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[| AloneTraveler-Bold

SELOZAR-Italics |] 

AloneTraveler's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door.  I got up and opened it to see SELOZAR.  He looked a little shaken. "Selozar?" "A-Alone, I h-had a n-nightmare.."  I give me a small smile and grab him by his wrist.  I drag him into my room and laid him down on my bed.  I laid down next to him, grabbing him by his waist to pull him closer to me.  I could feel SELOZAR lightly breathing on me.  He put his arms around me, and put his face on my chest.  I played with his pitch-black hair, twirling it around my finger.  I felt his breathing becoming heavier and slower as he fell asleep.  I let out a small yawn before doing the same.  

+- Time Skip to Morning -+ 


I woke up felt Alone right next to me.  I squirmed my out of his grip and sat up.  He was still asleep.  I quietly got out of bed and checked the clock Alone had on his nightstand, 6:39.   After brushing my teeth and attempting to brush my hair, I went downstairs to make breakfast. After I finished making some pancakes, I look over to the closet, the door barely being able to hold ULEANRA.  I go over the closet and open it.  ULEANRA comes spinning out.  I bring him over to the corner to keep him under control.  I hear Alone coming down the stairs and I run over to the kitchen so I can set up the breakfast I made.   Alone made his way into the kitchen and sat down after seeing me there.   "Good Morning Selozar." I gave Alone a plate of pancakes and sat down next to him, leaving a plate for ULEANRA.  Alone gave me a quick kiss before he started eating.  When Alone wanted to be, he was really nice and loving.   

AloneTraveler's POV

SELOZAR ate his pancakes quietly.  He was a slow eater so after I was done, I played with his hair until he was finished too.  SELOZAR's eyes moved to the window and seemed to be glued there for a couple of minutes.  I knew why too, it was snowing.  "Do you want to go outside?" SELOZAR looked over at me, a smile painted on his face.  "Yeah! Let's go!" I get and grab some coats and scarves from the closet, noticing ULEANRA spinning in the corner.  After putting them on, we went outside.  SELOZAR stood there for a moment with his hands out watching as the snow slowly collecting in them.  While he was distracting, I started to make a small snowball. 


I was watching the snow in my hands until I felt a sharp sting of cold on my shoulder.  I look over at the direction that someone threw it from to see Alone there holding small snowballs.  He had a smile on his face as he picked up another snowball to toss.  I give him a smile, game on.  

A/N Thank you for reading!  I..have nothing to say here.  This is kinda short but I am running out of ideas.  I am thinking about taking a break from this story for, like, a week.  Art isn't mine, eat your veggies.  -Derpy (545 Words)   

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