The Escape Plan

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[| AloneTraveler-Bold

SELOZAR-Italics |]


My eyes were glued on the window.  Albert said that he would knock softly on my door twice when he was coming to get.  I could hear my shaky breaths and my heartbeat.  If Alone caught us, we would be dead.  I would have to pray for the best.  We planned to escape through the window in the kitchen.  We made plans to take ULEANRA with us, but he kept shaking his head no.  I heard the set of quiet knocks and opened the door slowly to keep it from creaking.  Albert look at me, I nodded my head.  We crept downstairs and head to the kitchen.  We missed all the creaky floorboards and ULEANRA didn't go crazy when he saw us.  He just smiled and, for once, stayed still.  He watched us as we quietly opened the kitchen window.  Albert gesture me to go first.  I climbed up on the counter and crawled through the window.  Shortly after, Albert was next to me.  Alone didn't have any windows in the back of the house, so we ran for it.   

          We got lost.  We were some where in the middle of the woods, completely lost, and freezing.  We made a small camp.  During the night, we made a fire.  We put it out at sunrise so the smoke wouldn't wouldn't alarm Alone where we hid.  Albert was sitting down hugging his knees to his chest for warmth.  I just sat there and accepted the cold against my skin.  The wind wasn't helping.  I knew this was a bad idea, I should've just stayed there.  Then, we wouldn't be lost and cold.  "I a-am so sorry Selozar." I turn to look at Albert.  "I got you into this, now we're going to die from the cold and starvation." He let out a small sigh and rested his head on his knees.  I put on a small smile. "We can f-figure something out, right? The forest has to end sometime."  "I-I guess you're right." Albert lifted his head and held it with his hands.  "Something wrong Albert?" I asked.  "Y-Yeah, j-just a headache-" Albert passed before he could finish his sentence.   I heard footsteps, the snow crunching.  Then, the too familiar sound of metal on metal.  I looked up in pure terror.  

AloneTraveler's POV 

I looked down at SELOZAR.  He was shaking, his eyes shut.  I held my sword in my hands.  "Why did you run away?" I asked slowly and angrily.  "I-I'm sorry! P-please don't h-hurt me.." His voice got quieter as he talked.  "Don't worry.  I won't hurt you yet." I say, letting the smile of a maniac creep on to my face.  I threw my head back and did my evil laugh.  In one swift movement, I hit SELOZAR in the head with the flat side of my sword.  SELOZAR was knocked out cold.  (A/N: Literally, if you were paying attention to the setting.) I look down at his limp body, then over to Albert's unconscious body.   I picked up Albert and slung him over my shoulder.  I picked up SELOZAR bridal style and headed back to the house.  I let an evil smile slip onto my face.  This was going to be fun.  

-+Time Skip!+- 


My eyes fluttered open.  It took me a minute to remember what had happened.  I then panicked and took in my surroundings.  I was back in the house.  It was definitively a bedroom, not mine though.  I looked over in the other direction, and to my horror, I saw AloneTraveler staring at me.  This must have been Alone's Room.  Albert was next to him, still out.  I looked from Albert, to Alone.  "Why did you run?" His voice was quieter than normal, it made this even scarier.  I thought it was obvious why I would want to get out of this hell for a home.  I gulped.  "I-I wanted a-a t-to escape the a-abuse." I looked down, bracing for the strike I assumed Alone would lay down on me.  Instead, he sighed. "Look at me." I slowly lifted my eyes to his and resisted the urge to look away in pure fear.  "Do not again run away.  You get no where and lost.  Make it worse.  Stay here, do not move." Alone walked right past me, breaking eye contact with me as he left.  I watched as he closed the door, a lock clicking into place.  I didn't know what to expect, considering the usual thing did not occur.  

A/N Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! :3 I was going to make it longer, but I must keep the suspense.  Art isn't mine, eat your veggies!- Derpy (785 Words)  

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