Honey suckles .3.

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Its time. You saw everyone enjoying lunch or talking. That harem being loud as usual, you turned to see them all chatting... Johnny trying to wrap around (girl/n). You hummed. 'Such a shame their fighting for a basic one... All of those guys going just as well against school code as i am now.' You got up, Jonathan looked at you. You were about to ditch for a bit. You even had some things that you thought you may need if they sent you to get shit. Cigs, rolls, and straight up cash.

"Y/n! Why are you- the u...uniform.." He walked from behind you, you turned to him. "And? Got a problem?" You asked, you didnt wanna really be rude to him. It felt... Weird too. He looked at you with a disappointed face. "Y/n, you can't wear that. Go home." He said, you smiled. "Gladly. Cya class rep." You winked as you grabbed your bag, Jonathan had a small pink face, watching you walk out. Something felt... Different. "Jojo! We should go eat!" (Girl/n) came up to him, making him jump a bit. "S...sure!" He blushed.


You grabbed a silver sharpie and did a cobra design on the back, and along the arm sides saying the word boss in bold. It was perfect. 'Ive lost so many brain cells just now.' You giggled like a child as you walked back to that gang, wearing the coat. You had a idea... An idea... 'What if... I try to get them to want me in their gang?' you hummed, playing with the earrings you had on made you smirk. "Maybe... But.. It'll take longer. My patience isnt for th-" you bumped into someone. "Jesus.. Sorry man." You rubbed your head, looking up. A man with long blonde hair looked down at you.

"Its no worries. It happens to everyone." He said with a deep tone. "val, hurry up!" A person behind him yelled, you glanced behind him, another blonde but he had amber- red-ish eyes. Pretty. "Dio stop being a prick." the man named val said back. "ITS HOT! Who are you even talking to?" Dio asked getting closer. His eyes widend. "Oh your that girl who keeps beating Diavolos ass!" He began laughing, val hit the back of his head. "so your y/n. hmm youve definitely changed yourself... Why?" Val asked, hard starring at you. You felt a bit pressured but let out a long sigh.

"because i can. I can do whatever i want, my hair, body, whatever my rules." You said with a smile, val hummed. "That skirt is pretty high if you ask me." Dio smirked, you glared at him, making him chuckle. "Well if you mess with us... you'll be put in your place. Got that." Val said before walking off, dio following but he gave you a wink, you smirked. 'That man... Hes gotta be the leader.. Val? Hmm...' You began to walk back to the school.


Walking back to the small class room, it was still class time. You open the door in the back, not catching any attention.
"Ahh miss l/n, glad for you to join us." The substitute said, you nodded. "I'm checking out. so..." You walked to your desk grabbing the small bag you left here. "Are you? I should call the office and ask-" you looked at the middle aged woman. "No i said I'm leaving. Mind your damn business hag." You said, now the class had their eyes on you. "Oooohhhh"

"I will not tolerate this behavior-!" You began walking out, "sorry hag, but if i dont belong in this class i shouldn't be here." You said making the woman mad. Shutting the door you smirked. 'Now....' You felt the streak of anxiety go through you. 'God this girl was a nervous wreck...' You waddled to their area. Seeing them outside the door... Under the outside stairs. Good.
Opening the door they all looked at you. "Why are you here?" Diavolo glared, val and dio watched closely.

"hmm? Isn't it obvious. I came to join." You huffed, he gasped, "NO! NO NO NO, your a BITCH NAH!" He yelled back, you walked to him, chest to chest, "and?" You winked, his face had a small tint of pink, barely noticeable. You took the chance to push him. You turned to valentine. "Good to see you again." you smiled innocently. The blonde nodded. "Why?" He asked, you straightened up. The group curious.
"Oh? Because i don't belong. I'm not gonna waste my time in a class room for hours learning what i learned in middle school." You stated, "plus... I hate my class." You stated, dio raised a brow. "Who's your rep?" He asked, "Jonathan." You said glancing at the blonde, he had a irritated face as you said that name. "Alright. fair reason. Now you need to get these. And-" you handed out the cig's, rolls, and money. Val took them and handed them to dio, "next.. You have to fight one of us. Not diavolo." He said sternly, you nodded. A small scoff was herd from him.
  You looked around, a guy in a light purple coat with blonde hair... Next to him a built man with a black pony tail, red earrings reflecting the sun light. You turn around and see Doppio and Diavolo... Turning back to Val and Dio, next to dio stood a dark toned man. He was reading something, paying no mind to the situation. You hummed.... 
 enni mini miny moe.... you looked around.. not counting 3 of them. it landed on Kars. He looked at you with a serious yet tired look. Val nodded. "Alright, no weapons, hands only. first one down for 5 seconds wins." Val said, both of you nodded. you were glad to join boxing. "too bad diego isnt here, hed enjoy this." Dio said with a grin, "that man child would be the one to fight her instead." Diavolo stated. 

You and kars walked to the small empty area by the group. He held a serious face, must be that quiet type. Both of you at a Mexican stand off. you both ran at each other, he was about to swing but you dodged, but he under kicked you. as you fell he held his foot against your chest. but you caught yourself quickly. not touching the ground. he kept applying pressure. You swiftly kicked the back of his leg, making him become a folding chair. hopping back up, along with him. as he did so you took a boxing stance. He slowly walked to you, you moving along with him. He was going for the throat, with success... But as he lifted you up, about to drop you, your thighs came to his neck, thigh locking him. he let go of you, causing you and him to both fall. you squeezed tighter. He swung at you, hitting you right in the eye. you didn't falter, though it hurt. 
"1." Val counted. 
he was still trying to hit you as you kept your thighs secure on his neck.
"2!" Doppio cheered.
Kars went to swing, landing another hit, making your upper cheek red. 
"3." kira said monotonely.
You landed a easy hit on his jaw, nothing hard because you were in a easier position.
"4.." Diavolo said with a locked gaze on the scene.
He tried to sit up, but you squeezed harder making him cough. 
"5!" dio smirked, "and the man goes out in the best way! Thick lives not always save lives!" he added with a smirk. you got off kars, He gasped for air. You giggled, holding out your hand. "Here. You fought pretty good man." you said with a smile, he looked up at you, color filling his face again. "how can you do.... do that to someone..?" he asked confused as he grabbed your hand. You shrugged. "i dont know why... i just remember watching it somewhere ... and as dio said... thick thighs dont always save lives." you laughed, kars giving you a weird look. "so your welcome aboard. y/n." Val said with a small smile, you smirked. "so watermelon head. now i can beat you with thigh locks." you smirked looking at diavolo, he glared. "You already elbowed my goddamn dick. i dont need to suffocate by your thighs, probably stank. Right kars?" He crossed his arms, kars looked at us. "Not really, it wasn't even that bad to be 100." he said quietly, speaking truthfully. you smirked. "AHAH!" Diavolo glared, "just you fucking wait twat." he said as you turned away. "My you got beautiful hands~" the man in the purple long coat said as he grabbed your hand, "the names kira yoshikage." he said softly shaking your hand, you felt weirded out. "nice to uh meet you too." you smiled, kars tapped his shoulder, "look!! i got a Dragonite!" kars said showing kira his DS, kira gasped letting go of your hand. the two sitting on the concrete. "you should probably go fix that." that dark toned man came up to you. "Pucci, and here." he handed you a make up bag. "Dont tell dio i took it." he smiled at you awkwardly. you nodded, "thanks man, and i wont." you walked off into the school. it mustve just ended because people are now in the hallway, making it crowded. You rush to the bathroom, but you were stopped by a certain someone, "Y/n!" Jonathan yelled from behind you, you quickly tried to put hair over your eye, but it was too late. he turned you around, someone was behind him. 
"Jonathan, why are you walking so fast?" a blonde haired man.. no that was Giorno and a few of his friends. "oh sorry Gio, but i needed to see a person i knew.." he turned to you, and gasped. 
"what happened?!?" his eyes were wide, you saw a familiar pinkette behind him, "Hey trish, can you help me with this make up?" you asked, she perked up from her phone, "oh shit. yeah, ill meet up with yall in a bit." she said looking at the boys who nodded. "I wont be long jonathan, im sure your dying to try that sea food place." she said, he ignored her a bit and stared at your eye and jaw. it was all bruised, but yet you smiled. He... in a way admired it. 
You dragged her into the bathroom, handing her the bag. "So a black eye, and a bruised jaw?" she asked as she did the make up, you smirked. "yep, i kicked ass today in boxing." you lied, she rolled her eyes, "how?" she asked, "i didn't move in time for the punch to the jaw, and the eye... i uh i got hit with a tennis ball." you lied again, she hummed. "Alright that should do it, Oh maybe you should come eat with us?" she asked as you jumped off the sink counter. you shrugged. "would that be okay with the group?" you asked kinda wanting to go, she smirked, "Pfftt, your my friend so it dont matter." she said you chuckled. putting back the small pouch into your pocket. seeing the group out by the gate. "hey guys, you think she can come with us?" trish asked with a smile, they looked at you and then her. "you want a delinquent to join us?" Mista asked, trish glared, "mista dont be rude!"  Narancia elbowed mista, "i was just asking!" mista stated with a no shit look. "im fine with it." Jonathan said, Giorno nodded. 

"you like sea food?" Trish asked as you all began to walk. you smiled. "yeah, i wouldnt eat it every day but its good." you said, bruno nodded. "i agree, i get tired of it quickly." he said with a small smile, you hummed. 
one thing that was weird was jonathan being quiet the whole time. Maybe he knew whats up...

Ill have to ask him... 

After the shrimp though.


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