Family Talk Part 34

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Next Morning, Sanjivani Hospital...

Next Morning, Sanjivani Hospital

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Daksh room...
Nurse Tania - Sir this is the form please fill it and make payment at the counter...
Daksh - Okay thank you nurse...
Nurse Tania - Welcome sir...
Daksh - Wait is Dr Anika already here?
Nurse Tania - Yes she is at her room second floor next to Dr Rohit room...
Daksh - Thank you...
[Daksh goes towards her room...]

Daksh - Anika

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Daksh - Anika... Hey...
Anika - Daksh come in...
Daksh - Anika are you free now?
Anika - I... Just a bit... Let me finish this report first then I'm free for at least 30 minutes I'm free...
Daksh - Okay... I wanna bring you to breakfast together at infront of the restaurant...
Anika - Okay... Hmmm... Are you already leaving today?
Daksh - Yes... I will leave after we had breakfast together...
Anika - Okay...
[Then Anika and Daksh walks towards the restaurant she order a pancake and Daksh order some chicken sandwiches and fries..]
Daksh - Anika can I know that how long you being a doctors?
Anika - Hmmm... A few montgs back I just graduated from my college and I just barely begain as a doctor and in this point my sister helping me alots in this Daksh... And can I asked you something..
Daksh - Yes sure...
Anika - I saw your brother Veer seems like you both were working on something... What work did you do?
Daksh - I'm a businessman Anika...
Anika - Ohh... Same like your brother too...
Daksh - Yes...
Anika - What company did you...
Daksh - Malhotra... My dad company... I'm the third own the second one is my brother Veer...
Anika - Malhotra? Your father name?
Daksh - The famous one in India and Asia now... Vishal Malhotra...
Anika mind - Oh god! He is Vishal second son and Veer is Vishal first born son... What should I do... Hmmm... Relax Anika pretending that you were don't know them...
Anika - Wow... Nice... Your father is a very successful businessman and also person and I'm glad to know that his second son is also gonna follow his father step too and be a successful businessman too...
Daksh - Anika please... I just a normal human being nothing so special about me and also different about me and other man out there...
Anika - Daksh what is your mother name?
Daksh - Mom... My mom name is Roop... Roop Singh Oberoi Malhotra...
Anika mind - Indeed he is the one... He is Vishal Malhotra son that Shivaay told me... Karan mama had told all of us to stay away from them... I had to make an excuse after this if he wants to meet me again...
Anika - Our food is here let's eat... I'm so hungry...
Daksh - Yes... Me too... Anika did you had special someone in your life?
Anika mind - What I'm supposed to do... I can't tell him who I am... And especially about Shivaay... I don't want their whole family life in danger... Also to my twins sister Ishani... Navratan just got her wife back he can't lose her again... They all are to dangerous now...
Daksh - Hello... Anika... Hello?
Anika - Oh yeah what did you asked Daksh...
Daksh - I didn't mean to know about your personal life but... I just want to know is there is someone special in your life Anika? I mean like boyfriend or life partner?
Anika - Hah! I was just graduated and focusing on my job here Daksh as a doctor... So I don't had time to think about partner and marriage... For me work is the first things that you should focus...
Daksh - Good you are a hardworker...
Anika - Yes indeed I am... I want to help people Daksh... Look if you got an opportunity like me would you help people or just only think about yourself and your future on it...
Daksh - I never thought about that Anika because all of this moment my life only being handled by my family...
Anika - Daksh... You should think on that too... A businessman like you not just can only makes profits but also helping others people who needs our helped in their daily life...
Daksh - Yeah... You right! I will try to think about that...
[After breakfast Anika leaves from there when he sent Daksh to his car... Inside her heart she feels scared and afraid of him.. She finish her work only half day and went to OM and search for Gauri... And Gauri were at the main hall when she back to OM...]
Anika - Gauri! Gauri.....
Gauri - Yes didi what happened why you panic like this?

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