5. | Knight of Wands

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THE NEXT MORNING the only ones making any kind of conversation at breakfast were Boyd and my parents. Elora and I ate in silence, Elora glaring at me from across the table and me avoiding her gaze.

"How was Wendell's visit yesterday Elora?" My father inquired while flipping to the local coven section of his paper.

I stiffened and poked at my oatmeal with little interest. Wondering what my sister was going to say.

She plastered a serene smile on her face as she carefully spooned a piece of grapefruit into her mouth."It went well. We talked and even discussed wedding dates." Elora pointedly looked at me with hard eyes.

My mother smiled at my sister and began to gush about the best venues and which seasons to consider for the ceremony. My father chimed in every now and again with information about groomsmen, types of traditions that should be recognized and of course the price of her dowry.

"I'm very pleased you have secured such a match in Wendell Rideau. He's from a good family; strong magic in his ancestry, quite wealthy and not too bad on the eyes either Elora." My sister giggled and I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes.

My father continued, "I was surprised at how long it took Wendell to propose. Your mother and I were introduced in October and married January."

Elora dabbed the corners of her mouth with her serviette before speaking, "Papa, times are different. The gentlemen these days prefer to get to know those they are courting completely before making any permanent decisions. Wendell was merely being thorough as was I when we were acquainting ourselves."

My father nodded his head like her response satisfied him and then turned his attention to me. "Odette, on the topic of courting and marriage I need to inform you that at least half a dozen men have inquired after you. I've received several calling cards and after checking their backgrounds, I've selected five that would be acceptable for you."

My spoon slipped from my grasp and clattered to the table, speckling the glossy wood with oatmeal and blueberries. I stared down the table at my father with something akin to horror at the thought of being courted by a pack of dogs in gentlemen's clothes.

"But I don't have my familiar yet. I can't see any of them until-" My father cut me off before I could continue.

"Etiquette simply dictates that you must have your familiar when a suitor intends to court you. You may however, converse with these men over family chaperoned dinners."

I inwardly cringed at the idea being forced to spend an evening with a faceless Wiccan male who would more than likely be cut from the same cloth as my sister's fiancé.

"I really have no intention of marrying any time soon, and as much as I appreciate the lengths you've gone to to weed out the bad suitors from the decent, I have to tell you that I don't want-"

"Odette," I glanced over at my mother who's eyes could've pierced my skin had they been made of daggers, "We have spent a considerable amount of time doing this for you. You will entertain these suitors at these family dinners because you are living under this roof. And should you defy us, there will be severe repercussions that you will not find enjoyable."

I lowered my eyes in submission and glared at the tabletop, hating the fact that I was being forced out into society to endure the exhausting marriage business that was about to control my life.

"If I may," I cleared my throat hesitantly, "Elora didn't begin to entertain potential courters until she was twenty-three. I just turned twenty-one..." I trailed off, hoping my parents would pick up one where I was going with this.

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