Veer Hurt Ishani Part 39

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Backyard of Harsh Mansion...

Veer - Thank you mom for doing this

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Veer - Thank you mom for doing this...
Roop - Come let's we all go from here...
Ishani - Leave me!
Anika - Let me go!
Vishal - Shut up both of you! Why did you come here! Why you didn't tell them the whole truth story why you did all of this and both of you... Why did you bring and kidnapped Ishani and Anika here! I was about to push her when I succeeded run outside! I wanna leave her there! You all makes me bring her here!  And you Veer why did you shoot her husband!
Veer - Because I love her dad!
Ishani - But I don't! I only love Navratan Singh! He is my husband and will always ve my husband forever!
Daksh - I also love Anika dad!
Anika - But I don't love you Daksh!
[Then Veer and Daksh goes towards Ishani and Anika, they put a napkin that had chloroform on it and put it on their nose...]
Vishal - Veer! Daksh stop it!
Roop - I won't accept them Veer!  And Daksh! I won't!
Veer - Then I will turn and be more evil then you Dad and Mom!
Daksh - I will go more extreme to get her dad no matter what it takes...
[Veer carried Ishani and Daksh carried Anika  towards their car... Vishal and Roop chase the vehicle...]
Vishal - Oh god! 😡 Veer!!! Daksh! Wait!
Roop - Veer! Daksh!
Vishal - Everything happens because of you!
Roop - Vishal I done this because I love you... Please listen and trust me...
Vishal - That trust and believe you had lost a long time ago! When I know you were the one that makes Vasundhara and Harsh neet right when I was away from her! I trust you Roop! But you so selfish and thinking about yourself and now Veer and Daksh also like you!
Roop - How did you know about this?
Vishal - I know it after you cover your lies on me remember about Daksh that you hide from Veer and tried to hide from me too right? Daksh is not my child right!
Roop - I'm sorry Vishal... He was the one that wants me to sleep with him to hide your underworld work! So I did it because of you...
Vishal - On that time 2 lies that you hide explode infront of my eyes! The truth about Vasundhara marriage with Harsh was your plan and also the birth of my other son, Daksh that you hide for 3 years from me!
Roop - I'm sorry Vishal! I'm really sorry...
Vishal - Leave me! You had steal my Vasundhara life! You killed her and then if Daksh knows about this truth do you think he will accept it hah! He is the illegitimate son of yours!
Roop - Please Vishal don't tell him...
Vishal - Hmmm! Let me go! I will surrender myself after trying to stop Veer and Daksh after this I will be free from you forever!
Roop - Vishal no! Vishal!
[Vishal leave from there...]

At Hospital...
[A stretcher bring NV to OT room and done a small operation on taking out the bullet from his shoulder and his legs... Bebe and Dadi also Pinky and Jhanvi comes to the City hospital...]
Pinky - Where is Anika?
Bebe - Where Ishani?
[Everyone silents Shivaay and Khanna outside he didn't enter the ward yet..]
Jhanvi - Can anyone tell us where are they...
Omkara - They took them!
Pinky - Who?
Rudra - Veer and Daksh,  Vishal and Roop child!
Pinky - What!
Bebe - Oh no! And where is Ratan?
Omkara - Inside Bebe at the OT room...
Bebe - What happened to him?
Rudra - Veer punch 👊 and  shot him at shoulder and legs... And they took Ishani away from the house we searching for them... Bhavya and her team were still around the area trying her best to bring Anika and Ishani back...
Pinky - Where is Shivaay?
Omkara - Outside with Khanna...
[After done the operation on NV shoulder and legs... NV then fall asleep and bring him to his room... Shivaay and Khanna walks inside...]
Shivaay - How is Nav?
Omkara - At his room just now...
Shivaay - Okay...
Omkara - Any news Shivaay?
Shivaay - No but Khanna will find out in 2 hour later he will give me the news about Ishani and Anika... Where is Gauri?
Omkara - With mom and dad at cafe... Also your father and mother is there too with Dadi...
Shivaay - Okay... Bebe? Karan and Ravi mama? Rudra?
Omkara - At Navratan room... Waiting for him to awake... Rudra just gone to cafe...
Shivaay - Okay I will go inside...
Omkara - Okay let me come with you...
Shivaay - Come...

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