peanut brittle .5.

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     -~-Before running away-~-

You looked around... After acting like you were gonna buy... The store finally cleared.
Seeing only one employee at the counter. There's serval ways you could do this, kill, seduce, or just take the biscuit.

Take the biscuit.. Yep.
You saw the man play on his phone. Understandable. You slowly made way for the gummy. You peeked over at the counter. He's still distracted. You then grab the gummy. 'Oh god its heavy.' You let out a grunt catching the mans attention. "Miss-" you then put it on your back. "Ma'am please, i can-" you than began running out from the store. You could feel your adrenaline burning. "SECURITY GET THE GUMMY!!" the man yelled.
You looked back and saw a few cops behind you. 'Fuck fuck... I remember prison. And its awful!' You herd heavy fast foot steps behind you. "Y/N!!!" dio yelled. You kept running, along with the two. "Why?? Why are you stealing a gummy!? Its huge!" Diego yelled. You smirked. "I couldnt help it!" You said with a grin. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" a man came infront of you, he was built like a mad man... But something was weird...
You three were suddenly to the curb of the market... "What.." you panted. "Here. Let's get to the car and never come here again." Dio said as he took the giant gummy from your back. You let a long breath nodding. "That....was.." You looked at diego, "Hella fun! We never do fun shit like this!!" He smirked as he got in the passenger seat of the car. You laughed. "God. i can feel the high slowly end.." You said, a chuckle came from dio. "I can make you feel even higher." He winked. You rolled your eyes. "I dunno. I feel like diavolo could more than you." You smirked seeing his small look of distatse.

The car pulled in front of a smaller home. you all got out, and walked in. You could hear small chatter from upstairs. Walking behind the two you all enter a room. The small very small smell of weed had some hang time. It smelt gross but you delt with it.
"So were all here?" Valentine asked, he looked around with a sigh. "Good we can discuss a few things before any of you go fuck off somewhere..." He then begun talking about some small issues. You tuned in and out, one thing that keep catching your attention is someone's stare. You could feel it... God its weird. You looked to the corner of your eyes, you could see kars staring at you. A dead stare. You sighed turning back around. 'The hell?' You tuned back to val.

"And i need everyone to just scout the school yard. Thats all." He said with a bored look. Everyone nodded before doing their own thing. You felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around, seeing a serious faced kars. "Your hair is messy." he said, you raised a brow. "And your nails are nude." He stated. You gave a weird look. He then pulled put a brush and a few bobby pins.. "Your gonna do my hair?" You asked. He nodded, "kira." he looked over you, towards the window where kira sat on his phone. He looked up, "what? I'm busy?" He asked annoyed. Kars glared, "do her nails. I know your good at-" kira cut him off by abruptly standing up. "On it. What color, you seem like a purple type? Maybe gold? Or-" "f/c." You chuckled. You hadn't done your nails in ever, since... Since?...when.. You knew you remembered... But you can't anymore... Slowly you began to lose your memories from your previous life.

Sitting on the floor, kars on a chair behind you, and kira infront of you. "I didn't know you guys were girly." Dio teased. "Oh shut it fag." kars snapped back. Kira glaring, but still focused on painting your nails. "Whatever girly." Dio walked off. You looked around. Doppio was watching some frog phone brand deal on tv... You squinted your eyes to see. He looked so focoued on the item. "Only 39.99 but if you order right now its only 10.99!!" The womans voice spoke, doppio glowed. "boss! Can i-" diavolo turned to him and then the tv, a small look of saddness but it soon faded to the normal agitated one. "Sorry but i dont have much cash." He said before turning back to val and pucci.
You could see the visible hint of sadness. "Kira can you read me that number on the tv?" You asked the blonde. He raised a brow but did so anyways. you grabbed your phone from your pocket. He slowly said all the numbers. "Thats sweet." Kira mumbled. Kars scoffed.."can't be too kind here." He stated as the phone dialed. "Oh hush up stick in the mud." You said giving him a side glance. He tugged your hair, you winced. "wrong place to tug." You said with a smirk. God dio was rubbing off of you. Kira let out a snort. Before kars could respond, the phone anwserd.

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