Chapter 16 ~ New Developments

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Veronica's POV

Dancing with Draco made me feel protected and wanted, and the way we moved was almost as if we knew exactly what the other person was going to do. It was like we had a telepathic connection, as strange as it sounds. It was almost...magical. But then again, this is Hogwarts after all, so perhaps it was.

As usual, Pansy Parkinson was up to her old tricks. In an attempt to ruin my night since Draco was spending time with me, she tried to have Goyle separate us by forcefully pulling me away from Draco and out of the sea of students. I just wanted one night that I didn't have to deal with Parkinson's bullcrap, so I went to rest for a bit again, needing to give my feet a break anyway. Though I was thoroughly annoyed by the situation, I was inwardly delighted to find that Draco returned to me and that he was genuinely upset about Parkinson's shenanigans. Then to hear him say he wanted to be my date, well, I almost couldn't believe him. This all seemed to be more like a dream than anything else.

We strode over to the middle of the dance floor again, hand in hand. Another slow song started to play, one I recognized from a muggle movie I absolutely loved watching. "So Close"....How fitting... "May I?" He asked, gripping my fingers a little tighter and resting his other hand on my waist. I nodded and set my free hand on his shoulder, just as I had with Neville the night before. When he lifted me up and spun us around, I felt myself get dizzy, but not from the dancing. Our close proximity was something I could not ignore, just like those blue gray eyes that seemed to see into my soul. I was dazed in the most amazing way imaginable, unable to comprehend that this was really happening. If someone had told me at the start of the year that I would be dancing at a ball with Draco Malfoy on Christmas Day, I would have called them crazy. At the very least I would've recommended that they see a professional to get a mental evaluation.

As the romantic ballad came to its closing notes, Draco bent me back in a gentle dip, fully bracing my body as I relaxed in his arms. The hand I had on his shoulder moved up to rest on his neck instinctively, causing me to shiver as my fingers brushed over the soft skin there. Draco stared into my eyes for many moments before he carefully pulled me back to my feet. I slowly stepped closer and leaned into Draco's body, draping my arms around his neck and resting my cheek against his chest. The steady beat of his heart quickened under his shirt, sounding as though it was pounding harshly against his ribs. But he kept his arms snaked around my waist and rested his chin atop my head.

Together we swayed to the next soft melody. Our feet shuffled in mini-steps, but we did not waltz as we had been doing previously. "Veronica?" Draco called for my attention. "Hmm?" I hummed and looked up to meet his gaze. "I know we've never been the best of friends, and I know that I was truly terrible to you in the past. But-" I cut him off, sensing what he was about to say. "I can't forget everything Draco, but I have already forgiven you." Draco paused, seeming surprised, then continued speaking. Apparently there was more information I had not yet heard. "Good...and I have a confession to make." He added softly.

I gave him a puzzled look. What does he mean by that? I wondered, my own heart beginning to race once more. "What is it?" I inquired. He smirked and leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Veronica, you are the one I wanted to come here with all along...because I fancy you. I have for some time now, and, I would very much like to be your boyfriend..." He admitted, breath tickling my cheek, before pulling away and staring at me. My heart felt like it had stopped beating. What did he just say? Did he just ask me to be his girlfriend? I briefly felt as though I had gone into a state of shock. Never in my wildest dreams had I believed Draco Malfoy would actually ask me out.

For a moment, I thought he had gone mad. "Really? Are you sure you wouldn't rather go out with Parkinson or Greengrass again? After all, they are purebloods." I pointed out. "I'm quite positive that I'd rather not." He retorted. "Okay...but why me?" "Because, you're unlike any girl I've ever met." He said, confidence lacing his tone. "What about our blood? Your father would kill you if we were seen going out." I reminded him. Draco sighed, shaking his head. "Personally, I don't care anymore. Blood status is a meaningless standard my father has held prejudice against his whole life. That doesn't mean I need to do so as well. So what if you're a mud- " He stopped in the middle of the word. I swallowed and waited for him to continue. "I don't care that you're a muggleborn." He corrected himself.

I was ready to explode with joy at the sound of his words and I looked into his gray eyes hopefully. "You really mean all of that?" I whispered, wondering if I should dare to believe him. He nodded enthusiastically. "Would I have said it if I didn't?" He asked. I pondered about that for a minute and shook my head. Draco had never once lied to me. And his expression was nothing but genuine. "No, you're right...Then yes, Draco, I will be your girlfriend." I beamed at him. "Brilliant." He replied, spinning me again and pulling me back into his arms.

If Draco could be honest, I could too. I figured now was as good a time as any to tell him what I had been thinking as well. Perhaps it would reassure him of my feelings for him. "You know, I wanted to be here with you too." I admitted quietly. He smirked again in response. "Quit it!" I laughed, unable to remain serious. "What?" He chuckled. "That smirk! God, I swear you know girls fall for that!" I commented, blushing like mad. "You mean this one?" He asked, almost childlike, before repeating his previous facial expression. "Ah! Yes!" I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck once more, pulling him closer.

We continued to rock to the soft melodies with one another for a long time after our discussion. But as they say, all good things must come to an end, and the ball was steadily winding down. At the end of the night, Draco escorted me to the Grand Staircase like a true gentleman. "Goodnight, Miss Dovefeather." He said, bowing for effect. "Goodnight, Mr. Malfoy." I replied with a curtsy of my own. Before I realized what was happening, Draco leaned forward and brushed his lips across my cheek in farewell. My breath caught in my chest. Never before had I experienced that simple display of affection, at least not in a romantic way. I blushed as he backed away, still in awe that this evening had turned out as it had. I grinned and turned around, then glanced at him one last time over my shoulder as I began my ascent up the stairs to my common room.

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