6. | Wheel of Fortune

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WHILE WALKING OVER the threshold, Fiona came out from behind the counter and met both my brother and I halfway, giving each of us a firm hug.

"I haven't seen you in here in years, and my, how you've gotten taller boy." Fiona extended her hand and just barely ruffled Boyd's mop of dark hair.

Boyd's ears and neck reddened which made me laugh and Fiona turned her attention to me. "I saw your note yesterday, is everything alright mon cher?"

I shifted from one foot to the other and nodded only to have Boyd gently nudged my shoulder.

"It's just been a little tense at home," I admitted and as I looked around the store I noticed boxes piled in places unlike the day before. "Fiona what-"

"Hey Fee, where are these going?" My attention snapped to the voice I knew almost as well as my own. Craning my neck around Fiona's form, I saw the man who had been upstairs yesterday. He froze mid-step when he saw me, his face surprised until he noticed Boyd standing at my side. His features became shuttered but his eyes were hard and his jaw clenched as he assessed my brother.

Boyd in turn partially blocked his view by putting his body in front mine. I could still see and watched as the man's grip tightened on the two boxes he held.

Fiona seemed oblivious to the sudden aggression in her shop as she responded, "Hun, just put them with the other relics." As the man strode over to the right side of the door Fiona brightened, her hands waving wildly as if swatting away mosquitoes.

"Oh dear, how rude of me! C'mere hun," She gestured for the man to come join us after he dropped off the boxes, "May I introduce Miss Odette Van Ness," I made to move out from Boyd's shadow but he blocked me with his arm. The man's posture turned rigid and I glanced up at my brother with displeasure but offered up a smile and polite nod in the man's direction. "And this her brother, Boyd." And though I couldn't see my brother's face, I could tell there was a standoff of some kind happening between the two.

The man's shoulders visibly relaxed when he heard brother. Fiona glanced between my brother and the man and continued with the introductions. "Odette, Boyd, this here is Adrian Masson. My nephew for all intents and purposes." The man, Adrian, nodded at both my brother and I and I nudged Boyd to offer his hand. He looked down at me with a small measure of annoyance which I returned wholeheartedly, with my brows raised imploringly.

Boyd sighed and begrudgingly stuck out his hand. Adrian eyed my brother for a second then met him halfway, clasping hands and both shaking with more force then necessary.

"It's nice to meet you both," Adrian said, his gaze moving from Boyd's face to mine. Embarrassingly I could feel my cheeks heat and unsure of myself, I nervously diverted my attention to Fiona.

"So what's going on Fiona?" From the corner of my eye I knew Adrian was still looking at me which only increased my sudden nervousness.

Fiona didn't seem to notice or if she did, she didn't make a fuss. "Oh, you know, just some spring cleaning is all."

"But it's October Fiona," I stated, my head tilting to the side.

She only waved her hand again, "Well, it's never too late to start. By the time we're done here it'll be Spring." At this she and I laughed, the men still at an impasse.

"What can we do to help?" I asked, trying to lighten the room. Fiona beamed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leading me away from my brother.

"Mon cher, if you're serious why don't you take your brother upstairs and get some of those books organized for me? Adrian and I will be moving some things around down here, setting up a discount table."

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