Chapter-23 A Hug

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Ethan's POV

It has been almost a month since I married Ari but she is still the same. She stays in our bedroom, either sitting in the balcony with her legs to her chest. Or she stays in bed, I know she hardly takes a bath and eats very little. She passed out thrice due to lack of food, luckily the first time it happened I was in the room and after that I asked the maids especially Mrs. Linda to keep on checking her every half an hour. Mrs. Linda is one of our oldest maids, she was also my personal care taker in my family home and mom insisted on taking her with me when I moved out. She is just like a mother figure in my life, one of the few people who understand me and know me inside out. Mom and dad left the next day after my wedding. I wished if mom was around may be Ari would have got some company. Mom is a busy woman although she assured us to visit soon. She also insisted that I take Ari for honeymoon, but I didn't find this to be the appropriate time.

I just came back from office and like every other day from the past one month I see Ari sitting quietly in our room. I wish her good evening and as expected she doesn't answer. I take a look around and notice her lunch still lying on the coffee table, untouched if I may add. But she has taken a bath today, her beautiful hair is left open and she does that only when she washes them. Lately I have been thinking of taking her to a good therapist. It might help her come out of her cocoon and heal.

I take my clothes from my closet and walk into the bathroom for a shower. I still wonder if I did the correct thing by marrying Ari or was it too early...of course you took the right decision, that bast*rd would have exploited her in more ways than one can inner voice puts some sense in my tired mind. I am sure Victor would have gone to any extent to use and exploit Ari in order to gain success and money. And for me money, fame or success is nothing when it comes to the love of my life. I am just happy that I realized on time that the sacrifice I made for Ari's happiness was not worth. I never confessed my feelings to her thinking that she wanted to be with Victor and also loved him. But when I see her broken as if she has lost all hope I wish I could have stopped her from marrying Victor.

Anyway what's done is done; it was all destined to happen I just don't know the reason why it all happened. As I walk out of the bathroom in my grey sweatpants and white t shirt my heart breaks at the sight of my once beautiful and innocent angel looking so week and sad. A deep sigh escapes my lips and I head to my study not before telling Ari where she can find me if she wanted something. As usual she didn't pay any attention. Daisy and Jonathan talk to her almost every day, though they are busy planning the arrival of their baby they never miss caring for Ari. I still don't know why Ari agreed to marry me, but I know it's still not the right time to ask her for any reasons. As for Victor I sued him for treachery and nowadays he is cursing his very existence.


Mrs. Linda has been after my life to have dinner but I just ignored her saying I am not hungry and have a lot of work. Of course it is a lie, I am hungry but I just can't eat knowing my wife is hungry. I busy myself in work; lately I have been doing that a lot.

*Knock Knock*

I hear the knock on my door and know who it might be, so I just call out loudly...

"Mrs. Linda for god sake stop bothering me, I don't want to eat dinner."

Just then the door opens, I got really frustrated and was about to lash out but got numb when I saw Ari peeking into my room. Her big beautiful eyes looking at me with what seemed like...hope. Coming out of my trance I quickly got up from behind my table and got to her. Ari had already entered the room by now quietly closing the door behind her. She stood there with her eyes lowered to the floor, her fingers fidgeting with each other and feet shuffling...

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