Karan, Ravi and Radhima Escaped Part 32

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Midnight at Canada...

[Karan hand strangel and then his hand off from the rope

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[Karan hand strangel and then his hand off from the rope...]
Karan - Arrh my hands were off... Finally I can get off from here...
Ravi - Nice open my rope Karan... And takes the knife there near the window... I had saw it there a long time ago...
Karan - Okay bhaiyya... Listen... When we succeed get out from here we straight to the hotel... I will book tickets for 3 to India tomorrow morning... And then we all off ti Mumbai...
Ravi - Okay... Jaan... Radhima jaan...
Radhima - Hmmm... My son... My son...
Karan - Bhabhi we need to get out and you and bhabhi need some treatment...
Ravi - Okay Karan...
Karan - Bhaiyya hurry... Follow me...
Ravi - I think you should tight Radhima on my back Karan... I will hold her if not tight her infront of me like this...
Karan - Are you sure bhaiyya?
Ravi - Yes hurry!
Karan - Okay... Now done... Are you both ready we need to get out from here..  My detective must be waiting out from this Vishal secret mansion...
Ravi - Are you sure?
Karan - Yes because I know him bhaiyya hurry... He had been working with me for a very long time...
[A few minutes later they both manage to hide and run away from the cottage and also from the CCTV camera around the place... Then they reach at the exit part and success run towards a car which his detective are in the car...]
Det. - Sir? Are you all fine?
Karan - Yes hurry we need to reach hotel and takes my stuff there... And we need to go to airport now...
Det. - Okay sir...
Ravi - Airports? But our tickets is tomorrow morning right?
Karan - Yes but we can't stay at one place in same time like that...
Ravi - Okay understand...
[Back to Sanjivani Hospital...]

Sanjivani Hospital...

[NV and Shivaay arrives there

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[NV and Shivaay arrives there... Nurse Anita and Nusre Philo come and greet them...]
Nurse - Good Evening sir...
Nurse Philo - Good Evening NV sir and Shivaay sir...
NV - Evening... Where is Ishani Philo maam?
Shivaay - And Anika?
Nurse Philo - Hmmm... I don't know sir because after lunch hour they both were here then a couple come and take them away...
NV - Couple who?
Shivaay - Omkara and Gauri? Is this the person...
[Shivaay shows Gauri and Omkara picture together...]
Nurse Philo - Yes...
Shivaay - They must be at hone now... I better get going now Nav see you tomorrow at OM...
NV - Okay... I wanna go and get my file in the room... See you there soon...
Shivaay - Okay...

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