I have No Idea What to Put Here _-_

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[| AloneTraveler-Bold

SELOZAR-Italics |]  


Someone grabbed me and pulled me away from Alone.  The snow made it difficult to see, straining my eyes I could make out a familiar humanoid shape.  I was still being dragged to the forest when I heard Alone call my name.  I turned around to try and respond but felt a hand over my mouth.   The hand muffled my call and soon the hand was replaced with a cloth.  The cloth must have had a drug on it because shortly after, I passed out.  

-Time Skip- 

I woke up about 3 hours later on a couch.  I didn't recognize the house though, meaning I wasn't home with Alone. (It's 3 in the morning so when I was reading over this I was like, home with...no one? My brain is literally dead at this point.)  I sat up, my head pounding.  I heard footsteps, at first they were quiet but they grew louder.  Someone was coming down the steps, I shifted my head to look over where the noise was coming from to see the person who brought me here.  It took a while for my eyes to get used to the bright lightning, but when I did I realized the person who brought me here was no other than Albert.  "A-Albert?" "Yup, that's me!" He put on a goofy smile, then a look of guilt crossed his face.  "Um, sorry about, well, drugging you." He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.  "I-It's fine.  W-Why did you d-do it in the f-first place t-though?

"I wanted to, uh, help you escape. I didn't really have the time to talk to you about it..so...."

"Oh, well actu-

"I'm sorry if I alarmed you.

"I-it's fine, but-

"Alone is such an ass you know?

I let out a sigh.  "Albert, l-listen please?"  

He looks at me, slightly confused.  "Okay, shoot.

I take a second, thinking about this before saying it.  "A-Alone and I-I are d-dating...things c-changed.

Albert's expression changed multiple times, first sad, then anger.  It seemed to switch between the two sometimes with a dose of pure confusion.  "W-What? You're dating the person who..

He stopped for a moment. I tensed, the silence was killing me.  He made it sound so..bad.  

The silence was broken after a couple of seconds. "Selozar! He abused you for years and you 're going to fucking date him!"  

I look up at Albert, he had small tears forming at his eyes.  I saw him doing his best not to let them fall.   I could only nod my head.  

"So, you mean I went over to 'rescue' you for nothing? Why don't you just go back to your boyfriend bitch. "


"You obviously don't need me.

"Hey, l-listen-

"What do you want? What is there to say?

He glared at me, he had tears running down his face.  "I-I'm sorry.  I-It just feels so right.  I'm s-so sorry A-Albert.

I get up and quickly embrace him.  For a second nothing happens, then he pushes me away from him.  I hit the ground, looking back up at him.  "Get out." I blink my eyes a couple of times.  "W-What?" "Get out" He repeats, pointing at the door. "Go find your damn boyfriend or something." "A-Albert." "Go!" He yells.  I get up quickly, glancing at Albert before walking out the door.  I hear the door slam behind me as I walk away.  Going no where, expecting nothing.  Lost in the world.  

A/N Here is an update at three in the morning.  I just realized this was all in SELOZAR's POV...whoops.  I hope you enjoyed.  Art isn't mine, eat your veggies.  -Derpy (612 Words) 

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