stars & stripes .1.

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Blood painted the snow on the bench, it was late. Only drunks were out, sex workers along side them. Your back had slashes and holes, along with your legs. Your jeans and long sleeve ruined. 
You could feel yourself losing life, your own life. its kinda funny.... your in your mid 40s, youve done nothing for the better of anyone. you deserved to be taken out, and you knew that. 

'next time, itll be different.' was your last thought before seeing all black and becoming cold. you had already accepted your fate, knowing well what youve done. 

but that wasn't the case. 

Feeling warm, you could feel yourself wake up. small chatter was in the background, why? You couldn't think why. You felt your back and legs hurt, not hurt but a sore feeling. Were you dead? You sat up slowly, adjusting to the dim yet bright light. You saw a classroom setting. The small groups huddled at a few desks. Some alone or some parts left empty. A loud group caught your attention quickly, you... You knew their names well.

But one thing made you think... 'This isn't realistic... No.. Its like cartoonic? There's a name for the style...' you felt the name on the tip of your tongue... But couldn't think of it. Seeing the green skirt, and long sleeve white top suddenly made it hard to breathe. You undid the collar, along with the small tie. You the realized something. 'I'm not in highschool? Plus I'd never wear a short skirt.' Your eyes widend. 'Did i get reborn? And i just remembered- no because id know who i am right now...' your chest felt heavy. Why? You had no real attachment to the last world.... Why feel so... Shitty?

"Hahaha!! (Girls name)! Thats not how you play 21!" A loud boys voice erupted. You turned to the corner, along with a few others. "Shut up Joseph! You cheat which isnt how you play! Here (girl/n)..." A blonde boy said giving a softer tone to the girl...  



'I'm in a anime.' Your mouth dropped open for a second. You then put a hand over your mouth and held back a wheeze. 'No! No fucking way!!' your chest shook with laughter. You clamed down, you somehow knew who those people were.. 

(Girl/n)... She's a girl with a bland look, brown hair that has bangs with a pony tail, her blue eyes do stand out though. Shes very petite, flat but her hips make up for it. One thing that you knew made you feel... Sad, 'who evers life i switched for must've been depressed...' you looked at the guys around that girl...

A very tall yet built boy, who's the class rep, Jonathan. He's sweet yet can set the rules harshly. Then there's Joseph, loud and funny. He's like the class clown for the entire school. Then there's jotaro, he's like the tsundere but very quiet. One that the person before you felt more attached to, was josuke. He's the funny one along with Joseph..and yet the 2nd most sensible person of that group.. Next is giorno, he's smart and kind, even though he ditches (girl/n) would consider him, along with jotaro, the bad boy. Then she has a best friend... Or side character in this case. Jolyne, she's savage and funny, she looks unique... Youd think the school would flip over her hair... Then there's johnny and gappy, the two are considered the younger brothers of the class because they act like a kid. Some how? Your just going off of this persons memories.


You slept through a lesson, finding no use for it. Once you wake up, you saw a pool of drool below you. You yawned, about to fall back asleep, but before you could... Big hands slammed onto your desk, making you jump.

"Y/n, i can't have you sleeping in class anymore! I know that its your third day here but please stay awake." Jonathan said becoming more relaxed to the end of his sentence. You just nodded. He walked off to the corner... You sighed, seeing as people now had food on their desk marked the day as lunch... You got up feeling uncomfortable in the uniform. You never wore a uniform to your school.. You went to a public american school after all...

Seeing a bathroom, you see some girls were in there just talking or eating alone. Seeing a mirror you fix the uniform. "Hey, your not supposed to do your uniform like that." A girls voice echoed, you turned to see a girl with beautiful blonde hair, and a girl with pink cotton candy hair behind her. "Oh I'm sorry, but i cant really breathe with how tight the top is." You said being polite, "holly, i agree with her... These uniforms are a bit tight... And a fashion understatement." The pinkette said with a tired expression. The blonde, Holly, sighed. "Trish, and this is holly. I see your new?" Trish smiled, you nodded leaning against the sink. "Y/n l/n, and yeah..." you admitted, the two smiled. "We should hang sometime." Holly gave a bright smile, "i agree, we could definitely get some new shoes or check out a new restaurant!" Trish said with a cheeky look making you chuckle along with holly. "Oh! Shoot! Lisa is waiting on us... We gotsa go!" holly said with a shocked look, "give me a second i gotta pee." Trish said moving into a stall, "its great meeting you both but imma take a look around. I'll see y'all sometime." You said with a sheepish smile, holly nodded. "See ya!" She said watching you walk out.

You fixed your butt crack hair style into a simple messy bun, (or just a headband.)
Pulling down your skirt helped a lot, and stretching out the shirt was a plus. The body this girl had was... A bit over weight. You were about to change that. And it seemed like she was trying to seem curvy or skinny...
If this girl ever gets her body back, she may like that i had changed it for her. Exercise is my middle name! You walked around for a bit, you kinda didn't wanna go to a boring lecture so you ditch. Sitting outside on the stairs you felt comfortable.

"Pfftt dumb ass can't even open a can right!" A voice yelled with laughs in between. A groan was followed. "No listen, listen... I can open a coke can i ain't weak!!" Another voice yelled making a group laugh. You peeked over the wall on the stairs and saw a group of guys all relaxing. Delinquents, the coats, the hair... Watermelon? No thats hair too.. you felt kinda at home, you remember being in a school gang, funniest shit you've ever experienced. You looked back to where you were. "imma need to lose the weight first." you smirked.


You walked around the campus after school, just seeing where everything is at. While you walked down the club hall you cringed. 'Never.' Looking down to where you were walking, you bumped into a wall... No, there's beating in the wall? Looking up you saw class rep. "Ah y/n! Would you like yo join for tea and snacks? You could even join our club!" He said happily, his face carving a big genuine smile. You furrowed your brows. "Um... Sure?" Once you said that, the boy lit up and nodded. Seeing the small sign saying, 'record club.'
'The hell? What even is record club?' You shook your head walking in. The whole group from this morning was Around the table... But...

"No! Josuke! Gappy! I'm fine! Dont worry!" (Girl/n) said with sweat rolling down her face, "yare yare" jotaro glared at josuke who was holding (girls/n) from falling. The rest chuckled but watched closely... Making you think... 'A harem.. Im not supposed to be here, alright maybe i can sneak-'

"Pull yourselves together! We have a guest!" Jonathan said with a booming voice, making everyone perk up. 'Get off your high desperate horse, I'm not here to steal any of you-' and what you thought came from someone... Joseph right?
"Johnathan you know we barely have room in here for any more people!" Joseph stated kinda annoyed. You were getting glared down. You turned to Jonathan who was looking upwards. 'Damn...'
"What if she tries to take us away from (girl/n)? Hmm?" Josuke added, you threw up your hands in defense. "Woah there buckaroo, i came for some tea... But I'll take my leave since I'm not welcome here." You stated with a sheepish tone, Jonathan looked at you with a surprised face, the others smirking to an extent. "get out then." Jotaro stated, you nodded grabbing the handle. "Y/n-" Jonathan watched as you left, once the door shut arguing erupted. You shrugged.

"I'm telling you, clubs aren't my thing."


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