Part 4

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Leedo's p.o.v

She caught me staring at her and then got up and left immediately. I watched her silhouette disappearing from the cafeteria door.

"She doesn't care about you anymore." Dongju whispered to my ear. Is that true? Probably. Why would she care about me now!? I also should pretend like I don't give a fuck.

"Oppa~" here we go again.

"What?" I asked Luna coldly.

"Why you kept looking at that girl? I'm upset." Luna pouted, eeew gross!

"I don't have to answer that." I said and left the cafeteria without looking back at that scary bitch.

Y/n's p.o.v

After meeting Siwan I was about to go to my next class, then a blond girl came in front of me with her friend.

"Stop." She ordered me! She fucking ordered me to STOP!

"Why should I? Do I know you?" I asked her.

"No! But my boyfriend knows you. And I don't like you being with him." She barked at me.

"Who? Asahi? San? Can't be. So fuck off I don't know your boyfriend. And those two guys I mentioned earlier are the only guys who are currently accompanying me." I said and was about to walk away but she interrupted.

"Not them! Leedo. Just back off from my Leedo oppa you bitch! I know he is your ex but he only loves me now." Who the fuck is Leedo now?

"Who in the fucking earth is Leedo now. I only dated a one guy in my fucking 20 years old life and when last time I checked his name was KIM FUCKING GEONHAK not LEEDO or something weird, or wait are you talking about Minho!? The guy I dated for 3 days when I was in middle schoo? He used to call himself Lee Know lmfao- but wait why am I even-"

"It's me y/n, your Kim Fucking Geonhak is Leedo. And who the hell is Lee know!?" I was about to fuck off from that place but yeah that nasty guy popped out of no where again.

"Remove that "your" part Kim Geonhak-ssi, and you don't have to worry about Minho. girl you can keep him.  I really don't have anything to do with him." I said trying to keep cool, but I know my eyes gonna start watering any time sooner. I need to leave as soon as possible.

"Oh really?" That girl gave me a creepy smile.

"Yes and Geonhak your new name sucks just like you." I said and stepped away but he pulled my hand. Tears started rolling down my cheeks, I didn't want him to see me crying. I didn't turn back.

Someone help me please! I was screaming inside. Just right after I saw San coming towards us looking kinda pissed. He saw my eyes which were overflowing with tears, and it seemed like he perfectly understood the whole situation.

He grabbed my hand which Geonhak was holding and pulled me into his chest so no one can see my tears. At that moment I quickly wiped those and pulled away from San, I shouldn't do that shit! My eyes were red.

Geonhak looked at me worryingly but I ignored him.

"Don't ever come near y/n again." San warned him.

"Who the fuck are you?" Geonhak talked back.

Y/n's boyfriend." I looked at San, I got dumbfounded.

"You guys just met-"

"None of your fucking business you bully!" Wait so San thought Geonhak was bullying me? He is so cute.

"Okay agree. And I'm not a bully, I am her boyfriend- I mean, I was."

"Past is in the past. Let's go Y/n-ah." San took my hand and lead me to the classroom.

Geonhak smirked at me and I just looked at him without saying anything.

After me and San sat in the classroom he started to freak out.

"OMG! I was hella scared dude!! I thought he was about to hurt you. So you guys were something?"

"Yeah we were, but he just played me." I short answered.

"That motherfucker-"

"It's okay San, my brother never liked him anyways. Where's Asahi?"

"He will be back. He went to meet principal." San answered.

"Oh fine." I said and smiled at him softly.

Then I saw Geonhak and his girlfriend walking inside the class, I looked away. I don't wanna see him with her.

Leedo's p.o.v

So she got a new boyfriend? Good for her. People shoud appreciate my efforts for holding back the urge to choke San with my bare hands.

I felt like my whole world started crashing down. I missed my chance again didn't I? I'm a loser. Just a pathetic loser who can't control his own self and has anger issues.

I stepped out of the classroom as soon as I stepped in because I saw San and y/n being so loving to each other.

Then I decided to drink that fucking awful day away.

Y/n's p.o.v

First day at college after a while was hard. I met some interesting people but I'm exhausted, because of him.

It was near 6 in the evening and I was about to go home after grocery shopping, I needed some stuff because Siwan is gonna be home.

I just stepped out from the supermarket when I got a phone call,

From Geonhak's mom!!?

I hesitated a bit, she is my ex boyfriend's mom. What should I do? I'll just pick up. I decided and answered the phone.

"Honey can you please check up on our Geonhak?" That's what she asked me. She is a nice person, completely different from her son. But gotta tell her that we broke up. Geonhak must've told her that right?.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Kim but your son broke up with me while ago-" I said but cut off by her surprised voice.

"What!? Really? He didn't told me! 2 weeks ago I asked him how things are going and he said everything was fine. And when I told him to tell you that I said hi he said okay." He is probably fine as fuck. I'm the one who is suffering here.

"Yes we broke up ma'am I'm sorry."

"It really went to ma'am from mom right? I liked you a lot y/n. I thought you guys will last forever, he loved you a lot. He never was serious in his past relationships but I'm his mom, he loves you a lot." He fucking told me to fuck off Mrs. Kim you never know.

"If you guys broke up I know it's not so nice to ask this from you, but y/n please can you check up on him? He called me minutes ago and he was so drunk then I heard something crashing and the line went off I'm really worried and you are the only person I could-"


"Mom you should've told me before! I'm heading there don't worry I'll call you." I said and hung up immediately.

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