Chapter-31 Happiness Till the End

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After we talked out everything Ethan took a bath and changed into his grey sweatpants and a black t shirt. We lay on our bed in each other's embrace, there was a comfortable silence which none of us wanted to disrupt. I couldn't sleep and suddenly I remembered that Ethan did not tell me how he felt about my pregnancy...our pregnancy you silly girl... I loved my subconscious for this reminder. I wriggled out of Eth's embrace which he did not like one bit and trust me I am not exaggerating. I giggled and pushed him slightly so that I can rest on my elbow and face him...

"You never told me how you feel about the pregnancy...our pregnancy..." a shy smile graced my lips when my husband dear stared deep into my eyes with a tender smile on his face.

"You surely were not paying attention when I said it is the most amazing news of my life...Honestly Ari...I never thought that I will be a chased away all my insecurities and gave me the best gift I could ever ask for..." I had tears in my eyes with his honest confession...Ethan kissed me tenderly and I eagerly kissed him back. He made sweet love to me that night and promised to look after me and our baby always. Sometime after our love making I fell asleep...


The next morning I woke up to an empty bed, I was not pleased at that. Just then Ethan entered our room with a tray in his hands and a warm smile on his face...

"I thought of having breakfast in our room...everything is of your choice...go on freshen up...I am waiting..." I wonder how much more this man will spoil me...after giving him a tight hug I rushed to freshen up.

After breakfast Ethan decided to call his parents and share our happy news with them. Both his parents were elated. We decided to meet aunt Daisy and Jonathan after my check-up, instead of my scheduled appointment with Dr. Paul Ethan took me to Nora...his cousin Jason's wife who also happens to be a gynecologist. And I felt so stupid to forget the fact that we have a gynecologist in the family.

So here we are now on our way back after my check-up and after meeting my dear aunt and my little cousin. I got all teary when Jonathan asked me and Ethan to be the god-parents of their son...little Daniel as they named him. We did not tell Jonathan and aunt Daisy about all that happened yesterday; we sure did share our good news with them. They both were very happy and aunt Daisy was happy that very soon Daniel will have a nephew or niece to play with.

The whole ride back home I had a smile plastered on my face, Ethen held my hand and placed it on his thigh while he drove us back safely. I was surprised once we reached home...our living room was decorated and Mrs. Linda greeted me with a warm embrace and a big smile. When I didn't understand what was going on Ethan told me that his parents will be arriving in a couple of hours and that he planned a small party to celebrate our pregnancy news with just our family and some close friends. I was not allowed to do anything so I simply walked to my room to get some rest. I have been happy the whole day but thoughts about Victor were haunting me. I wanted to talk to Ethan and get rid of this trouble once and for all...may be I will talk to him after the party...I thought to myself. With nothing else to do I fell asleep thinking about different ways to convince Ethan about how to deal with Victor. Ethan tried his best to not let me know, but I know he asked some people to trace down Victor so that he can deal with him.


The little gathering we had turned out amazing, everyone was very happy for us and congratulated us. I don't know how but even aunt Daisy got discharged and was able to make it to the party later at night. I insisted that she should stay with me for a couple of days so that she can get some extra help in looking after Daniel. Gladly she accepted my request, that night even after the others went back Ethan's parents, aunt Daisy, Jonathan along with my lil cousin of course stayed back. Mrs. Linda was quick in getting the guest rooms ready.

Once everyone had settled I went to my room and noticed Ethan talking to someone on his mobile, he seemed furious but the moment he saw me he hanged up and walked towards me. Picking me up bridal style he walked towards the recliner in the corner and made me sit on his lap. It was such a peaceful moment, I rested my head on his chest and could hear his heartbeat. His hold on me was firm while one of his thumb was making circles on my arm. I knew I had to talk to him about Victor and it was important; I hated interrupting our moment but this was something which had to be done as soon as possible....

"I want to talk to you about something important..." I muttered with my head still resting on his chest, Eth just hummed in response.

"It's about Victor...." he was stiff for a second and gruffly replied...

"Don't stress yourself thinking about him, I will take care of him." This time I moved away from his embrace, it was clear as day that he did not like it at all...

"I have thought about this a lot...please listen to me once..." when he didn't reply I continued...

"I want you to let him go..." before I could continue Ethan glared at me and told me it was impossible. I changed my position on his lap, now I was almost straddling him. Holding his face between my palms I kissed him softly on the lips. I was absolutely sure he would not like my suggestion but I want him to listen to me and understand that it is important to let go.

"Please let me finish Eth..." I heard him sigh and knew he gave in....

"I want you to let his name be removed from the blacklist, let him find a job. But not in this city, I know you have enough sources to get him thrown out of this city and somewhere far from us..." I had an evil smile on my face and my husband dear's expression was priceless. May be he never thought I could say such a thing, I was done being good to Victor.

"Make him sign any sort of legal papers preventing him from ever visiting this city...I want him out of our lives in a way which will make me feel relieved. I don't want to feel guilty at any point in my life thinking that we didn't let him have a second chance....

That day he asked me for a second chance and I am ready to give him a second chance to build his life. But I want him far away from us....

Please baby...give this to me....I want to be happy and at peace knowing he is far from our lives...I really want this." I hugged him tightly, he did hug me back but stayed quiet for what seemed like a very long time. Finally he spoke...

"You know I will do anything for your happiness...if this is what you want then this be it...but I have just one condition..." I nodded and he continued...

"I will decide where he goes and what all will be included in the documents which he will sign..." I readily agreed, glad that Victor will be out of my life for good.

"I love you Eth..."he smiled and kissed my lips in a slow and soft way..."I love you more..."

I know I am happy that things are all sorted now but a part of me will always be thankful to Victor for betraying me...if that didn't happen I would have never fallen in love with Ethan. It is Ethan's love which makes me feel glad that I was betrayed to be loved...


The End

A/N: And finally one more of my stories comes to an end....I am thankful to all my readers who stayed with me...every comment means a lot to share this story with, share and leave your reviews....

I am planning to start two stories together this time...wish me luck and I pray to Almighty that my readers will be pleased to read my new stories too....I will take some time before I start updating the new books...till then loads of love...          

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