Promo Trivedi Sister Meets...

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[Karan called Anika and Gauri inside the room... NV sits beside Ishani... Shivaay, Omkara and Rudra come inside with Bhavya...]
Karan - Ishani... Meet your little sister... Anika and Gauri...
Ishani - They both are my sister...
Karan - Yes Ishani... Anika and Gauri this person here is your sister that I told you before...
Gauri - Karan mama... Ishani is our eldest sister? Twins of Anika didi?
Karan - Yes... Ishani... I had been searching for you on this few years back but I can't find you and your husband address when I go to Sanjivani you always didn't come to your office Mr Navratan Singh... Sometimes you had meetings out... Your business deal... Meeting and lunch with business partners... And I also search for Ishani But I can't find you too there...
NV - Few years back something had happened to Ishani Karan mama... Her mama and with mami had kidnapping her...
[The one who read Navisha story will know this part...]
NV - She had problems on depression pills that being changed by her mama and mami...
Ishani - I went into depression because my first love cheat and love someone else and leave me for someone else... So mama and mami wants the property on our parents name which on my part only... But they cannot have it...
Karan - Yes they need signature from your sister here and me as you guardian... Where are they now?
NV - In jail...
Karan - Good! Ishani when you were 5 years old I tried to find you... And Vivek mama want to sold you to someone else...
Bebe - Haaye Rabba?
Karan - They want money... And you almost got sold so i bought you to orphanage house and put you there for at least 3 years... Then I come back to take you with us all... But you were gone... Where did you been?
Ishani - Mama and mami back I stay with them... Sometimes with Ruchika when I take degree in doctorates with my two other friends Dr Rahil and Dr Anjali...
Karan - Okay let it be... How is your condition now?
NV - She's getting better...
Gauri - Didi? That's why I feel some attraction with you when I put your head in the car...
Anika - And I can't hate you... Because you were my twins... And if this all didn't happen maybe I won't ever meet Shivaay again... And you meet your husband to Ishani didi...
Ishani - Why did you want to hate me?
Rudra - Anika had a feelings for NV bhaiyya when Ishani didi were in coma...
NV - Hmmm... 😟
Rudra - And makes our bhaiyya hits and punch our bade bhaiyya here...
Ishani - Ratan is this the truth?
NV - Yes... But not important jaan...
I already makes Shivaay understand... And they were together now...
Karan mind - Right now I'm scared if the Malhotra tried to find the old enemies of them this will not end well with all of us...
NV - Karan mama are you okay?
Karan - Yes... Can I talk with both of you Shivaay and Navratan outside...
[Ishani here not the same like Ishani in Sanjivani... She is abit more towards NV and more care about her feelings towards NV same like Navisha book Mr and Mrs Ziddi...]

[A phone call on Shivaay phone and NV phone...]
NV - Who is this?
Shivaay - Who? You also had the same yaar?
NV - Yes...
Man - Hello Mr Navratan Singh!
Man - Hello Mr Shivaay Singh Oberoi!
[Both man speaking the same like bellow...]
Man - Finally! We will meet soon... At Delhi where you are now... I'm coming there soon...
Shivaay - Who are you hah!
NV - Who are you!

*What Karan tried to tell NV and SSO?
*Who was the person that call them?
*2 villain entry on part 19 be prepared to meet them... The games begin...
*The Oberoi family will come to Delhi too...

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