It felt like an eternity had passed before Herbology finally came to an end. As students filed out of the messy workspace, I snatched up my stuff and roughly shoved my books back into my bag, mumbling irately once more. In my ranting, my quill fell out and landed on the stone floor under my feet. Further agitated, I leaned down and picked it up. Suddenly, I became aware that there was someone standing next to me, their shiny black school shoes right at eye level. It was Veronica. "What do you want, Mudblood?" I snapped, unable to stop myself. I didn't even think...
Veronica looked aghast at my reaction and she provided me with a well-deserved sharp response. "I may be a filthy Mudblood, but at least I'm not a rude, egotistical, git like you! And right now I'm the only person not laughing at you. I came over to check on you and see if you were okay after your incident with Professor Moody, but since we apparently hate each other so much, I'm changing my mind!" She snapped, storming out of the greenhouse. Sighing, I carelessly slung my bag over my shoulder and attempted to catch up to the girl, feeling even more like an arse that I did before.

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