Chapter 31

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Upon reaching the hospital, Keigo left me alone with a bunch of doctor's and nurses while he waited outside the room. I would've allowed him in obviously, but they made a comment about 'thoroughly checking me over' and 'needing room to work.' I don't even know how long they took honestly. When it came to my more obvious injuries, they were gentle. I already knew my back would more than likely scar, even when they told me it would.

They said I had lost some weight since I was last there too, maybe about ten pounds. After x-ray's and an ultrasound they discovered I had internal injuries as well. They luckily said it was mostly bruising. By the time they finished with all their poking and prodding and tests, they put me into an official room. I had finally relaxed enough that I thought I could get some rest until a knock at the door caught my attention.

"Hey chicky... How are you feeling?" Keigo asked as he gently shut the door behind him and made his way to the chair next to my hospital bed.

"Glad to be somewhere away from the torture, cold, and lack of care.. Have you heard anything about the others yet? I'm been really stressed out worrying about them." I sat up in the bed, adjusting it to a seated position.

"Not at the moment. Right now I'm more concerned about you. I've been so worried about you." He plopped into the chair, gently taking my hand.

"I'm alright. It could've been so much worse. I'm sorry for getting upset with you and ditching.." If I hadn't lost my temper over something so petty, I doubt I would've put Keigo and others in this situation and I wouldn't have been injured.

He replied with a thick voice. "Please don't apologize to me... I shouldn't have been the way I was! I'm so stupid for getting angry at you the way I did!"

I looked down at the covers remembering back to the argument. "Still.. I was being petty.. I guess we are both at fault.."

"Let's just give each other a clean slate and move on from it. I'm sorry I was so overbearing. I promise I won't be in the future." He said as he gave my hand a light squeeze.

"I promise to listen more. You're the Pro Hero after all. So on another note, I'm guessing the nurse informed you of all my injuries..?"

I glanced up at him and I saw his brow furrow but his features quickly softened.

"She did.. What can I do to make you feel better?"

I thought about it for a moment, giving a shrug. "I'm not really in pain or anything. I just.. can't wear certain things anymore for one. I just.. I don't know.. I was worried you weren't coming or going to get me out of there.."

He rubbed his eyes a bit, out of exhaustion or lack of sleep, I'm not sure the reason.
"I can't imagine how awful that would have felt... Chicky, I was doing everything I could to find you. The moment you stepped out that door, I knew I had made a mistake... and when Cloak couldn't find you..."

He sighed in frustration as he ran a hand messily through his hair. "This never should have happened..."

"I'm okay Keigo. Please don't get upset." I reached out to him in an attempt to comfort him.

"I'm sorry...! I just can't help but blame myself for all of this! I never wanted to hurt you and I promised I would look after you!" He sounded really upset.

"I'm the one who ran off.." I shifted to get out of bed so I could hold him or hug him. I hate that I've made him fell this way over my stupid decisions. "I don't blame you.."

When he noticed my movement he panicked slightly. "Oh baby, don't get out of bed! Stay. Rest. Are you hungry? Thirsty? I can get you something."

"No I.. You're so far away.." I stayed at the edge of the bed after his reaction, letting my legs dangle off the side."

He scooted his chair a bit closer to the bed. "Better?"

"No..Why are you being so distant..? I asked him."

I'm sure he may get upset, but I'm not letting him push me away.

I slowly slid off the bed and gently sat in him lap instead. He didn't move or place a hand of me.

"Because I'm afraid to hurt you further... You're pretty injured." He looked up at my face.

"Keigo, You wouldn't whip my back with chains, burn me, beat me, threaten me.. You'd never hurt me.." I said gently as I placed a kiss on his cheek.

He inhaled and shuddered. "Hearing you say it so... so easily... I just..." He gently rested his head on my shoulder. "...I couldn't ever think to do that to someone... Let alone the person I... love."

I was in the process of placing one of his hands around my waist when I heard him say this and I froze. "You.. love me? Like.. really love me? I mean, I know people say it all the time but.. you really mean it?"

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