Chapter 28

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"YOU LET KORREN GO WHERE!!!" Asami shouted as she slammed her hands on the table in frustration. she looked deeply into the old water benders eyes "Asami don't you think your being a bit over active, he is the Avatar" Katara was now very concerned as to why Asami was acting this way "Well a similar thing happened about 13 years ago i remember....MY WIFE! decided to go do whatever the fuck she did and not tell me and now shes dead and now my own son is going down the same path! what the spirits is wrong with you water benders just fucking LISTEN!" Asami shouted as she breathed heavily through her nose as steam forced its way out her body. 

Katara walked over to the fire bender and rubbed circles on her back causing Asami's eyes to widen "d-don't do that" She mumbled as memories of Korra came running back "Asami you must understand Korren is much stronger than Korra in many ways it would take a lot to harm him" Katara continued to rub Asami's back before she fell to her knees "W-who is this person he is going for?" Katara smiled at her question "did you know with the right spiritual energy you can pull someone out of there spiritual sleep?....i believe Korren will be the one to change this world for the better".

Avatar Korra's memorial park

the 4 teens stood outside the glowing yellow portal not saying nor moving, " we have to go in their" The group giggled at Teko being so scared "its not that bad come on" The group walked into the portal as glowing lights flickered before them, they were all in amazement until.

Dark, it was all unkept the grass was now gone and the spirits glowed a dark and evil colour "w-what the-" Senga said as she looked around. Korren couldn't believe his eyes, his chest began to hurt, but he didn't know why "Korren...a-are you okay?" Zaka asked but the avatar could not hear her. Korren's vision got more and more blury 

"Our vacation"

"our love"

"is destroyed"

those were the words repeated in his mind "Korren breath! Korren!" Korren decided to follow the instructions, soon enough his vision go better he stood at his full height "are you okay?" the group asked as they surrounded him. The water tribe boy thought for a moment before answering "i'm fine" the group eased up a bit and carried on walking. 

the more they walked the more amazed they were at the sight of the spirit world. "are you sure your okay?" Zaka asked as she walked beside Korren. "um...yeah i was just really shocked...this looks horrible"

"i know, but listen about what i said earlier i di-"

"Hey um guys stop flirting for a moment i think one of the spirits see us"Teko said as he pointed to an angry spirit staring right at them . "Didn't you use that avatar power of yours to hide us!" Senga shouted as she threw a gush of air at the spirit but it passed right through "NO! i forgot" Korren shouted he was npw throwing every rock he could find at the spirit but it went right throuhg. 

the spirt found its way to Senga and Teko and threw them of balance against the floor "Ah!" they both shouted out in pain 

Korren looked at his two friends and back at the spirit "spirit what is it you want from us?" Korren asked "i won't harm you" 

"DEATHHH!!" the spirit shouted as it made its way to Korren but Zaka stepped right in front of him betting hit. the spirit threw the fire bender on the rocks and kept hitting hr "AHHH!" she shouted as a gush of blood rushed from her mouth.

"ZAKA!" Korren shouted as he tried to run towards her but felt the same pain again 

"l-let her g-o" he mumbled as his eyes began to glow, the spirit turned to Korren and ran straight towards him but was pushed back by the powerful wind throwing the spirit on the floor "Don't ever touch HER!" Korren shouted as both his eyes were now glowing he looked at the spirit and felt the spiritual energy glowing from around the dark spirit. he moved his arms around as he began to remove the spiritual energy from the now dying spirit "Korren NO!" Zaka shouted as ran up to the Avatar and tugged his foot pulling him down "Calm down"

"d-do not hurt her!" Korren kept shouting as the light in his eyes glowed brighter by the second 

"Korren its okay i am fine" Zaka said hugging Korren. Soon enough the spirit had fled and Korren calmed down until he collapsed in her arms.

Zaka looked back at Teko and Senga who had walked towards the two. "Will he be okay?" Teko asked. the fire bender looked at Korren and saw he was still breathing "yeah he will be fine but..."

"yeah but he's insane"

"Senga! don't say that about him" Teko said softly punching the air bender 

"No i am being serious he isn't stable enough to go on this mission we have to go back home"Senga explained. Teko couldn't believe that she had lost hope in their friend already 

"No Senag come know how important this mission is to him even if he isn't in the right state of mind at the moment what could you expect the boy has been through hell so the least we could do is be there for him" Teko said as he grabbed Senga's arm stopping her from leaving but what the two didn't realize was that Zaka had Korren on her back as she headed the opposite direction "if you guys want to leave go ahead, i'll go on with him" Zaka turned her head and began to walk before she felt a soft tap on her sholder "Well i can't leave you with him, you too might end up kissing" Teko said as he made kissing noises " exactly like my cousin"

Senga watched the three walk away before feeling extremal guilty "why me....nobody ever listens to me" Senga mumbled as she followed them "Hey wait up for me!".

sorry its posted kinda late i had a lot of things to do BTW if you didn't know the reading for part two of turf wars is today!!!! yay thank Ravaa

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