Chapter-12 A Silly Promise Broken

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There have been moments in my life when I have felt like a lucky b***t**d. For instance, when Mr. and Mrs. Edward legally adopted me and Edna. Those people were almost the first step to my ladder. I must say the old couple is still useful. But nowadays I feel like the luckiest, I have known about Arabella's feelings for myself. I never found it useful enough, but now that I have realized how this girl can take me to the top I plan on sticking close to her. I must say I was surprised to notice that Mr. Ethan has been discretely trying to accompany Arabella in the lift every morning. The first day I thought it was a coincidence, but luckily that evening I came to know through Edna about Arabella's phobia attack and how the big boss got to her on time. To be sure I started keeping an eye on Mr. Ethan from afar. Knowing this can cost me my job if he found out I was almost stalking him. But I had to take this risk, or should I say I was ready to take this risk. And to my shock I was absolutely correct. Finally my lil sister's beautiful BFF caught the attention of none other but the CEO. I noticed how he would wait for her, steel glances. Not just this he also spend a good amount of money to buy her those gifts. Yes, I was following him then too and knew exactly when he asked for the delivery. It is like a big gamble to me. I knew this was the best time to use Arabella's feelings for myself. Because I know how oblivious this girl is to her surroundings, she has never noticed any guy ogling her beauty. She even missed the affection in Mr. Ethan's eyes. I knew this was a golden chance that I can't miss and so decided to call her and tell her that I sent her those gifts. I know this was a risky step but I had to take it. In case my lie opens I will smoothly lie again saying that I always loved her and didn't want to lose her to anyone else. Having Arabella by my side will definitely help me with my future plans. I am ready for some testing now, if I am not mistaken then I am sure what I saw in Mr. Ethan's eyes was something special. I didn't miss the way he was looking at Arabella with a longing look throughout the wedding. And the silly girl was busy steeling glances at me. This time I am sure that Arabella Grace will turn out to be the trump card in my game.

The wedding went well; I was mesmerized with the thought of being in love with someone. Both Jason and Nora looked amazing and so much in love. I was in awe...I know it was so silly of me but I couldn't help but imagine Victor with myself on the altar...holding hands...exchanging vows...oh god!!!I feel so giddy inside...

Mr.Ethan dropped me home, he was a true gentleman and I must say I was impressed to see this side of him. I even fell asleep on my way back home. When I reached home I noticed Jonathan's car in the parking. I unlocked the door with my keys and was surprised that the house was eerily silent. When I called out aunt Daisy and Jonathan's name, Jonathan came in front. I guess he was in the balcony or may be at the window, but where was my aunt and why did Jonathan look so upset. I asked him where was aunt Daisy and he told me she was getting ready. I was about to ask him if they were going somewhere when my dear aunt came in the living room. She wore a beautiful sequins dress, pink in color that reached just below her knees with some nude heels. I asked her where were they going and that's when my mood changed from awesome to awful. Aunt Daisy told me that she was going on a date set up by one of her colleagues. I looked at Jonathan who was smiling at this woman he loved as if nothing is wrong. But I didn't miss the hurt in his eyes. I wonder how is it even possible that I can see he is hurting and the woman who claims to be his best friend is oblivious. For goodness sake just a couple of hours back I witnessed two loved ones becoming one and here in my house these two people are always acting as they don't see the love in each other's eyes.
Suddenly I felt really angry, and I gave out a sarcastic laugh....

"Are you blind aunt Daisy or do you just prefer to be ignorant?" I have never spoken so rudely with my aunt and to say she was shocked would be an understatement. Jonathan seemed to have caught on my next words and tried to stop me immediately...

"Arabella, I think you are too tired. You better freshen up and go to bed" Jonathan said giving me a pleading look. But I was so done with their ignorance towards each other's feelings....

"Not today Jonathan, I can't keep that sh*t*y promise anymore. It is high time."
My aunt seemed a little taken aback at our conversation and asked...

"What are you both talking about?" I turned to her and said...

"I am talking about the stupid promise that forced me to keep my mouth shut. I am talking about the fact that you two are grown up fools. I am talking about the fact that Jonathan loves you damn it!!" I don't know what came on me and I was literally screaming. My aunt gasped and Jonathan angrily took my name. I looked at him and shook my head...

"Not today Jonathan, now I won't stop. If my aunt can't see the love in your eyes then I can't stay quiet anymore....tell me aunt Daisy do you really don't realize that this man is madly in love with you?" By now my aunt was crying and Jonathan was very restless, he again asked me to stay quiet and moved forward to take care of his dear aunt. He wiped her tears and said...

"She just seems upset about something...don't stress yourself because of her words." But what my aunt spoke surprised both me and Jonathan...

"Do you really love me John?" I saw how Jonathan's shoulders slumped and he sighed...

"I have always loved you my flower...ever since I came to know you as a person" Aunt Daisy hugged him tightly and cried profusely...Jonathan was shooting daggers at me...probably angry that I started this conversation and made her so upset...

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Jonathan was shocked to hear aunt Daisy ask him this and he just couldn't reply. She continued...

"I thought if you love me then may be one day you will stop me from dating other men...but you never stopped never said anything..." she spoke with hiccups...

"I was scared that I might mess up...I was not sure if you saw more than a friend in me...I am so sorry Daisy...please forgive me...I love you so much..." he embraced her tightly and I knew it was time to leave them alone. When I was walking in I heard my aunt say...

"I love you too John...I have loved you since I don't remember when..." and shouted out you are welcome guys and walked in my room with a satisfied feeling in my heart and just lay on my bed.

Finally these grown up love sick fools confessed their feelings for each other. I was so content, finally my aunt will have her much deserved happily ever after. I almost laughed when I recalled Jonathan's angry face when aunt Daisy started crying; if looks could kill I would have been buried six feet under. I am a little guilty for being so rude with her, but it was high time. I am still surprised at my own anger. Thinking about all this I don't know when I snoozed off. A knock at my door woke me up and I realized I had dozed off without even changing my clothes. I turned to look at the time at it was almost 11 at night. There was another knock and aunt Daisy entered my room with Jonathan right behind her. With a look at her I realized how rude I was to her some time back, I quickly got off the bed and rushed to her, and I hugged her tightly and apologized for my misbehavior. She hugged me back and said it was necessary, as it opened her eyes and gave her the strength to open up her heart in front of Jonathan. Jonathan was next to embrace me; I apologized to him as well. We all sat on my bed for a while and made small talks. It was then I could make out that Jonathan was staying at our place tonight. I looked at aunt Daisy with a raised eye brow and smirked. Knowing very well they want to spend time with each other now more than ever. May be they want to talk more about their feelings, show more love to each other...Or who knows what all they want to do together... I couldn't stop myself from teasing them so I suggested...

"Aunt Daisy you don't have to worry, I will change and come in your room and Jonathan can be comfortable in my room." My aunt looked at me as if cat caught her tongue while Jonathan just cleared his throat and said its fine with him. I couldn't resist and started laughing; they understood I was teasing them. Both of them got up to leave and the moment they turned to walk out I said very nonchalantly...

"And please don't be too loud while..." my poor aunt gasped and I couldn't stop laughing looking at her beetroot red cheeks. Jonathan smiled and shook his head and just held my aunt by her waist while kissing her cheek with so much affection. They bid me good night and walked out of my room. I also smiled and got up to change and then decided to get lost in my dream land where may be me and Victor can meet up once again.

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