5. Calcinator

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  Kylo Ren stormed towards Hux his office and knocked on the door with quite the amount of violence.
  The door opened and a tired, yet irritated looking Hux was visible. "Ren."
  Kylo pushed the General aside and implied his presence into the office. "Since when does a galaxy-conquering organisation give important documents to non-officers? And how can it be that the amount of them is decreasing?" he asked frustrated. "I thought it was your job to keep things in line, or do I need interfere? Snoke won't be pleased if this reaches him."
  Hux pinched the bridge of his nose. "There are insufficient officers because a certain Commander either kills them or scares them away."
  Kylo snorted. (Where is my lightsaber when I need it...)
  Hux started to diplomatically urge the Force wielder towards the door. "If you now excuse me, I'm ought to attend an important meeting. (With my couch.) Moreover, a little bird just reminded me radar technicians aren't allowed in the offices of Generals." Hux smirked before shutting the door in front of the as radar technician disguised Ren's face.

(Y/n) POV
  It it had been four hours since I started filling in the huge amount of documents. I had to admit that I felt pity for the General. I was already tired because of filling in this amount of paperwork, but this was just the tip of the iceberg of Hux's daily routine.
  After I was finally done, I took the pile of documents and brought them to Hux's office. Unfortunately, knocking on the door had no result.
  Instead the door opened on its own and there was no one to greet me, that's new.
  When I stepped inside I saw Hux, lying on his couch, asleep.
  I walked towards his desk as quiet as I could possibly be and placed the documents on it. I accidentally hit the lamp on his desk, but caught it right before it hit the floor.
  When I peeked to the side, Hux was still asleep. He looked at peace.
I sneaked out of his office and pushed the button to close the door. "Pfuh, close call."
  What I didn't know was that Hux had seen everything.

  It was lunch time, so I entered the canteen and took my tray of food. I looked around for a place to sit.
  Matt appeared busy, talking to a stormtrooper and a Lieutenant Colonel.
  I decided to sit next to Matt, he didn't notice me, he was too focused on his conversation. "Do you guys like working here?"
  The lieutenant answered, "well you know, work is work."
  "Yeah totally."
  To be honest, this conversation sounded more like some kind of interrogation.
  "What do you guys think of Kylo Ren? Do you guys believe when he says that he's going to finish what Darth Vader started?" The radar technician went on.
  I was very confused by Matt's questions, but opted to just listen.
  "What exactly has he started?" asked the stormtrooper.
  The Lieutenant was more, ahem, optimistic. "Ya know, I will say this for Kylo, I think he gets a bad rep. He's trying to accomplish something that is never done in the history of the galaxy. Ya know, rule everything? That's impressive. I admire the guy."
  Matt seemed relieved or something. "Yes. Exactly, exactly!" He exclaimed dedicatedly.
  I had to admit that I normally didn't really pay attention to someone else's conversation, but if they were always like this, then I think I don't fully regret that.
  My lunchtime was over and Matt still hadn't payed any attention to me.
Well, I guess I'll just speak to him later. I stood up and placed my tray on the counter.

  My next mission for the day was inspecting the new technicians and their mentors.
  I had already inspected the first two, everything went like the book.
  They understood their jobs and barely needed their mentor, I was very pleased.
  The next one on the list to visit was mentor Karen and her pupil. Karen was infamous for her... lack of patience.
  I already heard her loud voice as I neared them. "Okay, it's real easy. Just rewire the calcinator."
  It didn't take long to recognise the radar technician with his goofy, orange technician outfit.
  He sat on his knees, working with some cables in the opened wall. "So... remove this..."
  From my place behind Matt I could already see he was doing it wrong.
  Of course Karen couldn't let him make any mistakes. "Does that look like the calcinator? What's wrong with you, why is it so hard for you to understand?!" Her shrill voice was sensible in all the corners of one's nervous system.
  I noticed that Matt was getting frustrated and Karen almost struck a nerve with him.
  "I don't know, but can you please stop yelling at me. You're starting to stress me out."
  Instead, Karen only got closer to him. "Okay, can we now rewire it please? So I can go have my muffin. I haven't got my muffin yet, Matt."
  Line officially crossed, this isn't helping Matt.
  I stepped in and interfered.
"That's enough Karen. I'll take it from here."
  Karen moved back. "THANK. YOU. At last, I can go have my muffin." Karen walked away.
  "Finally, this sucks," Matt mumbled.
  "I'll help you, Matt. Keep calm and breathe." I tried to soothe him.
  It seemed like Matt had some kind of anger problem, even though he attempted to hide it, it was undeniable.
  I kneeled next to him. "Do you know what the calcinator looks like?"
  Matt shook his head, slightly let down, "no, I don't."
  I took his hand and placed it on the calcinator. "This is the calcinator." I slowly retracted my hand as soon as I felt him gaze at me.
  Matt looked straight into my eyes, i couldn't help but stare at his.
  Matt had a magnificent pair of chocolate hued eyes hidden behind his glasses, they were inviting and warm and-.
  After a while I pulled myself together again, kinda.
  "Ehm... take this." I handed Matt a tool.
  "Now you need to rewire it. First you remove these..." I took a spare tool and removed one of the wires. "Your turn."
  Matt took his pincer and removed the remaining wires.
  "Good job. The next thing you need to do is rewire it. You take one of these new wires and plug them in. After you plug it in, you need to weld it. Like this."
  I took a new wire out of the supply box and plugged it in the now empty outlet. Then I took the soldering iron and weld them together.
  "Try not to accidentally weld the outlet itself. Understand?"
  Matt pouted his lips resolutely. "I think I do." He took a wire and plugged it in, then he took the soldering iron.
  His hand slightly trembled.
  "Keep your hand steady. Here, let me help you." I placed my hand gently on his and aided him to keep his hand firm. "That makes it a lot easier, doesn't it?"
  Matt turned his head to me. "Yes it does."
The smell of hot metal and burnt rubber found its way into my nostrils.
  Matt quickly turned back to his work and noticed that he had accidentally burned the new plugged wire with his soldering iron.
  Then, out of blue, the smell was gone, disappeared in thin air. And miraculously, the wire was no longer aflame. Like magic.
  My forehead wrinkled. "how did you do that?"
  Matt smiled innocently, a toothy grin. "Do what?"
  Shaking my head, I got up. Newbies these days.
  "Do you think you can finish it on your own? I need to check on the other pupils and their mentors."
  Matt carefully placed the soldering iron in its holder and stood up as well. "Thank you for helping me (Y/n). I appreciate it."
He held out his hand for me to take.
  "No problem, that's where friends are for, right?"
  Matt rubbed the back of his head. "Yes, indeed."
  Having almost left, I remembered something. "Oh and Matt, how do I know where we are going to meet up?"
  Matt smiled, I couldn't quite place it. "You'll know it when you need to."

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