Lucifer: Our Love Is God

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This obviously includes the sensitive topics of sexual assault, assault, and such. Please read at your own discretion.


{pov: when he protects you}


Lucifer: Our Love Is God

Sitting idly, I blanked out everything around me. I was simply sitting, mixed up in a daydream, while my boring fourth and final lesson of the day dragged on. I wasn't particularly keen on this subject, the teacher's voice sounded like she smoked six packs of cigarettes a day and I had no friends in the class, so I simply faded away.

My almost never ending drift into the void of hopeless romantic daydreams was quickly shut like a fairytale book, bring me down and crashing back into reality as the end of the day bell rang out. The day is over already?

It appeared that most of the students had left already, yet I was still sitting with the most bored and uninterested look on my face that you've ever seen. Actually, that's wrong. My look also contained hints of annoyance. I had an after school activity that I oh so adored: theatre, it was my passion.

Just the thought of having so much power to transform into an entirely different person, see the world through a different perspective, and live almost an entirely different life exited me. It sounded like something from a fairytale or television show.

It also sounded like it could be an anime. A girl who transforms into others and spends time living their lives to learn more, experience more, and grow? It really does sound like an anime. I should ask Levi if he knows of any anime's similar to that, at least.

With that, I began heading over to the theatre in the school where the drama club was held, ready to start my favourite lesson. As soon as I entered the theatre, the whole stage was set up already. We had been planning a play and we were now far enough along for full set, costume and prop rehearsal as if it were the performance day.

The play was one known widely by the name of 'Heathers' where a teen girl who tries to fit in with the popular girls find herself attracted to a psychotic teen in her school who she dates but ends up getting manipulated by into doing horrible things while the boyfriend is plotting something bigger.

I played the role of Veronica, the main character and the teen who is trying to fit in and ends up dating the hot psychopath and being manipulated. I had the most lines and scenes in the play, but I was happy with that since I enjoyed not only acting but I was also very passionate about this particular musical too!

We had now been rehearsing for around two hours and were rapping the club up soon, but first, we were finishing off one final scene. It was true that we had ran over the actual end of the club duration by quite a bit, but many were happy to stay and rehearse more - those who couldn't simply went home since the last few scenes only needed the few main characters anyways.

We were rehearsing the scene where we had just shot the two 'gay' jocks, Kurt and Ram. I started off with my line as we soon broke off into song. "What the fuck have you done...?!"

I hadn't noticed at this point, but Lucifer has actually come into the theatre looking for me since I hadn't come home from school yet and it was rather late. The soundtrack was rather loud so I didn't hear him at all, and I was extremely focused on my acting.

The boy who played JD, the psychotic boyfriend, was called Justin. Justin was actually pretty popular for a theatre kid, and was often seen as a fuck boy who was almost always either high, drunk, or both. Justin turned to me, saying his lines as he began stepping closer to me. "...I worship you."

I then saw him glimpse towards the theatre door entrence, and then quickly turn to me with a smirk. I didn't care to check what he was looking at as it seemed very in character for him to smirk at me during the scene, and he could possibly be 'looking out for the police' since we had just shot two teenagers during the scene.

"I'd trade my life for yours." Justin edged closer as I began to do the opposite, backing away from him in fear. To be extremely honest, I wasn't actually faking my fear. Something had changed in Justin's eyes, as if it wasn't him anymore. It was normal for people to get into character, but to go this far was just worrying. His eyes were wide open as a large and creepy grin was plastered on his face. Something told me he wasn't faking his little yandere act.

"We'll make them disappear..." He sang out, his face showing no forms of sanity whatsoever. I continued to back away in actual fear as my back hit one of the prop trees that was fake, but looked and felt incredibly real. "We'll plant our garden here!~"

He continued singing softly yet in an over-exited manner. He soon came in close proximity to me, too close. This is not what we practiced. He then cupped my cheek with one hand, holding my arms above my head with the other as he pressed my body against the tree with his own body. "Our love is god."

The soundtrack carried on as I stared at him in unmistakable fear. This definitely wasn't part of the rehearsal. Justin then began kissing me, forcing himself on me as he gave me no chance to react, never mind push him away. The soundtrack continued on like background music in a movie, the background vocals continuing to sing out the lines. "Our love is god."

With every second, the music got more dramatic as so did he. Justin then began pressing his leg in between mine, his knee pressing harshly up against my clothed core. This isn't part of the plan at all! B-But, he won't move no matter how much I fight back!

The other members of the club must have simply taken it as acting as they stood around idly, letting the background vocals sing out in harmony while the scene played out, some even too busy on their D.D.D's to care.

Then, out of nowhere, Lucifer appeared on the stage, in demon form, and he then proceeded to yank Justin away from me, now holding him up in the air. I gasped for air as my throat was finally mine once again, but then continued to gasp as I saw the new scene in front of me. This, too, is not part of the play! What the fuck is up with people messing up the rehearsal today?!

Lucifer growled as his face showed a look I've never seen on him before. Yes, he had gotten extremely angry at Mammon before, but this look on his face was something on a completely whole different level - as if he was  going to destroy the entire world with a single blink of an eye.

Justin then responded to this in a foolish manner, as if he was begging to get killed with that smirk he still had on his face. Yet, while he was speaking, he hadn't taken his eyes off of me for a single second, not even when Lucifer had pulled him away from me and proceeded to dangle him above ground in a choke-hold position. "Hey, Lucy! I don't think an overpowered demon throwing a temper tantrum is part of the play."

"Well, I don't think you forcing yourself onto Yuki was either." He narrowed his eyes and also his grip on Justin's neck with every second that passed. "You are going to quit this play and never ever even think about looking at Yuki, or I will hunt you down and force you to watch as I torture and carve your family's hearts out. Do you fucking understand that, or are you too stupid?"

With Lucifer's real and honest threat, Justin simply nodded with sweat and regret now forming all over him, especially the most hilarious look on his face - as if he had just pissed his pants. Lucifer then let go of his neck as Justin dropped to the floor with a thud. "Good. Now get out of my sight."

With that, Justin scurried to his feet and sprinted out of the room as fast as he could, leaving Lucifer to straighten out his outfit before turning to me with worry painted on his face. "Are you alright, Yuki?"

Nodding, I gave him a thankful smile as I shedded forward, clearing my throat. "I am now, thank you. Though I am slightly worried since you haven't killed Justin yet..."

I chuckled slightly, mainly from my nerves simply making me anxious in such a tense situation. Lucifer then chucked too, but not from nerves at all; instead, he chuckled with the most absolute mischievous grin on his face. He then looked at me with a smirk. "Oh, trust me. I'm not done with him yet."

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