Chapter 12 ~ Complications

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Veronica POV

I'm beyond thrilled with how the first task turned out! Harry and Krum are tied for first place and no one was severely hurt or maimed. Now Harry has to figure out the clue that he was given inside the golden egg. But I can't help him decipher it tonight. Hermione is more than capable of helping Harry on her own and I have somewhere else to be.

I got to the clearing in the forest early and, while in my ocelot form, climbed a tree to wait for Draco to get there. The snow covering the branches was cold under paw, but I was sheltered from the chilly breeze. As I bid my time, tail swishing back and forth impatiently, I thought about the Yule Ball. I kind of hoped Draco would ask to escort me, but that was probably wishful thinking. Still, a girl can dream, right?

Only about ten minutes passed before my friend arrived. I scented Draco before I saw him, the expensive spiced cologne that he always wore drifting in the wind. (Looking back, I realized that Draco had not worn that cologne until our meetings had become more frequent, otherwise I would have known he was there the first night we agreed to meet.) I noticed he had a hopeful look on his face as he emerged from the trees. "Veronica? Are you here?" He called, looking around for me. I was about to jump down when I thought up a devious idea. I watched him search for me for some time, but then he seemed as though he was going to leave, perhaps thinking I had not come to meet him tonight. Hoping to momentarily halt his retreat, I swiped my tail upward and caused the branch above my head to quiver. It worked and I successfully got his attention. Draco cautiously approached the tree I was hiding in and tilted his head back to look up into the darkness.

I bunched up the muscles of my hind legs and spine, and with one powerful leap, I sprang down and landed square on his chest. "Ooof!" I heard him exhale sharply as he fell down, taking me with him. "Please don't kill me!" He pleaded, eyes shut tightly and hands crossed defensively over his face. I purred in amusement, causing him to open his eyes. "Veronica!" He exclaimed, pupils widening in surprise. I meowed quietly again, moving off of his upper torso. I prowled over to the tree stump in the center of the clearing and changed back into my natural form, laughing lightly under my breath. "I may be the ocelot, but you're the scaredy cat!" I teased the boy who was still splayed on the ground, his mouth hanging open in disbelief.

Draco shifted upright and fixed his bedraggled appearance. "Ocelot?" He asked. "It's like a leopard but smaller and marked a tad differently. That's what my animagus is." I explained. He came over and sat next to me, shaking his head from side to side. "Bloody hell...don't do that." He said, the normal smirk returning to his face. "Sorry, I couldn't resist. Did I scare you?" "No." He replied quickly, causing me to giggle even harder. "Sure...I'll believe that when I sprout wings!" I cackled, wiping tears of humor from my eyes. Calming myself down once again, I waited for Draco to speak. When he did, what came out of his mouth shocked me. "So...have you got a date to the dance?" He prompted, changing the subject rather quickly.

My jaw dropped open. "Um one's invited me. Are you taking anyone?" I asked, trying to maintain a level voice. Draco hesitated, as if he needed a moment to comprehend my answer to his question. Then he gave a single nod in reply, "Unfortunately, yes. Parkinson wouldn't stop badgering me about it." He mumbled, looking down guiltily. "Oh. I'm sorry." I said sympathetically, knowing that sometimes it was best to just give in to Pansy to shut up her incessant whining. "Why didn't anyone ask you?" Draco inquired when he faced me again. "I'm not sure...maybe it's because most guys only see me as a friend." I answered softly. Draco seemed as though he wanted to say something but he bit his tongue instead.

Then I cleared my throat, wanting to talk about literally anything else. "Could I...ask you something?" I prodded, voice wavering only slightly. Draco nodded in reply. "Before all of this happened, before we became friends, I mean, it always seemed that you insulted me more than anyone else that was a muggleborn, even Hermione. Why?" I asked hesitantly. Draco stared at me silently for a short time before looking down at his feet again. "Did you ever stop to think I might've thought that was the best way to get your attention?" He answered my question with his own, his voice just as unsure as mine had been.

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