Daksh Mind Trick On Anika Part 40

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Veer Secret House...

[Ishani on one room at the house

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[Ishani on one room at the house... She slowly open her eyes after 7 to 8 hours later... And she shock see everything in the room... All of her picture then NV photos were on the floor... And she tried to grab the photos and she couldn't moves... Her hands were tied on the bed...]
Ishani - No! How did this happen? Where am I now? What happened to Ratan? He being shot right! I had to get out from here! I need to meet Ratan! How to get off from this cuffs... I need to see Ratan how is he now... He must be fine, I don't want anything happened to him god please protect Ratan ji always with Bebe and Bittoo didi...
[Then the door were chiming keys from outside and then a man comes in with food on his hands... A pav bhaji and bada pav on his hands... The man is Veet and Ishani see clearly his face...]
Ishani - Veer!
Veer - Yes sweetheart... Come let's eat... I will feed you... Because your had were tight like that... So I will feed you okay...
Ishani - Let me go Veer! I need to meet Ratan please he must be worried about me and I want to know his condition...
Veer - Hussh! No other man name here right infront of us okay... Just Veer your beloved Veer here...
Ishani - Veer please I'm not joking with all of your tricks like this... Please leave me... I need to meet him... He is my husband! Please Veer! Please!!! Navratan is hurt please...
Veer - Shut up!  Fuhh... 😠
[Ishani shock... 😮😨😲]
Veer - Now eat...
[Veer put a mosel of the pav bhaji and feed towards Ishani... Ishani takes it and eat it... She's crying in her heart and her heart calling NV name repeatedly... NV heart also feels the same as Ishani...]
Veer - Look if you behave nice like this I will feed you like this... Then I will asked a servant to clean your body and wipe your body here.. Don't worry the maid is a woman not man... Good girl! Now another food here is bada pav... Eat it slowly jaanemann... We will talk and says everything after you finish eating... Look I don't want anyone to talk during eating time... Okay? We will tall after this okay honey?
[Ishani just nodded her head... And Veer smile towards her...]
Veer - Very good girl!
Ishani - Paani... Hmmm...
Veer - Sorry... Here... Drink slowly jaanemann...
Ishani mind - Veer mind completely crazy and mad... What I'm supposed to do! How to get out from here? I need to see NV and everyone else too... Anika and Gauri how are they too... God please help me... Help me to get out from here... Please god...
Veer - I will put this outside okay... Wait then we will had a nice talking and quality time together okay jaanemann? Wait okay...
[Veer goes out and Ishani were struggling to let her hands off from the cuffs on the bed..]
Ishani - Anyone there please help me! Help! Help! Koi hai (Someone!) Help me! Ratan ji!
[A bit far from there NV heard Ishani screaming voice...]
NV - Ishani... I'm coming Ishani...
[Veer come inside in angry mood... And he sees her screaming and shouting for help... He goes towards her and pull her hair and slap her face twice...]
Ishani - Arrh! 😖
[Ishani lips bleeding...]
Veer - Why did you scream his name hah! You are mine Ishani! Only mine!
Ishani - Kabhi nahi! (Never will be!) I didn't love you Veer! I hate you!
Veer - Hate hah! Then I hate you too! Seeing you being with that Navratan Singh! You are my one and only dream queen Ishani... I truly and really love you!
Ishani - But I don't love you Veer! I'm a married woman... I had a husband and he is my husband, Navratan Singh is my one and only husband... The one that I love more then everything...
Veer - Hearing his name from you makes me more angry Ishani... It's okay... If you don't get we will heard his death on news soon... Then you will be mine Ishani... Mine forever...
Ishani - No! My Navratan Singh will be alive because when he gone I won't also exist on this earth! He is my heartbeat and my life!
Veer - He won't because I will be your life Ishani... I am the one that loved you more then everything...
Ishani - No!
[Then Veer goes out from the room... And Ishani crying and she feels scared in her heart...]

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