9. | Page of Pentacles

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SITTING ON THE first few steps on the porch was a man I hadn't seen before as I approached the house. In his hands were a bouquet of Louisiana irises and gardenias. Asim swooped down and landed on the front gate, he began posturing intimidatingly at the stranger and who's familiar was starting to get agitated.

As I shut the gate, I reached over to stroke Asim's feathers, gently coaxing his wings to close. "It's okay Asim, he's friendly. I think," I looked behind me to find that the stranger had gotten up as did his familiar, an Isabella Doberman with pale gray eyes. He approached leisurely and gauged Asim's demeanor in case the condor might find it an appropriate time to snack on something.

He was about a foot away and then stopped, the Doberman heeling at his side. With an arm outstretched he offered the bouquet to me, "For you fanm mwen," he said bowing as I took the flowers hesitantly. He was striking in the pale gray tweed suit he wore, the light colored fabric contrasting against his dark olive skin.

"Can I help you?" I asked tentatively while the man's dark eyes roamed over my face with clear interest.

"Wi, I'm hoping to have a moment to get better acquainted with you jis dam. I am Pierre Telarie de Maragon at your service."

I reluctantly offered my hand to him, "Odette Van Ness," he brushed his lips against the back of my hand and lingered, making me want to snatch my hand back immediately. Instead, I tightened my grip on the flowers with my other hand.

When he finally finished I took my hand back and forced a small smile, "Unfortunately Mr. Telarie de Maragon, I wasn't made aware of your coming to see me and I'm sorry to tell you that I have a prior engagement." The lie almost felt believable leaving my mouth.

Pierre's face fell for a moment than he smiled brightly, "Of course fanm mwen. Perhaps you will allow me to call on you tomorrow afternoon?" My stomach twisted at the thought but I nodded woodenly, knowing my parents would be even more upset with me if I told him no.

"Good, I shall see you tomorrow then. Orevwa pou kounye a Miss Van Ness. Come Manon." He clicked his tongue and his familiar came to follow at his side and he bowed his head as he passed me and I inclined mine. When he stepped out onto the sidewalk I waved and waited until he was out of sight then turned to Asim.

"Asim, I'm going inside now and you need to go back to Uncle Callum." I reached up to stroke his right wing telling him, "Thank you for watching over me today, you did a very good job." I smiled when Asim shook his feathers and let out a small squawk. I started walking backwards towards the house while telling Asim to fly home. The condor didn't move until I was up on the porch and only then did he spread his massive wings and take flight.

I turned to the front door and it swung open with Price waiting for me to enter. When I did I thanked him and went down the hallway to get to the kitchen. On my way to my destination I passed by my father's study where the heavy walnut door wasn't completely closed and the voices of my parents were clear. I stopped when the heard my mother say my name.

"-Odette's familiar hasn't come yet and it's been about a week Gregory. It's not coming and you know it and the only course of action we can take now is calling on the Council." There was a distinct clicking of heels across the floorboards as if my mother were pacing and then I heard my father speak.

"Anna, let's not jump to irrational decisions. Odette could procure a familiar soon and the suitors seem to be keen on courting her."

My mothered scoffed, "As if any one of those men will want a wife who doesn't have a familiar, if they find out she's defective they would be in their rights to curse us. She has no familiar, she has no magic. We have to call the Council Gregory, it's the right thing to do."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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