Vishal Comes To Stop Roop Part 47

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The Oberoi Mansion...
[The haldi were arrange in both sides... The bride side there is Anika and Gauri... And the other side is Shivaay and Omkara... They both were happy sees all of the things were set beautifully for them...]
Gauri - Tonight is our haldi... I'm so nervous tomorrow is mehndi and then sangeet... After that is our shaadi (marriage)...
Anika - Haan... I'm also nervous chutki... Hmm...
[Ishani comes there with Pinky, Jhanvi and Dadi...]
Ishani - Why you be nervous Anika and Gauri you both shouldn't be nervous about it... It's your happy day right...
Anika - Haan Ishani badi didi..
Gauri - Didi... Is it normal if us nervous like this?
Dadi - Haan... Obviously Gauri if you both nervous like this... Me too feel the same before when I got married towards my husband you all dada ji...
Pinky - I also nervous when I want to marry with Shakti before...
Jhanvi - It's normal Gauri and Anika... But not just this marriage but something behind it that we hide from everyone...
Pinky - Kaun jithaniji? (Who sister in law?)
Jhanvi - Roop Pinky... Roop!
Anika - Jhanvi aunty and Pinky Aunty... Please on Roop let's just focus on Bhavya plan and Shivaay plan... I'm sure nothing bad gonna happen to us...
Pinky - Anika why did you still call me aunty beti? You still didn't forgive me?
Anika - Woh...
Jhanvi - And Anika me too you call aunty?
Pinky - Anika call me mom like Shivaay always call me...
Jhanvi - And call me badi maa like other not aunty...
Gauri - Didi forget about the past...
Anika - I'm sorry Pinky aun... I'm sorry mom and badi maa... I thought that you both...
Pinky - That's more like it mom...
Jhanvi - We both loves you and accept you sweetheart...
Pinky - Anika once again I wanna say that I'm sorry for everything that I had done before to you and Shivaay...
Anika - Pinky maa... I already forgive you... Don't need to be like this... We all are one family right?
Pinky - Yes... I promise after this I will behave and be a good mother for you Anika...
Jhanvi - And me to you Gauri...
Gauri - Thank you mom...
Anika - Thank you Pinky maa...
[Anika hugs Pinky and Jhanvi hugs Gauri...]
Dadi - May you both always be bless by god and will be given happiness from god...

A dark room...
[A woman takes a gun on her hands... And full load the guns and then she disguised in a long hair woman with mole on her cheeks...]
Roop - I'm ready so tomorrow morning on Shaadi time it will be the last night of Kaliyani, Pinky and Jhanvi! I will kill everyone on my way and most of it the Trivedi sister need to die too on the otherside... After Shivika and Rikara married I will shoot Anika and her sister also her twins sister there too... Their kahani (story) ends so does the Oberoi too! I had keep my hatred feelings to long first with my family then with that bitch that dare to fall for my Vishal... I had to save him and make them away... Then her daughter that my both son falling in love with! No I can't accept that one! Veer and Daksh had to forget the Trivedi sister! None of them will be our family members forever...
[Then Roop laughing evilly there and she steps out and moved towards the OM... And she were going on his way to OM at night...]

[A group of car comes there... Ravi, Radhima and Karan step ls out from the car... Then Vishal, Veer and Daksh walks out from the other car... The Oberoi family steps out and sees them and also the Singh family too...]
NV - What is her doing here! 😡
Ishani - Ratan ji no! 😔
[Ishani hold NV hands... Ravi then comes infront of NV with Karan..]
Ravi - We need their help to catch Roop Navratan beta...
NV - But Ravi mama... They are criminal and most of it Veer had hurt me before and Daksh had tried to shoot Anika and in return Ishani got the bullet!
Ravi - I get it! But please tries to understand it Navratan...
NV - What they can do to help us mama! What if they betrayed us?
Vishal - I promise that my son won't ever done something like that... Navratan beta... You all had misunderstanding about us... About me that Roop had said none of it the truth Navratan and Shivaay...
Karan - Wow! Which one is Shivaay and who is the other guy...
Omkara - This is Shivaay twins brother... Mahi Singh Oberoi...
Rudra - Yes our another Oberoi brother... He didn't comeback often to India... So that's why you did see him here often just twice a year Karan mama and Ravi mama...
Karan - Okay then he knows about Roop?
Ravi - Did he knows what he should do?
Shivaay - I already explained everything Karan and Ravi mama...
Ravi - Good!
Mahi - I know about Roop buaa maa... She tried to kill my Dadi, mom and badi maa...  I can't let she win in this matter...
Ravi - Vishal! Veer and Daksh comes inside... We all will talk about this inside its better...
Vishal - Okay... Veer and Daksh come...
[Daksh comes infront of Anika and Shivaay beside her...]
Daksh - You getting married Anika tomorrow morning?
Anika - Yes Daksh... Please Daksh don't do anything stupid...
Daksh - No! I won't I promise that... Congratulations Shivaay... You get the best woman in your life... Please take a good care of her... I'm sorry Anika for hurting you and my family that had hurt your family had a long time ago... Not just only dad falling in love with the woman before which was your mother, we also his son falling in love with the same person like our dad which is her daughter... The 3 of Trivedi sister... I fall for the twins with bhaiyya...
Shivaay - Thank Daksh... I will take a good care of her she is my happiness and also my life... My heartbeat always had her...
Daksh - I know good!
Anika - Come in Daksh... Thanks for helping us in this...
Daksh - After this our family won't stays in your way anymore Anika... That's is my promise to you...
[Veer approaching Ishani and NV hold Ishani waist...]
Veer - Ishani and Navratan... I wanna apologize and says sorry about all of the things happen to both of you before... Love had blind my eyes... But my feelings for my dad brought me back to myself... For me dad and the whole family of mine is important... He brought me back... I'm sorry once again... I will protect you forever if that is the only way for me to seek forgiveness from you all...
Ishani - Okay Veer... We understand it...
NV - Okay... Hope that after this no more fighting also misunderstanding like this... Hope you will help us to catch your mother Veer...
Veer - I will do and try my best in it...
NV - Good... Come Ishani...
[Veer heart a bit broken and he goes towards Daksh and Vishal at the table with others... Shivaay and Anika haldi begain first... Then 30 minutes later... Omkara and Gauri haldi begain... Everyone happy and then whenthe haldi done... The Mehndi were also begin on that night too...]
Tej - Tonight we start a bit with Sangeet... From the elder Oberoi family... Senior family of Oberoi family with Patel family...
Shakti - Come join us Ravi and Karan...
Ravi - Vishal, Veer and Daksh come...
Vishal - Okay...  Come Veer and Daksh...
Daksh - Yes dad...
Veer - Okay dad...
[The music start and played...]

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