Mammon: Blackout

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{pov: when you accidentally get married}


Mammon: Blackout

"Come on, you slow human, or will I need to carry you?!" Mammon yelled excitedly as we were running down the street with wide smiles on our faces. We were headed to a local bar - simply being stupid and messing around. Mammon had actually lost a bet with Levi that left him having to get wasted. Of course, what's his is mine, and therefore, he obviously dragged me into it.

Although it was originally a punishment, we seemed to both be in rather happy moods and decided to simply say 'to hell with it!' Quite literally actually! We decided that if were going to do it, we were going to do it while having fun! And so, here we are: running down the street to the bar like overly enthusiastic idiots.

"I can run just fine on my own, but if you wanna' give me a piggy back ride, then, hell yeah! My lazy ass is down for that!" I screamed back with a punk rock look on my face, extremely exited for the night ahead. Oh how wrong I was to be exited.

We had made it to the bar, and me and Mammon we're slowly consuming all the alcohol in the bar. He obviously warned me not to drink too much and to stay by him in his own incoming tsundere way, but I was still downing them like there was no tomorrow! I was chugging glasses of the strongest shuu they had like they were mere shot glasses, while Mammon was quite slower beside me.

I reckoned that after the last time I drank demon alcohol with Asmodeus, it would take quite a bit of it to make a human drunk, but I was sure as hell down for a challenge! Within a few hours, my memory began to simply become parts.

I can recall it simply being mere fractions of what it usually was. It continued like that until, at one point, I completely blacked out and cannot remember anything. Last I remember, me and Mammon were laughing at a coaster with an ugly man on it, that in reality, wasn't funny in the slightest, yet the large amounts of alcohol in our systems made it so.

I was now blinking back to reality as I noticed my surroundings weren't as they usually were when I woke up: I wasn't in my bedroom back at the House Of Laminton. Instead, I came to find myself in a field covered in empty bottles, confetti, and passed out people - one of them being Mammon.

Grabbing my head in pain from the extreme hangover, I stood up slowly, wobbling as I did, and headed over to Mammon's side, harshly shaking him as I hoped to wake him from what seemed to be an alcohol-induced coma of sorts. "Hey! Hey, Mammon! Wake up!"

After a few minutes of violent shaking, his sleeping body groaned as he sat up hastily, clutching his head in pain, almost seeming identical to my reaction when waking up to this monster of a hangover. Confused as hell, I decided to question if Mammon either remembered what happened, which he probably didn't, or knew where in The Devildom we were! "Did you have a nice nap, sleeping beauty?"

"Anyways, do you remember anything of last night? Where even are we?" I began to stand up, letting my eyes search around. I could ask one of the other passed out people, but I'm sure they wouldn't remember.

"No clue." Mammon shrugged, groaning again as he stood up. He then mumbled under his breath, hoping it was quiet enough so only he could hear it, but I had rather impressive hearing. "Stupid otaku getting me wasted..."

Glaring around the fields, I noticed something in the distance, which looked like The Devildom. Great, it's a few miles away. How the fuck did we even get all the way out here, and who the hell are these people? Grabbing Mammon's hand, I dragged him as we began to walk towards the town, leaving the field of drunk messes behind.

"So, what was the last thing you remember?" I questioned him, seemingly curious about what he remembered, yet I was also curious when this goddamned hangover would either end, or kill me. Mammon shrugged, still walking beside me. "Hmm, I don't know... Oí! Wait! The last thing I remember is when you slapped that guy, haha!"

I chuckled at the memory of me slapping the rude guy at the bar. This was actually quite a bit before my last memory of the night - when we were laughing at the 'ugly' coaster, but then again, demons are more affected by the alcohol we had, so I'm sure he was ten times more wasted than I was. "Haha, yeah." Smirking to the side slightly, I glared at Mammon as we walked. "You know Lucifer is going to kill you, right?"

Stuttering, he spluttered before yelling. "Oi! Don't remind me! Also, why won't you be punished too? You slapped a guy!"

Laughing at his flustered and annoyed state, I started the obvious. "Being the human transfer student, Lucifer wont punish me, or at least, he won't punish me as bad as he will his own brother. Plus, he'll go even easier on me know that we know of my ancestry, haha."

Mammon scoffed and rolled his eyes as he pulled his hand away from mine, realising that we hadn't stopped holding hands ever since I dragged him away - though I didn't mind, I rather enjoyed it actually.

After pulling my hand away from his, I still felt like I needed the warmth of his hand touching mine, so I held my now empty right hand in my left, and began stroking it nervously, finding it unsettling that we forgot everything and woke up in a field.

Just as I brushed my thumb back and forth in my own hand, I felt cold metal on my finger, sending a chill up my spine in response. What the hell is this? It wasn't uncommon for me to wear rings, but never on that finger. Staring down at it, the memories came flooding back to me as I opened my eyes wide in shock.

We had gotten extremely wasted and ran off, left getting married by an Elvis Presley impersonator who actually had documents proving that the marriage was rather real. We had then taken all of our fellow drunken bar friends out as we celebrated the night away having a party in this field, explaining the confetti, many empty bottles and passed out strangers.

Sweating nervously, I glared down to my shiny ring - dean was it so shiny, and gorgeous, but - then I immediately turned to my... husband beside me. Coming to a hault, I grabbed his shoulders and began shaking him harshly. "WE GOT MARRIED-"

He seemed to open his eyes wide as he too noticed his ring on his hand, and began screaming too. We then screamed in sync as we realised our sealed fate and certain doom awaiting us back home, soon beginning to run home as fast as we could so we could try and fix our problem. "LUCIFER IS GOING TO KILL US-"

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