Chapter 6

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I woke up to Yura yelling for me. "Iris! We have company!" I groaned as I looked over at my clock.


I usually sleep much later but I guess I do need to get up and see who this 'company' is. I climb out of bed and quickly changed into some cargo pants and a tank top making sure to be extra wary of my shoulder. I walked out of my room and peaked around the edge of the hall to see if I could catch a glimpse of our visitor.

"Good morning my dear. Your friend Yura explained everything to me." She spoke with a smile and patted the recliner for me to sit.

"Recovery Girl! It's so good to see you. Have you seen Mirio yet?" I asked as I took a seat where she instructed.

"Not yet. That's my next stop. Now, let's take a look at these injuries of yours." She gently inspected my stitches and then unwrapped my shoulder to get a better look at the sutured wound. "You sure got a nasty one didn't you?"

I only nodded as she continued her inspection. Yura sat across from me on the edge of the table.

"If there's anything you need Recovery Girl, just let me know. I'm afraid I chose to take an early shift this morning at work because I have plan for us to go out this evening together. I'll catch you later this evening Iris." She grabbed her keys as she walked past me and I turned her direction.

"Wait, this evening? How late this evening?"

She waved at me as if to tell me it wasn't a big deal.

"You can go one night without seeing him. It won't kill you." She said with a smile on her face closing the front door behind her. I turned back toward Recovery Girl with a pout. She chuckled.

"Sounds like you have a boy your interested in." I blushed a little.

"W-well, I'd be lying if I said he wasn't growing on me. He's quite.. charming. He can be a bit annoying too but at the end of the night I just.. I still like him. I don't know. It's still early. We are mostly friends. I'm not getting my hopes up."

She opened up her little bag that was with her and took out a couple of small medical tools. I eyed them suspiciously. "You going to dissect me?"

She laughed with mirth as she saw my reaction. "No child. However, once I heal you, I will need to remove the sutures. I'll then heal you again to close those openings." She paused for a moment before continuing. "You may still have a scar. I won't know until I heal you. It's different with each individual."

I nodded fully understanding. She gave me one of her trademark smooches as everything healed up. I didn't see a scar on my shoulder but I wasn't able to see if the one on my head did but she wasted no time letting me know.

"No scars dear. I'll proceed to remove the sutures now."

I sighed in relief. I don't think I would've cared about the scars much, but I'm sure they would've been harder to cover up, especially the one on my shoulder.

After a few more snips, she gave me another smooch and all was healed. "You're good as new deary. I'm glad nothing scarred." I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Thank you so much Recovery Girl. When you see Mirio, tell him hello for me please."

She nodded as she sanitized and put away her tools. I walked with her to the door and she left. I looked around the now empty apartment. "I guess I can now do some much needed cleaning." I got to work.

I spent several hours dusting, sweeping, and cleaning everything as well as my room. I figured once I finished, I could do some more reading until Yura got home from her job. I'm just glad she's allowing me to stay here rent free for now.

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