Satan: Meow

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{pov: when you turn into a cat}


Satan: Meow

Today started off like any other day: I had simple woke up, ate breakfast, and now I was headed back to my bedroom. It was the weekend, and therefore, I had a full day of free time to spend doing whatever I liked all day.

I was planning on watching a show on Netflix that I was currently mid-way through, but it turned out that the universe didn't have that peaceful binge-watching day in mind for me.

My bedroom door was in sight, but I was soon interrupted just as I reached out to grab the door handle. Goddamn it, I was a second away from my sweet, sweet day long binge-watching session! The voice spoke out with a somewhat cheerful feel to it, matching the person who spoke out. "Hey, Yuki! Levi wanted me to come and get you for something!"

I turned around to see Beelzebub with an innocent smile spread on his face, dimples appearing as he smiled. Levi sent him to get me? That little purple bastard, he knows I can't say no to Beel and his fucking adorableness.

Smiling back, somewhat nervously, I rubbed my arm in defeat. "Hey Beel, what's up? What do you guys need me for?"

Beel's huge body looked down on me with an overwhelming sense of innocence flooding the entire hallway. He pouted adorably and I couldn't help but feel my heart break in two at the sight. I could practically feel my heart screaming out in awe and had to force myself to not leap up and squish his chubby cheeks. "I-I don't know... sorry. He just told me to tell you to go to his room."

Nodding with a cheesy grin on my face, I gave him a large hug and thanked him. "Okay, thank you Beel! I'll go to Levi now, you can go back to what you were doing!"

He gave me the widest and most heart-warming smile and tilted his head slightly. "Okay! I'll be in the kitchen if you need me, Yuki!"

And with that, Beel headed down the corridor to the kitchen while my plans were ruined - leaving me headed to Levi's room, steam practically fuming out of my ears as I stomped over in fury. He ruined my binge-watching day and fucking used Beel's cuteness to win me over! No way he's going to get away with it!

Barging into Levi's room, I saw him practically fly and nearly hit the ceiling as he squealed in fear. Not only was Levi in the room, but so was Belphegor and Mammon too. Belphegor was simply laying in Levi's bathtub while Mammon and Levi were standing up discussing something until I barged in, causing Mammon and Levi to squeal and jump in fright as Belphie merely lifted his head up to see what the fuss was about, but it was clear that he was still half-asleep. "EEP! Y-Yuki!"

"Don't "eep, Y-Yuki" me! I'm going to destroy you! How dare you use Beel against me, you crusty rusty whining weeb!" I yelled while holding him up by his shirt and yelling at him as he whimpered.

"H-Hey! What's up with you, you stupid human!" Mammon stuttered out, clearly confused by my sudden outburst, but seeming to enjoy me holding his brother hostage and threatening him.

Belphie simply shrugged and lay back down, falling back asleep as I put Levi down, pushing him back while my anger was practically about to spill out and scold all three of the brothers. "Levi used Beel against me and ruined my binge-watching!"

Mammon scoffed and awkwardly switched which foot he was leaning on. "That's it?! And you're ready to kill him for it!?"

I rolled my eyes, still annoyed by his interruption of my beautifully planned day that now went down the drain. "Well, what the hell did you call me here for anyways?"

Levi then practically jumped in excitement as he recalled his intentions and began rambling on about his plan like a child in a candy store. "So, we have a plan in mind because Satan has been feeling rather down recently, and you're a key part in the plan!"

Staring at him like he was some confusing and repulsive idiot, I began to question it. "What the hell! Firstly, Satan's been feeling down? How would I help with that!? And secondly, what does this so called plan entail?"

I could tell that it was nothing good by the look on Levi's face. I didn't even know why the other two were here, but it seemed that they had no clue about the plan either, and we're just as intrigued and annoyed by Levi as well.

"Well, the plan is rather simple. All you have to do is drink this." Levi then held out a small bottle of cyan liquid that looked in no-way normal. If anything, it was probably poisonous or a fucking bottle of acid, knowing him and his ridiculous plans.

"What the hell is that!?" Mammon yelled, seeming somewhat concerned that I was about to consume whatever liquid this was. Levi then rolled his eyes, before getting hyped up even more, squealing once again as he continued his exited rambles.

"This is a special potion I had Solomon make! I promise it's safe. All you have to do is drink it, and then you'll trans- I-I mean, then all you need to do is go visit Satan!" Levi seemed to know something that we didn't, but I didn't care at this point. I was too fucking tired for this shit.

"Whatever. Pass it here. Let's get this over and done with." I then snatched the bottle of liquid from Levi's hand and downed it all in one go, then storming out of the room and heading to Satan's. Mammon seemed to be yelling things out fo worry and concern behind me while Levi was practically jumping up and down in excitement.

Just as I made it to Satan's room, I knocked on the door, once, twice, and then I was cut off on my third knock as I suddenly noticed the world slowly growing bigger around me while I confused to seemingly shrink. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL-

As I began to look down at my hands, I realised that I was standing on all fours, and that I was extremely furry. Sitting down to get a better look at my hands, I was greeted by two black paws glaring back at me. WHAT.

Satan's now large door then opened up as a groan was heard from inside, but sounding way louder than ever before. "Go away Mammon, for the last time, I'm not investing in your un-toasting toaster idea-"

The door was soon fully open as a humungous Satan stood there with the most annoyed look; that was, until he saw me. He looked down, and upon sight, he practically had stars in his eyes. Tilting my head to the side, I began to speak, hoping to say something like 'hey, how are you' or is heard you're upset, are you okay', but instead, all that was heard as a small meow. WAIT DID I JUST MEOW-

Within a second, Satan scooped me up and was now cradling me in his arms like a baby, staring at me like I was the most precious thing in the world. He then carried me inside of his room as he shut his door slowly, not taking his eyes off of me.

Satan then lay me down on his bed while he kneeled down and glared at me, proceeding to stroke me until I unknowingly began purring. "You're adorable! Where did you come from? Who left you outside my room? Who's your owner? I don't know, but I'm not leaving you alone, my precious little kitty."

He then began smiling brighter than ever as I snuggled into his hand, playing into the whole cat-thing, even though I was still confused. I'm going to kill Levi.

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