Mammon: Suicide

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This obviously includes the sensitive topics of sexual assault, assault, depression, suicidal thoughts and such. Please read at your own discretion.

If you're struggling or know someone who is, please know you're not alone and reach out for help.


Mammon: Suicide

Blinking my heavy eyelids open, I came to the sad reality of my current state. Why did I have to open my eyes again? Is the world that cruel? I would have preferred to have not opened them ever again.

Sighing heavily, I went to sit up, but soon realised my less than poor physical state; I soon remembered that I had been pummelled and beaten by brute demonic strength repeatedly until unconsciousness. "Shit."

I winced as I managed to crawl back onto my feet with the help of a nearby brick wall. Then, I quickly sorted out my physical state: Nathaniel and his goons had made sure to not hit my visible skin, like my face, so others wouldn't see it as easily.

While you couldn't tell, I was sure that my stomach and entire body under the uniform was almost completely broken. I had certainly broken a few ribs, and basically my whole body screamed out in pain, but I was used to it, so I simply sucked it up and headed indoors.

After such a long time of having to withstand the demon's abuse, I had managed to grow an extremely high tolerance for pain. I'm pretty sure it was also linked with the fact that I was practically emotionless too, maybe that linked with my almost complete inability to feel pain?

Regardless, I had noticed that the entire front of the school was empty, and I recall being late as it was in the morning, now I had also been unconscious for god knows how long as well.

Soon, after a small detour to physically fix myself up in the bathroom and take some painkillers, I had came to the outside of my classroom door, and I could hear my teacher lecturing about a particular mathematical topic.

Slowly sliding the door open, I sucked in my stomach, biting my tongue from the pain that still erupted through my body, and waltzed in. The teacher and every other student, including Nathaniel and his goons, turned to my direction. The teacher soon began his lecturing of not a mathematical topic, but me instead. "Where have you been? Why are you so late?"

Bowing, I have a quick but weak excuse that was the only one I could think of at the time. "I'm sorry sir, I slept in."

He soon scolded me, informing me of my resulting after school detention for tomorrow night after school and he then told me to hurry to my seat. While doing so, I sighed heavily, tiredly tracing the outlines of the wood marks on the desk with my finger.

I soon felt a small tap on my shoulder, and as I turned in the direction of it, I came to see a concerned-looking Satan. He then whispered to me, making sure not to be too loud. "Are you okay? Why were you so late?"

I'm guessing that Mammon told him about me sleeping in and then skipping breakfast to head to school, plus I was over two hours late. Although I know Satan wouldn't approve of it, I came up with a small but reasonable lie. "I was skipping class, but I couldn't tell the teacher the truth."

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