Tips To Having a Good Warriors Story

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1. Never name a kit off of the color of their eyes. Their eyes are closed when they're born. 

2. Don't start a story with the main character being a kit. It's kinda boring, and most stories are wrong. In Bluestar's Prophecy, she gets up and starts exploring the camp. NO. Kits are too weak to do that. IT'S UNREALISTIC. (Don't get me wrong, it's a really good book).

3. Credit your artists. You don't want to get arrested, do you? Plagiarism is a CRIME.

4. Always have an amazing cover and hook to your story. If the cover isn't eye-catching, they might not read it. If they give the book a chance even though the cover is cruddy, it should have a good hook. Start with a description, onomatopoeia, prophecy, ceremony, or something else interesting.

5. Try to keep unisex names, not girl names and boy names. Don't name all the toms with a tiger or lion or jagged prefix, and don't name all the girls willow and golden and blue. White is unisex, and so is night. You can have a few gender-specific names, but usually keep ones for both sexes.

6. Diversity. Try using diversity. Ugly cats, skinny cats, dark cats, light cats, female cats, male cats, fat cats, etc. Lots of people love diversity, including me. 

7. Perfect main character. The main character doesn't have to be beautiful, or smart, or strong. They can just be normal and average. They don't have to have a distinguishing feature either. 

8. Keep track of time. If it has been 7 moons and the kit isn't an apprentice, something's wrong. Remember gatherings, trips to the Moonpool, and others. If you don't want to include them, at least try mentioning it. 

9. Don't stress over criticism or update every day. I do, because I'm sad and lonely. xD I'm also bored a lot. 

10. Don't keep saying the name of a character. If you think you've said the name a lot, describe them: "Come on Foxtail, said the black muscular tom." Or you can just say (s)he. 🤷‍♂️ It's up to you. 

11. Don't use rare qualities. Chocolate cats are very rare. Don't have 5 cats in your clan that are chocolate. If you want 1, put it, BUT NO MORE. It's just unrealistic then. Same thing with heterochromatic cats. 

12. Don't forget to make your character do regular things, like eat for example, or drink water.

13. Try to have lots of plot twists to engage the reader.

14. Don't waste time. Don't put random chapters to make the story longer. Short stories are GOOD. SO ARE LONG ONES. 

15. Don't try to be cliché, even though most people are. If your story is cliché, don't stress it. Mine is too 😬.

16. Don't have weird names: Axkit, Hopkit, Catchkit. Those are weird. Don't have other names that they don't know, like Pantherkit. It sounds kinda good, but why would they know what a panther is? Or: Tornadokit. I don't think they know what a tornado is. Maybe they do?

17. No weird titles: Icepelt's Vindictiveness. Why would you ever do that name?

18. Before publishing, edit a bunch. Check grammar and make words more descriptive. Also, take constructive criticism and comments, and try to make your story better. NO SLANG.

19. Try to make an intro or prologue to explain something in the past, or to better make sense of something. 

20. Antagonists don't have to look tough or big or muscular. They can be smart, small, inconspicuous, or regular. 

21. Most main characters are not medicine cats, or elders, or rogues. I understand elders, but why not medicine cats. They are very important and cool, and they are underrated.

22. Disabled characters do t always have to be in the elders' den, or medicine cats' den. They can still be warriors. 

23. Don't be afraid to have the main character in RiverClan, WindClan, or ShadowClan. Not everything revolves around ThunderClan.

24. Don't have them bringing back rabbits if they live in ThunderClan. They are rare, and are rarely found. Some stories make them catch like a huge blackbird and a plump thrush on their first day of hunting. NOT LIKELY AT ALL. 

25. Once again, diversity is good, and don't be afraid to have a female protagonist. Females are equal to males in many different ways, and are sometimes SUPERIOR. GIRL POWER! (I'm a boy, but I support female protagonists and main characters).


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