Beelzebub: Eating Disorder

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This obviously includes the sensitive topics of an eating disorder and such. Please read at your own discretion.

If you're struggling or know someone who is, please know you're not alone and reach out for help.


{pov: when you have an eating disorder}


Beelzebub: Eating Disorder

I had been having a lot of fun in the Devildom so far. Everyone had been so nice to me, and all the brothers were really sweet to me, especially Beel.

There was one reason that conflicted me being too close with Beel, and that was my undiagnosed eating disorder.

I hated to admit it, but I couldn't digest food properly, in the sense that food looked revolting and every time I even came near food, I could almost hear a small voice in my head counting how many calories I was putting on with a single glance.

One of the positive things though, was that Beel would frequently eat all of the food due to his extreme gluttony alongside his demonic appetite. Plus, all the food here was very strange. Like, for example, poison apples were normal, since the poison didn't affect the demons, and was merely like a tasty syrup to them.

Regardless, I had been eating fairly well ever since I came to the Devildom. The brothers were kind enough to treat me to my own human food, so it's not like I could blame not eating on the weird poisonous demon food anyways.

To be fair, my appearance hadn't been on my mind much ever since entering the demon realm. Agreed, all of the attractive demons irked me, but I was too hypnotised by the brothers and having so much fun with all of them that I almost felt free of that little negative nagging voice in my head.

One night, that all changed though. It all started when I drifted into a deep sleep. At first, it was complete and utter darkness, but in the next instant, I saw a light.

Reaching for the light, I sat up and realised I was merely in my bed. Wasn't I just in bed going to sleep? Ah, oh well.

Hurriedly getting changed, I headed to breakfast with the brothers, but I realised something was very very strange.

Just as I went to sit down, Asmodeus perked up and made a nasty comment. "Woah, looks like you bloated during your sleep, Yuki!"

My face went whiter than a blank piece of paper as I blinked, sitting down and mumbled with a very prominent stutter. "R-Really? I guess I hadn't n-noticed..."

Glancing down at my Breakfast sitting on my plate, I gulped nervously while raising the food to my mouth hesitantly.

After a few bites, Mammon unexpectedly called out. "Hey! Stop eating everything, Yuki, and leave some for me!"

Sweat began to roll down my forehead as I froze, my food slipping through my fingers and colliding with the plate at a high speed.

"Careful there, your chubby fingers are dropping all the food so fast and with so much weight that it'll smash the plates!" Mammon yelled out while jumping up from his seat. Tears began streaming down my face as I heard what he said, still frozen in place.

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