Mammon: Gambler

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{pov: when you're a better gambler than him}


Mammon: Gambler

Mammon, the great Avatar Of Greed. By his simple title, I was sure, from the moment I even heard of him, that he was somewhat obsessed with money, but let's just say I underestimated him.

Diavolo's birthday was coming up, and I was simply hanging around Belphegor, since he had just been through the whole Lucifer and Diavolo locking him up thing, and now all the brother's walls were up around him.

I can't deny that I felt somewhat sorry for Belphie, since he was just grieving, not knowing any better than to lash out, and now his brothers were treating him like a stranger.

Still, we suddenly heard loud thuds and sounds of cluttering and clanging metals. It was rather late, and so we didn't expect anyone or anything to be awake with us, not only that, but Lucifer would kill us both for the noise if we didn't silence it, and fast.

"What was that?" Belphie questioned, appearing slightly shocked by the loud eruption of clattering metal. Shrugging, I glared back at him, giving him a clueless glance, suggesting that since neither of us knew, that we should find out for ourselves.

Slowly and cautiously edging closer to the room that the sound seemed originate from, Belphie and I exchanged curiously worrisome glances.

All of our concerns were thrown out of the window when we came to hear Mammon yelling and shouting to himself. "Damn it! This isn't what I was looking for!"

Me and Belphie entered the room, all of our concerns literally vaporised - knowing that it was only Mammon. Questioning it, although I was pretty sure what he was doing, I spoke up. "Hey Mammon, what are you up to?"

Belphie then took the more straightforward route, mumbling to himself. "Pathetic thief."

"Hey, hey, hey! That hurts, you know!" Mammon yelled at Belphie, sighing as he stood up straight and looked disappointed. "I ain't no thief! I was just... looking for some of my things that I left up here and was planning to sell." He emphasised on the 'my', although I was ninety nine percent sure that what he was 'looking for' definitely wasn't his.

"What do you need money for this time?" Belphie sighed, as he pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly fed up with his brother's scummy stealing ways, although Belphie has only just gotten back.

Mammon scoffed, and went to yell back, but began mumbling with a low red hue to his cheeks. "I was... looking to get a present for someone, you dumbass."

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. I need to get money to buy Diavolo for his birthday a present too." Belphie spoke, almost to himself.

Sighing, Mammon rolled his eyes. "Why would I ever get a present for that annoying idiot? He's rich already."

Belphie then leaned on one leg and smirked, catching Mammon out. "Then who were you getting a present for, huh?"

Mammon's eyes went wide, as he glanced over to me nervously and then straight to the floor, an extreme blush and possible sweat forming on his face. "N-No one important, idiot!"

Giggling, I smiled to myself at the sight while Belphie sighed once again. "Well, were all poor here, so should we all go try and get jobs to get money for the presents?"

I began to cut him off on the assumption he had made about me. "Ah, ah, ah! That's where you're wrong. It's true I need to get Diavolo a present yet, but money isn't an issue for me."

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